diff --git a/.github/workflows/broken-link-checker.yml b/.github/workflows/broken-link-checker.yml
index 9a593ad..2c53524 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/broken-link-checker.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/broken-link-checker.yml
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ jobs:
         uses: lycheeverse/lychee-action@v1.6.1
           args: README.md
+          # args: --verbose --no-progress 'README.md' # for debugging
           GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
@@ -32,58 +34,6 @@ jobs:
         if: env.lychee_exit_code != 0
         uses: peter-evans/create-issue-from-file@v4
-          title: "[Bot] Broken Links Report"
+          title: "[Bot] Broken Links found (Report)"
           content-filepath: ./lychee/out.md
-          labels: report
-# jobs:
-#   Check-for-broken-links:
-#     runs-on: ubuntu-latest
-#     permissions:
-#       contents: read
-#       issues: write
-#     env:
-#       issue-lookup-label: automated-link-issue
-#       issue-content: ./lychee-out.md
-#     steps:
-#       - uses: actions/checkout@v4
-#       - name: Restore lychee cache
-#         uses: actions/cache@v4
-#         with:
-#           path: .lycheecache
-#           key: cache-lychee-${{ github.sha }}
-#           restore-keys: cache-lychee-
-#       - name: Link Checker
-#         id: lychee
-#         uses: lycheeverse/lychee-action@v1.10.0
-#         with:
-#           fail: true
-#           # args: --verbose --no-progress --exclude-file .lycheeignore '**/*.md'
-#           # args: --verbose --no-progress 'README.md'
-#           args: README.md
-#           output: ${{ env.issue-content }}
-#       # Permissions (issues: read)
-#       - name: "Look for an existing issue"
-#         if: ${{ failure() }}
-#         id: last-issue
-#         uses: micalevisk/last-issue-action@v2
-#         # Find the last updated open issue with a `automated-issue` label:
-#         with:
-#           state: open
-#           labels: ${{ env.issue-lookup-label }}
-#       # Permissions (issues: write)
-#       - name: "Create a new issue, or update an existing one"
-#         if: ${{ failure() }}
-#         uses: peter-evans/create-issue-from-file@v4
-#         with:
-#           title: "Broken links found"
-#           content-filepath: ${{ env.issue-content }}
-#           # Update an existing issue if one was found (issue_number),
-#           # otherwise an empty value creates a new issue:
-#           issue-number: ${{ steps['last-issue']['outputs']['issue-number'] }}
-#           # Add a label(s) that `last-issue` can use to find this issue,
-#           # and any other relevant labels for the issue itself:
-#           labels: |
-#             ${{ env.issue-lookup-label }}
-#             broken-link
+          labels: broken-link, automated-link-issue