GraphMini is a high-performance graph pattern-matching system. It supports subgraph enumeration on arbitrary patterns.
- 128GB of free RAM to preprocess the graph Friendster correctly.
- 180GB of free disk space to store preprocessed graphs.
- Ubuntu 22.04 (tested)
- CMake (Version >= 3.20)
- Make
- GCC compiler (>= 7)
- Python (>= 3.8)
- bc
- curl
- clang-format (optional)
sudo apt install curl bc cmake mpich clang-format -y
- Wiki
- YouTube
- Patents
- LiveJournal
- Orkut
- Friendster
mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake .. && make -j
After you successfully compile the code.
bash dataset/ && bash dataset/
The binary takes 7 required and 1 optional input:
./build/bin/run [graph_name] [path_to_graph] [query_nickname] [query_adjmat] [query_type] [pruning_type] [parallel_type] [exp_id=-1 (optional)]
- graph_name: nickname for tested graph (ex. wiki)
- path_to_graph: path to the directory that contains the preprocessed graph. (ex ../Datasets/GraphMini/wiki)
- query_nickname: nickname for tested query (ex. P1)
- query_adjmat: adjacency matrix of the tested query (ex. "0111101111011110" 4-clique)
- query_type:
- 0: vertex-induced,
- 1: edge-induced,
- 2: edge-induced with IEP optimization
- pruning_type:
- 0: None: not pruning
- 1: Static: only prune adj that must be used in the future
- 2: Eager: prune all adj that might be used in the future
- 3: Online: lazily prune adj that is being queried
- 4: CostModel: using cost model to decide which adj to prune
- parallel_type:
- 0: OpenMP: parallel first loop only with OpenMP
- 1: Tbb: parallel first loop only with Tbb
- 2: Nested: nested loop for all computation
- 3: NestedRt: nested loop + runtime information
- exp_id: experiment id (for generating logs)
For example:
./build/bin/run wiki ./dataset/GraphMini/wiki P1 0111101111011110 0 4 3
This query runs P1 (4clique) on graph wiki. The query is vertex-induced. The executable uses CostModel to decide which adjacency lists to prune and uses nested parallelism to speed up query execution.