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Diffusion 2D - Multithreading

In this part, we want to use multithreading (shared-memory parallelism) to parallelize our Diffusion 2D example.

The starting point is the serial loop version diffusion_2d_loop.jl. The file diffusion_2d_threads.jl in this folder is a slightly modified copy of this version. Specifically, we included the serial initialization of the arrays C and C2 in form of the function init_arrays_threads and left the computational kernel (diffusion_step!) mostly unimplemented. Note that there are few code stubs (indicated by TODO comments) that you will implement in the tasks below.

Task 1 - Multithreading diffusion_step!

Part A

Your first task is to take the diffusion kernel from diffusion_2d_loop.jl - recited below for your convenience - and use @threads to parallelize it. See the TODO comments inside of the diffusion_step! function.

You shall implement two variants, one that uses static scheduling and another that uses dynamic scheduling. A variable static will be used to switch between the two cases .

(To test the correctness of your implementation, you can do an "eye test" and just look at the resulting plots.)


  • Should you parallelize the inner or the outer loop?
    • (You can try both and compare the two in terms of performance if you are unsure.)

Serial kernel from diffusion_2d_loop.jl:

for iy in 1:size(C, 2)-2
    for ix in 1:size(C, 1)-2
        @inbounds C2[ix+1, iy+1] = C[ix+1, iy+1] - dt * ((@qx(ix+1, iy+1) - @qx(ix, iy+1)) / ds +
                                                         (@qy(ix+1, iy+1) - @qy(ix+1, iy)) / ds)

Part B

Let's make a first rough performance comparison. Run your implementation using 8 Julia threads and using 1 Julia thread and compare the timings/T_eff ("strong scaling"). Perform this comparison for three values of ns, for example 512, 2048, and 6144.

Note that you don't have to implement the other TODOs in the file. The code should run just fine if you've implemented diffusion_step!.

How to run the code?

You can either perform the rough benchmark in an interactive Julia session or use the script

  • Interactive:

    • Set do_visualize=false.
    • Use include("diffusion_2d_threads.jl") to run the code.
  • Script::

    • Either just run the script on the current node (sh or submit it as a job to SLURM (sbatch In the latter case, the output will end up in a file called slurm_compare_threads_serial.out.


  • What do you observe?
  • Are you happy with the performance improvement?
    • Consider taking ratios of the timings (i.e. $t_{serial}$ / $t_{parallel}$) and compare it to 8 (naively anticipating perfect scaling).

Task 2 - Parallel initialization and thread pinning

As has been stated before the hands-on, how we pin the Julia threads and how/whether we initialize the data (C, C2) in serial or parallel can heavily influence the performance of our code. Let's put this to the test!

Part A

Go ahead and parallelize the initialization of C and C2 in the function init_arrays_threads (see the TODOs therein) in the same way as you've parallelized the kernel in diffusion_step! above.

The variable parallel_init (true or false) is used to switch between parallel and serial initialization. Similarly, the variable static (true or false) is used to switch between static and dynamic scheduling.

(To test the correctness of your implementation, you can do an "eye test" and just look at the resulting plots.)

Part B

Now, we want to systematically compare the performance of our code for

  • different combinations of parallel_init and static,
  • different values of ns (512, 2048, and 6144), and
  • different pinning schemes (:cores, :sockets, :numa)

While you are more than invited to play around with these degrees of freedom in an interactive Julia session running on a compute node, this will likely become rather cumbersome very quickly. (We still invite you to play around a little bit with ThreadPinning's threadinfo and pinthreads!)

To simplify things, we've prepared the script for you, which you can simply submit to SLURM (sbatch The output will end up in the file slurm_bench_threads.out.


  • First, compare the static=true results with increasing ns (that is, ignore the dynamic scheduling runs for now). Can you qualitatively explain the performance difference/similarity between the three pinning strategies? And maybe also why it changes with increasing ns?
  • Why does dynamic scheduling (most of the time) give worse performance than static scheduling?
  • The output also shows single-threaded timings. Consider the timing ratio ($t_{serial}$ / $t_{parallel}$) for the best performing cases. Is it an improvement over what you found above (i.e. closer to a factor of 8)?