+++ author = "JuliaCon"
prepath = get(ENV, "PREVIEW_FRANKLIN_PREPATH", "") website_url = get(ENV, "PREVIEW_FRANKLIN_WEBSITE_URL", "juliacon.org")
year = "2024"
generate_rss = false mintoclevel = 2 ignore = ["_bk/", "_sbx.html"] content_tag = ""
keep_path = ["2019/", "2018/", "2017/", "2016/", "2015/", "2014/"]
The global = false
events are shown as Local events in $year
at the top of the page for a given year.
The advertise_in_landing = true
local events are linked from the landing page even if the year does not match the latest.
configuration = Dict( "2020" => Dict( "global" => true, "year" => 2020, "location" => "Online", "alert" => """Check out the JuliaCon 2020 videos""", "site_name" => "JuliaCon 2020", "site_descr" => "JuliaCon 2020", "site_url" => "https://juliacon.org/2020/", "main_heading_color" => "#4366d0", "header_color" => "#9558b2", "header" => [ "Sponsor" => "/2020/sponsor", "Register" => "/2020/tickets", "Live Schedule!" => "https://live.juliacon.org", "Volunteer" => "/2020/volunteer", "Accessibility" => "/2020/accessibility", "FAQ" => "/2020/faq", "Upload" => "/2020/upload" ] ), "2021" => Dict( "global" => true, "year" => 2021, "location" => "Online", "alert" => """Check out the JuliaCon 2021 videos | Community Prize""", "site_name" => "JuliaCon 2021", "site_descr" => "JuliaCon 2021", "site_url" => "https://juliacon.org/2021/", "main_heading_color" => "black", "header_color" => "#389826", "header" => [ "Sponsor" => "/2021/sponsor", "Register" => "/2021/tickets", "Live Schedule!" => "https://live.juliacon.org", "Volunteer" => "/2021/volunteer", "Accessibility" => "/2021/accessibility", "FAQ" => "/2021/faq", "Upload" => "/2021/upload" ] ), "2022" => Dict( "global" => true, "year" => 2022, "location" => "Online", "alert" => """Check out the JuliaCon 2022 videos""", "site_name" => "JuliaCon 2022", "site_descr" => "JuliaCon 2022", "site_url" => "https://juliacon.org/2022/", "main_heading_color" => "black", "header_color" => "#389826", "header" => [ "Register" => "/2022/tickets/", "Full Schedule" => "https://pretalx.com/juliacon-2022/schedule/", "Watch Live" => "https://live.juliacon.org/agenda/", "Volunteer" => "/2022/volunteer", "Local Meetups" => "/2022/meetups", "Code of Conduct" => "/2022/coc" ] ), "2023" => Dict( "global" => true, "year" => 2023, "location" => "Boston", "alert" => """Check out the JuliaCon 2023 videos""", "site_name" => "JuliaCon 2023", "site_descr" => "JuliaCon 2023, MIT, Cambridge", "site_url" => "https://juliacon.org/2023/", "main_heading_color" => "black", "header_color" => "#389826", "header" => [ "Volunteer" => "/2023/volunteer", "Tickets" => "/2023/tickets", "Full Schedule" => "https://pretalx.com/juliacon2023/schedule/", "Local" => [ "Venue" => "/2023/venue", "Food Options" => "/2023/food", "Social Events" => "/2023/social", ], "Posters" => "/2023/posters", "Sponsor" => "/2023/sponsor", "Upload" => "/2023/upload", "Code of Conduct" => "/2023/coc" ] ), "local/eindhoven2023" => Dict( "global" => false, "year" => 2023, "advertise_in_landing" => false, "location" => "Eindhoven", "alert" => """Check out the JuliaCon Local Eindhoven 2023 videos!""", "site_name" => "JuliaCon Local Eindhoven 2023", "site_descr" => "JuliaCon Local Eindhoven 2023, Eindhoven, High Tech Campus", "site_url" => "https://juliacon.org/local/eindhoven2023/", "site_thumbnail" => "https://juliacon.org/assets/local/eindhoven2023/img/juliacon_local_eindhoven_logo.png", "main_heading_color" => "3857bd", "header_color" => "#389826", "header" => Dict( "Volunteer" => "/local/eindhoven2023/committee", "Tickets" => "/local/eindhoven2023/tickets", "Sponsor" => "/local/eindhoven2023/sponsor", "Venue" => "/local/eindhoven2023/venue", "Program" => "/local/eindhoven2023/program", "Pluto Workshop" => "/local/eindhoven2023/pluto", "Diversity Scholarship" => "/local/eindhoven2023/diversity", "Code of Conduct" => "/local/eindhoven2023/coc" ) ), "2024" => Dict( "global" => true, "year" => 2024, "location" => "Eindhoven", "alert" => """Host a JuliaCon Local or JuliaCon Global 2025 in your city! """, "site_name" => "JuliaCon 2024", "site_descr" => "JuliaCon 2024, Eindhoven, Philips Stadion", "site_url" => "https://juliacon.org/2024/", "main_heading_color" => "black", "header_color" => "#389826", "header" => [ "Tickets" => "/2024/tickets", "Schedule" => [ "Talks" => "https://pretalx.com/juliacon2024/schedule/", "Keynotes" => "/2024/keynotes", "Workshops" => "/2024/workshops", "Minisymposia" => "/2024/minisymposia", "Hackathon" => "/2024/hackathon", ], "Activities" => "/2024/activities", "Store" => "/2024/store", "Sponsor" => "/2024/sponsor", "Venue" => "/2024/travel", "Volunteer" => "/2024/volunteer", "Job board" => "/2024/jobboard", "Guidelines" => [ "Code of Conduct" => "/2024/coc", "Accessibility" => "/2024/accessibility", "Diversity and Inclusion" => "/2024/dei" ], "Call for Hosts" => "/2024/callforhosts" ] ), ) +++
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