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359 lines (267 loc) · 15.6 KB

File metadata and controls

359 lines (267 loc) · 15.6 KB


  • uv publish stdlib to - [x] pypi-test - [ ] pypi

  • Test v1.23.0 stubs with new stdib ( avoid regressions ) - [x] do the same for v1.24.1 stubs - [?] If needed publish update to v1.23.0 stubs to only allow stdlib v1.23.x

  • some decorators are added multiple times - need to check for existing decorator

  • docstubs : should automagically --enrich the docstubs on v1.24.1 and newer ( + CI)

    • publish stubber
  • __call__ needs addational overloads in machine and pyb modules

  • stdlib/ should allow configuration of version

  • stdlib/ should use same config as stubber

    • uses config / pyproject.toml
    • uses merge_config
  • Update install example in stubs readme for v1.24.*

  • Update the documentation for this. - MyPy change - how to install

  • release notes

    • important new features - type hinting for parameters and return values, building on hlovatts work - improved support for stdlib ( initially benefiting pyright & pylance, mypy will follow ) - resolved most errors with asyncio - addedd _mpy_shed module to share complex types used between modules - added reference stubs to simplify updates and additions by the community as the vast majority of udates can be done simply by editing the reference stubs. - Currently the docstrings are still sourced from the MicroPython library, - Modules , methods and classes that are undocumented in the MicroPython library can be documented in the reference stubs
      - For this the merge process implemented in micropython-stubber has been improved to allow for more complex merges and to allow for more control over the merge process
    • known issues ( based on typ-ignores in QA tests )
    • How to contribute ( to reference-stubs )

Longer term things to fix


  • d = OrderedDict([("z", 1), ("a", 2)]) Argument of type "list[tuple[str, int]]" cannot be assigned to parameter "map" of type "Mapping[_KT@OrderedDict, _VT@OrderedDict]" in function "init"   "list[tuple[str, int]]" is not assignable to "Mapping[_KT@OrderedDict, _VT@OrderedDict]"


  • allow overriding stdlib Josverl/micropython-stubs#781
    • needs extras optional install to avaoid regressions
    • preferably configurable via a config file rather than cmdline param

Reference stubs

  • create docpages for reference stubs (using AutoDoc201 approach )


  • network : should proably not add

    • from .WLANWiPy import *
    • from .WIZNET5K import *
  • avoid using @overloads to push methods to classes that do not have the method, change to @_required / @_merge

  • Add @mpy_port('port', 'board') decorator to indicate the port the class / functions is for

  • imports : copy trailing comments "# type: ignore "

  • copy FOO_BAR = const(0) from source to dest

  • copy FOO_BAR:Final = something from source to dest


  • fix duplication of os module in os and stdlib/os - Keep stdlib version

  • fix duplication of ssl module in ssl and stdlib/ssl ( also for tls) ( ? not sure if this should be in stdlib - not on all ports)

  • _TimeTuple has different formats/lengths on different platforms ( esp32 ) - allow both 8 and 9-tuples and just aplin tuple - add docstring to timetuple , refer to existing docpage

Frozen modules

  • optimize the creation of stubs for the frozen modules. This is taken really long , and the same files are being processed multiple times as they are used for eavery board. this should be cached and only processed once.

stubber enrich

-[x] enrich cmdline : change to source and destination

  • enrich : File comments are dupllicated within the same file
    • likely cause : merge same commont from multiple source

-[x] enrich : TypeAlias are copied in multiple times `

  • likely cause : merge same typealias from multiple source files

-[x] enrich : _rp2.submodules recieve too many imports that cannot be resolved

  • during import - do not enhance the "u-module" stubs as this creates a tangle of incorrect imports

    • there is already a list of u-modules in the stubber, so they should be simple to skip
  • improve copy imports during enrich

    • do not copy imports from umodules to non-umodules
    • do not copy from foo import * to module foo

merge targets

  • rewrite logic for determining source --> target selection
    • reduce the number of candidates
    • avoid merging from umodule to module
    • avoid merging from __mpy_shed
    • avoid merging from pyb.__init to pyb.Accell

stubber merge

  • Docstring is added multiple times s from multiple source files.

    • likely cause : merge same docstring from multiple source files
  • @overload decorator ends up only a single time in merged Stub ?

  • push @overloaded functions to modules that do not have the function

  • push @overload methods to modules that do not have the method

  • push @overload methods to modules that do not have the containing class

  • remove the special case code to ensure is in machine.Pin and pyb.Pin replaced bij @overloads in reference stubs


  • _rp2.* [x] fix from foo import bas as bar [x] remove duplicate comments in _rp2 files. [x] remove duplicated docstrings [x] remove rp2.irq module ( not needed, _IRQ provided from _mpy_shed )

    [x] for now revert to exposing just the 'rp2' module and hide the implementation details of _rp2


  • deque : deque is not a generic class.

  • publish mpy_shed to pypi ( or add to micropython-stdlib-stubs ) > d:\mypython\micropython-stubber\repos\micropython-stubs\stubs\micropython-v1_24_1-docstubs_mpy_shed\collections_init.pyi:327:35 - error: Expected no type arguments for class "deque" (reportInvalidTypeArguments)

    fix: class deque(MutableSequence[_T]):
      ![Inconsistent __call__ definitions](image.png)

rp2 / _rp2 documentation

  • duplicate imports in _rp2 files. WORAROUND - remove _rp2 from stubs
  • remove rp2.irq module ( not needed, _IRQ provided from _mpy_shed )


  • class NeoPixel: - indexing Josverl/micropython-stubs#764

     ERROR "tests/quality_tests/check_rp2/"(10,0): "__setitem__" method not defined on type "NeoPixel"
     ERROR "tests/quality_tests/check_rp2/"(12,10): "__getitem__" method not defined on type "NeoPixel"


  • vfs.class AbstractBlockDev(ABC, _BlockDeviceProtocol): AbstractBlockDev does not exist in the firmware-stubs , so is not merged into the merged stubs.


  • remove the from from stdlib.xx import * from

  • remove the from from stdlib.xx import * reference-stubs

  • fix duplication of sys module in sy and stdlib/sys = keep stdlib version

  • fix type stubs asyncio.StreamReader

  • Update all stdlib modules from new docstubs - Add to current test/update script

  • find a way to install local stdlib during testing - [x] converted stdlib packaging to uv & hathling - [x] updated the script tofor the above - [x] install local stdlib during testing together with the local stub package


  • stdib - io
  • IOBase changed to IOBase_mp
  • class StringIO(IOBase): --> 143:15 - error: Argument to class must be a base class


    d:\mypython\micropython-stubber\repos\micropython-stubs\stubs\micropython-v1_24_1-esp32-ESP32_GENERIC-merged\time.pyi:43:18 - warning: Import symbol "mktime" has type "(time_tuple: _TimeTuple | struct_time, /) -> float", which is not assignable to declared type "(local_time: _TimeTuple, /) -> int"
    Type "(time_tuple: _TimeTuple | struct_time, /) -> float" is not assignable to type "(local_time: _TimeTuple, /) -> int"
    Parameter 1: type "_TimeTuple" is incompatible with type "_TimeTuple | struct_time"
        Type "_TimeTuple" is not assignable to type "_TimeTuple | struct_time"
        "Tuple[int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int]" is not assignable to "tuple[int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int]"
            Tuple size mismatch; expected 9 but received 8
        "Tuple[int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int]" is not assignable to "struct_time"

<!-- # Peter Hinch  -->
# Value of RTC time at current instant. This is a notional arbitrary
# precision integer in μs since Y2K. Notional because RTC is set to
# local time.
def _get_rtc_usecs(self):
    y, m, d, weekday, hrs, mins, secs, subsecs = rtc.datetime()
    tim = 1000000 * utime.mktime((y, m, d, hrs, mins, secs, weekday - 1, 0))
    return tim + ((1000000 * (255 - subsecs)) >> 8)

def inner(tnow):
    tev = tnow  # Time of next event: work forward from time now
    yr, mo, md, h, m, s, wd = localtime(tev)[:7]
    init_mo = mo  # Month now
    toff = do_arg(secs, s)
    tev += toff if toff >= 0 else 60 + toff

    yr, mo, md, h, m, s, wd = localtime(tev)[:7]
    toff = do_arg(mins, m)
    tev += 60 * (toff if toff >= 0 else 60 + toff)

    yr, mo, md, h, m, s, wd = localtime(tev)[:7]
    toff = do_arg(hrs, h)
    tev += 3600 * (toff if toff >= 0 else 24 + toff)

    yr, mo, md, h, m, s, wd = localtime(tev)[:7]
    toff = do_arg(month, mo)
    mo += toff
    md = md if mo == init_mo else 1
    if toff < 0:
        yr += 1
    tev = mktime((yr, mo, md, h, m, s, wd, 0))
    yr, mo, md, h, m, s, wd = localtime(tev)[:7]
    if mday is not None:
        if mo == init_mo:  # Month has not rolled over or been changed
            toff = do_arg(mday, md)  # see if mday causes rollover
            md += toff
            if toff < 0:
                toff = do_arg(month, mo + 1)  # Get next valid month
                mo += toff + 1  # Offset is relative to next month
                if toff < 0:
                    yr += 1
        else:  # Month has rolled over: day is absolute
            md = do_arg(mday, 0)

    if wday is not None:
        if mo == init_mo:
            toff = do_arg(wday, wd)
            md += toff % 7  # mktime handles md > 31 but month may increment
            tev = mktime((yr, mo, md, h, m, s, wd, 0))
            cur_mo = mo
            mo = localtime(tev)[1]  # get month
            if mo != cur_mo:
                toff = do_arg(month, mo)  # Get next valid month
                mo += toff  # Offset is relative to new, incremented month
                if toff < 0:
                    yr += 1
                tev = mktime((yr, mo, 1, h, m, s, wd, 0))  # 1st of new month
                yr, mo, md, h, m, s, wd = localtime(tev)[:7]  # get day of week
                toff = do_arg(wday, wd)
                md += toff % 7
            md = 1 if mday is None else md
            tev = mktime((yr, mo, md, h, m, s, wd, 0))  # 1st of new month
            yr, mo, md, h, m, s, wd = localtime(tev)[:7]  # get day of week
            md += (do_arg(wday, 0) - wd) % 7

    return mktime((yr, mo, md, h, m, s, wd, 0)) - tnow    



  • mod:socket - missing module constants ERROR "tests/quality_tests/feat_micropython/"(5,7): "AF_INET" is not defined ERROR "tests/quality_tests/feat_micropython/"(5,16): "SOCK_STREAM" is not defined ERROR "tests/quality_tests/feat_micropython/"(7,7): "AF_INET" is not defined ERROR "tests/quality_tests/feat_micropython/"(7,16): "SOCK_DGRAM" is not defined

asyncio / uasyncio

  • uasyncio.Task subclass : class Task(futures._PyFuture): methods : - cancel - await - / call ?>?

      INFO "tests/quality_tests/feat_uasyncio/check_demo/"(67,26): Cannot access attribute "cancel" for class "Task"
      Attribute "cancel" is unknown
      INFO "tests/quality_tests/feat_uasyncio/check_demo/"(69,26): "Task" is not awaitable
      "Task" is incompatible with protocol "Awaitable[_T_co@Awaitable]"
          "__await__" is not present
  • uasyncio.pyi should be from asyncio import *

  • Disable ruff warnings - UP015, UP031, UP032

  • merge the PinLike TypeAlias and the AnyPin TypeVar - makes it simpler to understand


QA Tests


  • machine.UART - baudrate is not a keyword argument

  • AnyReadableBuf - not assignable from Literal['hello'] uart_1.write("hello") "tests/quality_tests/feat_machine/check_machine/"(33,12): Argument of type "Literal['hello']" cannot be assigned to parameter "buf" of type "AnyReadableBuf" in function "write"   Type "Literal['hello']" is not assignable to type "AnyReadableBuf"     "Literal['hello']" is not assignable to "bytearray"     "Literal['hello']" is not assignable to "array[Unknown]"     "Literal['hello']" is not assignable to "memoryview[int]"     "Literal['hello']" is not assignable to "bytes" [x] Workaround ; Add Incomplete: AnyReadableBuf: TypeAlias = bytearray | array | memoryview | bytes | Incomplete

  • AnyWritableBuf - Similar workaround applied for now

  • io.BufferedWriter - Missing Class caused by stdlib in wrong location "BufferedWriter" is not a known attribute of module "io" >>> dir(io) ['class', 'name', 'open', 'BufferedWriter', 'BytesIO', 'IOBase', 'StringIO', 'dict']

  • asyncio - consider changing how the stubs that are used currently in the merge process there are multiple sources for asyncio 1. reference Stubs 2. the docstubs --> [createstub] --> (2b) uasyncio.pyi 3. the frozen modules --> [createstub] --> uasyncio.pyi 4. the firmware stubs - merged with Docstubs --> (4b)

      (1) -- merged --> (2)
      (2) -- merged into --> (2b)
      During Build : 
          (2b) overwrites (4b)
          [ ] option : Copy (1.asyncio) --> (4b) if there is an asyncio module 
              ( THEN ALSO  AVOID COPYING & stubbing ASYNCIO DURIGN frozen MERGE )
      3) Manuallu update of the stdlib asyncio/subs 
          - Seems to do well on 1 test repo & machine 
          d:\mypython\!-stubtestprojects\cpython\as_drivers\nec_ir\ - error: "Message" is not awaitable
          d:\mypython\!-stubtestprojects\cpython\as_drivers\i2c\ - error: Object of type "Literal[True]" is not callable
          d:\mypython\!-stubtestprojects\cpython\as_drivers\i2c\ - error: Object of type "Literal[True]" is not callable
              Attribute "__call__" is unknown (reportCallIssue)
  • sys.implementation._machine