AcceptDragDropPayload(type) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiPayload}
+API Reference · CImGui.jl This page documents the wrapper functions we have for the ImGui API. The Backends and the Makie integration are documented separately.
You can always get the current ImGui version with:
Return the upstream ImGui version.
source AcceptDragDropPayload(type) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiPayload}
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDragDropFlags_, Integer}
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiPayload}
Accept contents of a given type. If ImGuiDragDropFlags_AcceptBeforeDelivery is set you can peek into the payload before the mouse button is released.
Upstream link .
source ActivateItemByID(id::Integer)
Activate an item by ID (button, checkbox, tree node etc.). Activation is queued and processed on the next frame when the item is encountered again.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source AddBezierCubic(
Accept contents of a given type. If ImGuiDragDropFlags_AcceptBeforeDelivery is set you can peek into the payload before the mouse button is released.
Upstream link .
source ActivateItemByID(id::Integer)
Activate an item by ID (button, checkbox, tree node etc.). Activation is queued and processed on the next frame when the item is encountered again.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source AddBezierCubic(
p1::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
p2::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
Cubic Bezier (4 control points).
Upstream link .
source AddBezierQuadratic(
p1::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
p2::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
Quadratic Bezier (3 control points).
Upstream link .
source AddCallback(
callback::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Base.CFunction},
@@ -52,11 +52,11 @@
Upstream link .
source AddChar(
Add character.
Upstream link .
source AddCircle(
center::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
Upstream link .
source AddCircleFilled(
center::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -90,23 +90,23 @@
Upstream link .
source AddConcavePolyFilled(
points::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImVec2}, Ref{Tuple{T, T} where T}},
Upstream link .
source AddContextHook(
context::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiContext}},
hook::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiContextHook}}
) -> UInt32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source AddConvexPolyFilled(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source AddConvexPolyFilled(
points::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImVec2}, Ref{Tuple{T, T} where T}},
Upstream link .
source AddCustomRectFontGlyph(
font::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImFont}},
@@ -123,22 +123,22 @@
offset::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
) -> Int32
Upstream link .
source AddCustomRectRegular(
) -> Int32
Upstream link .
source AddDrawCmd(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList})
This is useful if you need to forcefully create a new draw call (to allow for dependent rendering / blending). Otherwise primitives are merged into the same draw-call as much as possible.
Upstream link .
source AddDrawCmd(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList})
This is useful if you need to forcefully create a new draw call (to allow for dependent rendering / blending). Otherwise primitives are merged into the same draw-call as much as possible.
Upstream link .
source AddDrawList(
draw_list::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList}}
Helper to add an external draw list into an existing ImDrawData.
Upstream link .
source AddDrawListToDrawDataEx(
Helper to add an external draw list into an existing ImDrawData.
Upstream link .
source AddDrawListToDrawDataEx(
draw_data::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImDrawData}},
out_list::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImVector_ImDrawListPtr}},
draw_list::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source AddEllipse(
center::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
radius::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
Upstream link .
source AddEllipseFilled(
center::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
radius::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -189,19 +189,19 @@
Upstream link .
source AddFocusEvent(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiIO}, focused)
Queue a gain/loss of focus for the application (generally based on OS/platform focus of your window).
Upstream link .
source AddFocusEvent(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiIO}, focused)
Queue a gain/loss of focus for the application (generally based on OS/platform focus of your window).
Upstream link .
source AddFont(
font_cfg::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImFontConfig}}
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImFont}
Upstream link .
source AddFontDefault(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImFont}
font_cfg::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImFontConfig}}
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImFont}
Upstream link .
source AddFontFromFileTTF(
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
font_cfg::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImFontConfig}},
glyph_ranges::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{UInt16}}
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImFont}
Upstream link .
source AddFontFromMemoryCompressedBase85TTF(
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
font_cfg::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImFontConfig}},
glyph_ranges::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{UInt16}}
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImFont}
'compressedfont database85' still owned by caller. Compress with binary tocompressed c.cpp with -base85 parameter.
Upstream link .
source AddFontFromMemoryCompressedTTF(
'compressedfont database85' still owned by caller. Compress with binary tocompressed c.cpp with -base85 parameter.
Upstream link .
source AddFontFromMemoryCompressedTTF(
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
font_cfg::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImFontConfig}},
glyph_ranges::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{UInt16}}
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImFont}
'compressedfont data' still owned by caller. Compress with binaryto compressed_c.cpp.
Upstream link .
source AddFontFromMemoryTTF(
'compressedfont data' still owned by caller. Compress with binaryto compressed_c.cpp.
Upstream link .
source AddFontFromMemoryTTF(
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@
font_cfg::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImFontConfig}},
glyph_ranges::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{UInt16}}
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImFont}
Note: Transfer ownership of 'ttfdata' to ImFontAtlas! Will be deleted after destruction of the atlas. Set font cfg->FontDataOwnedByAtlas=false to keep ownership of your data and it won't be freed.
Upstream link .
source AddGlyph(
Note: Transfer ownership of 'ttfdata' to ImFontAtlas! Will be deleted after destruction of the atlas. Set font cfg->FontDataOwnedByAtlas=false to keep ownership of your data and it won't be freed.
Upstream link .
source AddGlyph(
src_cfg::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImFontConfig}},
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
Upstream link .
source AddImage(
p_min::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@
uv_max::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
Upstream link .
source AddImageQuad(
p1::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@
uv4::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
Upstream link .
source AddImageRounded(
p_min::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -407,24 +407,24 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImDrawFlags_, Integer}
Upstream link .
source AddInputCharacter(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiIO}, c)
Queue a new character input.
Upstream link .
source AddInputCharacter(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiIO}, c)
Queue a new character input.
Upstream link .
source AddInputCharacterUTF16(
Queue a new character input from a UTF-16 character, it can be a surrogate.
Upstream link .
source AddInputCharactersUTF8(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiIO}, str)
Queue a new characters input from a UTF-8 string.
Upstream link .
source AddKeyAnalogEvent(
Queue a new character input from a UTF-16 character, it can be a surrogate.
Upstream link .
source AddInputCharactersUTF8(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiIO}, str)
Queue a new characters input from a UTF-8 string.
Upstream link .
source AddKeyAnalogEvent(
Queue a new key down/up event for analog values (e.g. ImGuiKeyGamepad values). Dead-zones should be handled by the backend.
Upstream link .
source AddKeyEvent(
Queue a new key down/up event for analog values (e.g. ImGuiKeyGamepad values). Dead-zones should be handled by the backend.
Upstream link .
source AddKeyEvent(
Queue a new key down/up event. Key should be "translated" (as in, generally ImGuiKey_A matches the key end-user would use to emit an 'A' character).
Upstream link .
source AddLine(
Queue a new key down/up event. Key should be "translated" (as in, generally ImGuiKey_A matches the key end-user would use to emit an 'A' character).
Upstream link .
source AddLine(
p1::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
p2::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -437,26 +437,26 @@
Upstream link .
source AddMouseButtonEvent(
Queue a mouse button change.
Upstream link .
source AddMousePosEvent(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiIO}, x, y)
Queue a mouse position update. Use -FLTMAX,-FLT MAX to signify no mouse (e.g. app not focused and not hovered).
Upstream link .
source AddMousePosEvent(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiIO}, x, y)
Queue a mouse position update. Use -FLTMAX,-FLT MAX to signify no mouse (e.g. app not focused and not hovered).
Upstream link .
source AddMouseSourceEvent(
Queue a mouse source change (Mouse/TouchScreen/Pen).
Upstream link .
source AddMouseViewportEvent(
Queue a mouse source change (Mouse/TouchScreen/Pen).
Upstream link .
source AddMouseViewportEvent(
Queue a mouse hovered viewport. Requires backend to set ImGuiBackendFlags_HasMouseHoveredViewport to call this (for multi-viewport support).
Upstream link .
source AddMouseWheelEvent(
Queue a mouse hovered viewport. Requires backend to set ImGuiBackendFlags_HasMouseHoveredViewport to call this (for multi-viewport support).
Upstream link .
source AddMouseWheelEvent(
Queue a mouse wheel update. wheely<0: scroll down, wheel y>0: scroll up, wheelx<0: scroll right, wheel x>0: scroll left.
Upstream link .
source AddNgon(
Queue a mouse wheel update. wheely<0: scroll down, wheel y>0: scroll up, wheelx<0: scroll right, wheel x>0: scroll left.
Upstream link .
source AddNgon(
center::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -471,14 +471,14 @@
Upstream link .
source AddNgonFilled(
center::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
Upstream link .
source AddPolyline(
points::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImVec2}, Ref{Tuple{T, T} where T}},
@@ -486,7 +486,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImDrawFlags_, Integer},
Upstream link .
source AddQuad(
p1::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
p2::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@
Upstream link .
source AddQuadFilled(
p1::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
p2::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -511,11 +511,11 @@
p4::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
Upstream link .
source AddRanges(
ranges::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{UInt16}}
Add ranges, e.g. builder.AddRanges(ImFontAtlas::GetGlyphRangesDefault()) to force add all of ASCII/Latin+Ext.
Upstream link .
source AddRect(
Add ranges, e.g. builder.AddRanges(ImFontAtlas::GetGlyphRangesDefault()) to force add all of ASCII/Latin+Ext.
Upstream link .
source AddRect(
p_min::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
p_max::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImDrawFlags_, Integer},
A: upper-left, b: lower-right (== upper-left + size).
Upstream link .
source AddRectFilled(
p_min::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
p_max::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImDrawFlags_, Integer}
A: upper-left, b: lower-right (== upper-left + size).
Upstream link .
source AddRectFilledMultiColor(
A: upper-left, b: lower-right (== upper-left + size).
Upstream link .
source AddRectFilledMultiColor(
p_min::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
p_max::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -575,7 +575,7 @@
Upstream link .
source AddRemapChar(
@@ -586,10 +586,10 @@
Makes 'dst' character/glyph points to 'src' character/glyph. Currently needs to be called AFTER fonts have been built.
Upstream link .
source AddSettingsHandler(
Makes 'dst' character/glyph points to 'src' character/glyph. Currently needs to be called AFTER fonts have been built.
Upstream link .
source AddSettingsHandler(
handler::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSettingsHandler}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source AddText(
@@ -598,7 +598,7 @@
Add string (each character of the UTF-8 string are added).
Upstream link .
source AddText(
pos::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -611,7 +611,7 @@
text_begin::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String},
text_end::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String}
Upstream link .
source AddText(
font::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImFont}},
@@ -649,7 +649,7 @@
cpu_fine_clip_rect::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImVec4}, Ref{NTuple{4, T} where T}}
Upstream link .
source AddTriangle(
p1::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
p2::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -664,32 +664,32 @@
Upstream link .
source AddTriangleFilled(
p1::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
p2::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
p3::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
Upstream link .
source AlignTextToFramePadding()
Vertically align upcoming text baseline to FramePadding.y so that it will align properly to regularly framed items (call if you have text on a line before a framed item).
Upstream link .
source AlignTextToFramePadding()
Vertically align upcoming text baseline to FramePadding.y so that it will align properly to regularly framed items (call if you have text on a line before a framed item).
Upstream link .
source Append(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTextBuffer}, str)
Append(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTextBuffer}, str, str_end)
Upstream link .
source Append(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ApplyRequests(
ms_io::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMultiSelectIO}}
Apply selection requests coming from BeginMultiSelect() and EndMultiSelect() functions. It uses 'items_count' passed to BeginMultiSelect().
Upstream link .
source ApplyRequests(
Apply selection requests coming from BeginMultiSelect() and EndMultiSelect() functions. It uses 'items_count' passed to BeginMultiSelect().
Upstream link .
source ApplyRequests(
ms_io::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMultiSelectIO}}
Apply selection requests by using AdapterSetItemSelected() calls.
Upstream link .
source ArrowButton(str_id, dir::CImGui.lib.ImGuiDir) -> Bool
Square button with an arrow shape.
Upstream link .
source ArrowButtonEx(
Apply selection requests by using AdapterSetItemSelected() calls.
Upstream link .
source ArrowButton(str_id, dir::CImGui.lib.ImGuiDir) -> Bool
Square button with an arrow shape.
Upstream link .
source ArrowButtonEx(
size_arg::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
@@ -700,13 +700,7 @@
size_arg::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiButtonFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Begin(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiListClipper}, items_count)
- self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiListClipper},
- items_count,
- items_height
Upstream link .
source Begin(name::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String}) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Begin(name::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String}) -> Bool
name::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String},
@@ -716,109 +710,115 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindowFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source Begin(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiListClipper}, items_count)
+ self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiListClipper},
+ items_count,
+ items_height
Upstream link .
source BeginBoxSelect(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
ms_flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BeginChild(
- str_id::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String}
-) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BeginChild(id::Integer) -> Bool
- str_id::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String},
+ id::Integer,
size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
) -> Bool
- str_id::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String},
+ id::Integer,
size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
child_flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiChildFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
- str_id::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String},
+ id::Integer,
size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
child_flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiChildFlags_, Integer},
window_flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindowFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source BeginChild(
+ str_id::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String}
+) -> Bool
- id::Integer,
+ str_id::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String},
size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
) -> Bool
- id::Integer,
+ str_id::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String},
size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
child_flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiChildFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
- id::Integer,
+ str_id::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String},
size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
child_flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiChildFlags_, Integer},
window_flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindowFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source BeginChildEx(
size_arg::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
child_flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiChildFlags_, Integer},
window_flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindowFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BeginColumns(str_id, count)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BeginColumns(str_id, count)
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiOldColumnFlags_, Integer}
Setup number of columns. use an identifier to distinguish multiple column sets. close with EndColumns().
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BeginCombo(label, preview_value) -> Bool
Setup number of columns. use an identifier to distinguish multiple column sets. close with EndColumns().
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BeginCombo(label, preview_value) -> Bool
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiComboFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source BeginComboPopup(
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiComboFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BeginComboPreview() -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BeginComboPreview() -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BeginDisabledOverrideReenable()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BeginDisabledOverrideReenable()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BeginDockableDragDropSource(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BeginDockableDragDropTarget(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BeginDockableDragDropTarget(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BeginDocked(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BeginDragDropSource() -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BeginDragDropSource() -> Bool
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDragDropFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Call after submitting an item which may be dragged. when this return true, you can call SetDragDropPayload() + EndDragDropSource().
Upstream link .
source BeginDragDropTarget() -> Bool
Call after submitting an item that may receive a payload. If this returns true, you can call AcceptDragDropPayload() + EndDragDropTarget().
Upstream link .
source BeginDragDropTargetCustom(
Call after submitting an item which may be dragged. when this return true, you can call SetDragDropPayload() + EndDragDropSource().
Upstream link .
source BeginDragDropTarget() -> Bool
Call after submitting an item that may receive a payload. If this returns true, you can call AcceptDragDropPayload() + EndDragDropTarget().
Upstream link .
source BeginDragDropTargetCustom(
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BeginErrorTooltip() -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BeginItemTooltip() -> Bool
Begin/append a tooltip window if preceding item was hovered.
Upstream link .
source BeginListBox(label) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BeginErrorTooltip() -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BeginItemTooltip() -> Bool
Begin/append a tooltip window if preceding item was hovered.
Upstream link .
source BeginListBox(label) -> Bool
size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
) -> Bool
Open a framed scrolling region.
Upstream link .
source BeginMenu(label) -> Bool
BeginMenu(label, enabled) -> Bool
Create a sub-menu entry. only call EndMenu() if this returns true!
Upstream link .
source BeginMenuBar() -> Bool
Append to menu-bar of current window (requires ImGuiWindowFlags_MenuBar flag set on parent window).
Upstream link .
source BeginMenuEx(label, icon) -> Bool
Create a sub-menu entry. only call EndMenu() if this returns true!
Upstream link .
source BeginMenuBar() -> Bool
Append to menu-bar of current window (requires ImGuiWindowFlags_MenuBar flag set on parent window).
Upstream link .
source BeginMenuEx(label, icon) -> Bool
BeginMenuEx(label, icon, enabled) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BeginMultiSelect(
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_, Integer}
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMultiSelectIO}
@@ -830,58 +830,58 @@
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMultiSelectIO}
Upstream link .
source BeginPopup(str_id) -> Bool
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindowFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Return true if the popup is open, and you can start outputting to it.
Upstream link .
source BeginPopupContextItem() -> Bool
Return true if the popup is open, and you can start outputting to it.
Upstream link .
source BeginPopupContextItem() -> Bool
BeginPopupContextItem(str_id) -> Bool
popup_flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiPopupFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Open+begin popup when clicked on last item. Use str_id==NULL to associate the popup to previous item. If you want to use that on a non-interactive item such as Text() you need to pass in an explicit ID here. read comments in .cpp!
Upstream link .
source BeginPopupContextVoid() -> Bool
Open+begin popup when clicked on last item. Use str_id==NULL to associate the popup to previous item. If you want to use that on a non-interactive item such as Text() you need to pass in an explicit ID here. read comments in .cpp!
Upstream link .
source BeginPopupContextVoid() -> Bool
BeginPopupContextVoid(str_id) -> Bool
popup_flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiPopupFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Open+begin popup when clicked in void (where there are no windows).
Upstream link .
source BeginPopupContextWindow() -> Bool
Open+begin popup when clicked in void (where there are no windows).
Upstream link .
source BeginPopupContextWindow() -> Bool
BeginPopupContextWindow(str_id) -> Bool
popup_flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiPopupFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Open+begin popup when clicked on current window.
Upstream link .
source BeginPopupEx(
extra_window_flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindowFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BeginPopupModal(name) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BeginPopupModal(name) -> Bool
BeginPopupModal(name, p_open) -> Bool
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindowFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Return true if the modal is open, and you can start outputting to it.
Upstream link .
source BeginTabBar(str_id) -> Bool
Return true if the modal is open, and you can start outputting to it.
Upstream link .
source BeginTabBar(str_id) -> Bool
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabBarFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Create and append into a TabBar.
Upstream link .
source BeginTabBarEx(
tab_bar::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabBar}},
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabBarFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BeginTabItem(label) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BeginTabItem(label) -> Bool
BeginTabItem(label, p_open) -> Bool
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabItemFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Create a Tab. Returns true if the Tab is selected.
Upstream link .
source BeginTable(str_id, columns) -> Bool
Create a Tab. Returns true if the Tab is selected.
Upstream link .
source BeginTable(str_id, columns) -> Bool
@@ -900,7 +900,7 @@
outer_size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source BeginTableEx(name, id::Integer, columns_count) -> Bool
@@ -922,48 +922,48 @@
outer_size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BeginTooltipEx(
tooltip_flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTooltipFlags_, Integer},
extra_window_flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindowFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BeginTooltipHidden() -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BeginViewportSideBar(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BeginTooltipHidden() -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BeginViewportSideBar(
viewport::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiViewport}},
window_flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindowFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BringWindowToDisplayBack(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BringWindowToDisplayBack(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BringWindowToDisplayBehind(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BringWindowToDisplayBehind(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
above_window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BringWindowToDisplayFront(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BringWindowToDisplayFront(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BringWindowToFocusFront(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source BringWindowToFocusFront(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Build(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImFontAtlas}) -> Bool
Build pixels data. This is called automatically for you by the GetTexData*** functions.
Upstream link .
source Build(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImFontAtlas}) -> Bool
Build pixels data. This is called automatically for you by the GetTexData*** functions.
Upstream link .
source BuildRanges(
out_ranges::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImVector_ImWchar}}
Output new ranges.
Upstream link .
source Bullet()
Draw a small circle + keep the cursor on the same line. advance cursor x position by GetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing(), same distance that TreeNode() uses.
Upstream link .
source Bullet()
Draw a small circle + keep the cursor on the same line. advance cursor x position by GetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing(), same distance that TreeNode() uses.
Upstream link .
source Button(label) -> Bool
size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source ButtonBehavior(
@@ -976,7 +976,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiButtonFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ButtonEx(label) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ButtonEx(label) -> Bool
size_arg::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
@@ -986,30 +986,30 @@
size_arg::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiButtonFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source CalcCustomRectUV(
rect::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImFontAtlasCustomRect}},
out_uv_min::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImVec2}, Ref{Tuple{T, T} where T}},
out_uv_max::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImVec2}, Ref{Tuple{T, T} where T}}
Upstream link .
source CalcFontSize(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}) -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source CalcFontSize(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}) -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source CalcItemSize(
size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source CalcItemWidth() -> Float32
Width of item given pushed settings and current cursor position. NOT necessarily the width of last item unlike most 'Item' functions.
Upstream link .
source CalcNextTotalWidth(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source CalcItemWidth() -> Float32
Width of item given pushed settings and current cursor position. NOT necessarily the width of last item unlike most 'Item' functions.
Upstream link .
source CalcNextTotalWidth(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source CalcRoundingFlagsForRectInRect(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source CalcRoundingFlagsForRectInRect(
) -> Int32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source CalcTextSize(text) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source CalcTextSize(text) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
CalcTextSize(text, text_end) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
@@ -1022,7 +1022,7 @@
) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
Upstream link .
source CalcTextSizeA(
@@ -1046,138 +1046,138 @@
) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
Upstream link .
source CalcTypematicRepeatAmount(
) -> Int32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source CalcWindowNextAutoFitSize(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source CalcWindowNextAutoFitSize(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}}
) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source CalcWordWrapPositionA(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source CalcWordWrapPositionA(
) -> Ptr{Int8}
Upstream link .
source CalcWorkRectPos(
inset_min::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source CalcWorkRectSize(
inset_min::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
inset_max::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source CalcWrapWidthForPos(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source CalcWrapWidthForPos(
pos::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
) -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source CallContextHooks(
context::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiContext}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source CheckboxFlags(
label::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String},
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source CheckboxFlags(
label::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String},
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source Clear(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImBitVector})
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Clear(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImDrawListSplitter})
Do not clear Channels[] so our allocations are reused next frame.
Upstream link .
source Clear(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiKeyRoutingTable})
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Clear(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMultiSelectTempData})
Zero-clear except IO as we preserve IO.Requests[] buffer allocation.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Clear(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiNavItemData})
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Clear(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTextIndex})
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Clear(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTypingSelectState})
We preserve remaining data for easier debugging.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ClearBit(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImBitVector}, n)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ClearEventsQueue(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiIO})
Clear all incoming events.
Upstream link .
source ClearFlags(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiNextItemData})
Also cleared manually by ItemAdd()!
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ClearFlags(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiNextWindowData})
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ClearFonts(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImFontAtlas})
Clear output font data (glyphs storage, UV coordinates).
Upstream link .
source Clear(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImBitVector})
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Clear(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImDrawListSplitter})
Do not clear Channels[] so our allocations are reused next frame.
Upstream link .
source Clear(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiKeyRoutingTable})
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Clear(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMultiSelectTempData})
Zero-clear except IO as we preserve IO.Requests[] buffer allocation.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Clear(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiNavItemData})
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Clear(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTextIndex})
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Clear(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTypingSelectState})
We preserve remaining data for easier debugging.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ClearBit(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImBitVector}, n)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ClearEventsQueue(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiIO})
Clear all incoming events.
Upstream link .
source ClearFlags(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiNextItemData})
Also cleared manually by ItemAdd()!
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ClearFlags(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiNextWindowData})
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ClearFonts(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImFontAtlas})
Clear output font data (glyphs storage, UV coordinates).
Upstream link .
source ClearFreeMemory(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ClearFreeMemory(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputTextState})
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ClearIO(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMultiSelectTempData})
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ClearIniSettings()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ClearInputData(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImFontAtlas})
Clear input data (all ImFontConfig structures including sizes, TTF data, glyph ranges, etc.) = all the data used to build the texture and fonts.
Upstream link .
source ClearInputKeys(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiIO})
Clear current keyboard/gamepad state + current frame text input buffer. Equivalent to releasing all keys/buttons.
Upstream link .
source ClearRequestFlags(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiViewportP})
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ClearFreeMemory(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputTextState})
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ClearIO(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMultiSelectTempData})
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ClearIniSettings()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ClearInputData(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImFontAtlas})
Clear input data (all ImFontConfig structures including sizes, TTF data, glyph ranges, etc.) = all the data used to build the texture and fonts.
Upstream link .
source ClearInputKeys(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiIO})
Clear current keyboard/gamepad state + current frame text input buffer. Equivalent to releasing all keys/buttons.
Upstream link .
source ClearRequestFlags(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiViewportP})
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ClearSelection(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputTextState})
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ClearTexData(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImFontAtlas})
Clear output texture data (CPU side). Saves RAM once the texture has been copied to graphics memory.
Upstream link .
source ClearText(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputTextState})
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ClearWindowSettings(name)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ClipWith(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImRect}, r::CImGui.lib.ImRect)
Simple version, may lead to an inverted rectangle, which is fine for Contains/Overlaps test but not for display.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ClearSelection(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputTextState})
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ClearTexData(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImFontAtlas})
Clear output texture data (CPU side). Saves RAM once the texture has been copied to graphics memory.
Upstream link .
source ClearText(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputTextState})
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ClearWindowSettings(name)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ClipWith(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImRect}, r::CImGui.lib.ImRect)
Simple version, may lead to an inverted rectangle, which is fine for Contains/Overlaps test but not for display.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ClipWithFull(
Full version, ensure both points are fully clipped.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source CloneOutput(
Full version, ensure both points are fully clipped.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source CloneOutput(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList}
Create a clone of the CmdBuffer/IdxBuffer/VtxBuffer.
Upstream link .
source CloseButton(
pos::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ClosePopupToLevel(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ClosePopupToLevel(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ClosePopupsExceptModals()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ClosePopupsOverWindow(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ClosePopupsExceptModals()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ClosePopupsOverWindow(
ref_window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source CollapseButton(
pos::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
dock_node::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}}
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source CollapsingHeader(
- label::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String},
- p_visible::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{Bool}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source CollapsingHeader(
+ label::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String}
) -> Bool
label::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String},
- p_visible::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{Bool}},
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
When 'pvisible != NULL': if '*p visible==true' display an additional small close button on upper right of the header which will set the bool to false when clicked, if '*p_visible==false' don't display the header.
Upstream link .
source CollapsingHeader(
- label::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String}
If returning 'true' the header is open. doesn't indent nor push on ID stack. user doesn't have to call TreePop().
Upstream link .
source CollapsingHeader(
+ label::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String},
+ p_visible::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{Bool}}
) -> Bool
label::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String},
+ p_visible::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{Bool}},
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
If returning 'true' the header is open. doesn't indent nor push on ID stack. user doesn't have to call TreePop().
Upstream link .
source ColorButton(
When 'pvisible != NULL': if '*p visible==true' display an additional small close button on upper right of the header which will set the bool to false when clicked, if '*p_visible==false' don't display the header.
Upstream link .
source ColorButton(
col::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec4, NTuple{4, T} where T}
) -> Bool
@@ -1192,35 +1192,35 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiColorEditFlags_, Integer},
size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
) -> Bool
Display a color square/button, hover for details, return true when pressed.
Upstream link .
source ColorConvertFloat4ToU32(
Display a color square/button, hover for details, return true when pressed.
Upstream link .
source ColorConvertFloat4ToU32(
in::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec4, NTuple{4, T} where T}
) -> UInt32
Upstream link .
source ColorEdit3(label, col) -> Bool
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiColorEditFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source ColorEdit4(label, col) -> Bool
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiColorEditFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source ColorEditOptionsPopup(
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiColorEditFlags_, Integer}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ColorPicker3(label, col) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ColorPicker3(label, col) -> Bool
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiColorEditFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source ColorPicker4(label, col) -> Bool
@@ -1232,20 +1232,20 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiColorEditFlags_, Integer},
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source ColorPickerOptionsPopup(
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiColorEditFlags_, Integer}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ColorTooltip(
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiColorEditFlags_, Integer}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Combo(
label::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String},
current_item::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{Int32}},
items_separated_by_zeros::Union{Ptr{Int8}, String}
@@ -1256,7 +1256,7 @@
items_separated_by_zeros::Union{Ptr{Int8}, String},
) -> Bool
Separate items with within a string, end item-list with . e.g. "One Two Three ".
Upstream link .
source Combo(
Separate items with \0 within a string, end item-list with \0\0. e.g. "One\0Two\0Three\0".
Upstream link .
source Combo(
label::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String},
current_item::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{Int32}},
@@ -1267,29 +1267,29 @@
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source Contains(
) -> Bool
Query if an item id is in selection.
Upstream link .
source ContainsWithPad(
p::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
pad::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ConvertSingleModFlagToKey(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ConvertSingleModFlagToKey(
) -> CImGui.lib.ImGuiKey
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Create(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImBitVector}, sz)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source CreateContext() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiContext}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Create(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImBitVector}, sz)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source CreateContext() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiContext}
shared_font_atlas::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImFontAtlas}}
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiContext}
Upstream link .
source CreateNewWindowSettings(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindowSettings}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source CursorAnimReset(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputTextState})
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source CursorClamp(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputTextState})
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DataTypeApplyFromText(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source CursorAnimReset(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputTextState})
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source CursorClamp(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputTextState})
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DataTypeApplyFromText(
data_type::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDataType_, Integer},
@@ -1302,52 +1302,52 @@
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DataTypeApplyOp(
data_type::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDataType_, Integer},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DataTypeClamp(
data_type::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDataType_, Integer},
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DataTypeCompare(
data_type::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDataType_, Integer},
) -> Int32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DataTypeFormatString(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DataTypeFormatString(
data_type::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDataType_, Integer},
) -> Int32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DataTypeGetInfo(
data_type::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDataType_, Integer}
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDataTypeInfo}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DataTypeIsZero(
data_type::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDataType_, Integer},
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DeIndexAllBuffers(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImDrawData})
Helper to convert all buffers from indexed to non-indexed, in case you cannot render indexed. Note: this is slow and most likely a waste of resources. Always prefer indexed rendering!
Upstream link .
source DeIndexAllBuffers(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImDrawData})
Helper to convert all buffers from indexed to non-indexed, in case you cannot render indexed. Note: this is slow and most likely a waste of resources. Always prefer indexed rendering!
Upstream link .
source DebugAllocHook(
info::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDebugAllocInfo}},
Size >= 0 : alloc, size = -1 : free.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugBreakButton(label, description_of_location) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugBreakButtonTooltip(
Size >= 0 : alloc, size = -1 : free.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugBreakButton(label, description_of_location) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugBreakButtonTooltip(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugBreakClearData()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugCheckVersionAndDataLayout(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugBreakClearData()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugCheckVersionAndDataLayout(
@@ -1356,173 +1356,173 @@
) -> Bool
This is called by IMGUI_CHECKVERSION() macro.
Upstream link .
source DebugDrawCursorPos()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugDrawItemRect()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugDrawItemRect()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugDrawLineExtents()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugDrawLineExtents()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugFlashStyleColor(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugHookIdInfo(
data_type::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDataType_, Integer},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugLocateItem(target_id::Integer)
Call sparingly: only 1 at the same time!
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugLocateItemOnHover(target_id::Integer)
Only call on reaction to a mouse Hover: because only 1 at the same time!
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugLocateItemResolveWithLastItem()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugLog(fmt)
Call via IMGUIDEBUG LOG() for maximum stripping in caller code!
Upstream link .
source DebugLocateItem(target_id::Integer)
Call sparingly: only 1 at the same time!
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugLocateItemOnHover(target_id::Integer)
Only call on reaction to a mouse Hover: because only 1 at the same time!
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugLocateItemResolveWithLastItem()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugLog(fmt)
Call via IMGUIDEBUG LOG() for maximum stripping in caller code!
Upstream link .
source DebugNodeColumns(
columns::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiOldColumns}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugNodeDockNode(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugNodeDockNode(
node::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugNodeDrawCmdShowMeshAndBoundingBox(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugNodeDrawCmdShowMeshAndBoundingBox(
out_draw_list::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList}},
draw_list::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList}},
draw_cmd::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImDrawCmd}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugNodeDrawList(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugNodeDrawList(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
viewport::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiViewportP}},
draw_list::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugNodeFont(
font::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImFont}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugNodeFontGlyph(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugNodeFontGlyph(
font::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImFont}},
glyph::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImFontGlyph}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugNodeInputTextState(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugNodeInputTextState(
state::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputTextState}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugNodeMultiSelectState(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugNodeMultiSelectState(
state::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMultiSelectState}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugNodePlatformMonitor(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugNodePlatformMonitor(
monitor::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiPlatformMonitor}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugNodeStorage(
storage::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiStorage}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugNodeTabBar(
tab_bar::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabBar}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugNodeTable(
table::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugNodeTableSettings(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugNodeTableSettings(
settings::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTableSettings}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugNodeTypingSelectState(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugNodeTypingSelectState(
state::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTypingSelectState}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugNodeViewport(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugNodeViewport(
viewport::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiViewportP}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugNodeWindow(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugNodeWindowSettings(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugNodeWindowSettings(
settings::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindowSettings}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugNodeWindowsList(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugNodeWindowsList(
windows::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImVector_ImGuiWindowPtr}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugRenderKeyboardPreview(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugRenderKeyboardPreview(
draw_list::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugRenderViewportThumbnail(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugRenderViewportThumbnail(
draw_list::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList}},
viewport::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiViewportP}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugTextUnformattedWithLocateItem(line_begin, line_end)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DebugTextUnformattedWithLocateItem(line_begin, line_end)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DeclColumns(
) -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DeleteChars(
Upstream link .
source Destructor for ImDrawDataBuilder
source Destructor for ImDrawData
source Destructor for ImDrawListSharedData
source Destructor for ImDrawListSplitter
source Destructor for ImDrawList
source Destructor for ImFontAtlasCustomRect
source Destructor for ImFontAtlas
source Destructor for ImFontConfig
source Destructor for ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder
source Destructor for ImGuiBoxSelectState
source Destructor for ImGuiComboPreviewData
source Destructor for ImGuiContextHook
source Destructor for ImGuiContext
source Destructor for ImGuiDebugAllocInfo
source Destructor for ImGuiDockContext
source Destructor for ImGuiDockNode
source Destructor for ImGuiErrorRecoveryState
source Destructor for ImGuiIDStackTool
source Destructor for ImGuiInputEvent
source Destructor for ImGuiInputTextCallbackData
source Destructor for ImGuiInputTextDeactivatedState
source Destructor for ImGuiInputTextState
source Destructor for ImGuiKeyOwnerData
source Destructor for ImGuiKeyRoutingData
source Destructor for ImGuiKeyRoutingTable
source Destructor for ImGuiLastItemData
source Destructor for ImGuiListClipperData
source Destructor for ImGuiListClipper
source Destructor for ImGuiMenuColumns
source Destructor for ImGuiMultiSelectState
source Destructor for ImGuiMultiSelectTempData
source Destructor for ImGuiNavItemData
source Destructor for ImGuiNextItemData
source Destructor for ImGuiNextWindowData
source Destructor for ImGuiOldColumnData
source Destructor for ImGuiOldColumns
source Destructor for ImGuiOnceUponAFrame
source Destructor for ImGuiPayload
source Destructor for ImGuiPlatformIO
source Destructor for ImGuiPlatformImeData
source Destructor for ImGuiPlatformMonitor
source Destructor for ImGuiPopupData
source Destructor for ImGuiPtrOrIndex
source Destructor for ImGuiSelectionBasicStorage
source Destructor for ImGuiSelectionExternalStorage
source Destructor for ImGuiSettingsHandler
source Destructor for ImGuiStackLevelInfo
source Destructor for ImGuiStoragePair
source Destructor for ImGuiStyleMod
source Destructor for ImGuiStyle
source Destructor for ImGuiTabBar
source Destructor for ImGuiTabItem
source Destructor for ImGuiTableColumnSettings
source Destructor for ImGuiTableColumnSortSpecs
source Destructor for ImGuiTableColumn
source Destructor for ImGuiTableInstanceData
source Destructor for ImGuiTableSettings
source Destructor for ImGuiTableSortSpecs
source Destructor for ImGuiTableTempData
source Destructor for ImGuiTable
source Destructor for ImGuiTextBuffer
source Destructor for ImGuiTextFilter
source Destructor for ImGuiTextRange
source Destructor for ImGuiTypingSelectState
source Destructor for ImGuiViewportP
source Destructor for ImGuiViewport
source Destructor for ImGuiWindowClass
source Destructor for ImGuiWindowSettings
source Destructor for ImGuiWindow
source Destructor for ImDrawDataBuilder
source Destructor for ImDrawData
source Destructor for ImDrawListSharedData
source Destructor for ImDrawListSplitter
source Destructor for ImDrawList
source Destructor for ImFontAtlasCustomRect
source Destructor for ImFontAtlas
source Destructor for ImFontConfig
source Destructor for ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder
source Destructor for ImGuiBoxSelectState
source Destructor for ImGuiComboPreviewData
source Destructor for ImGuiContextHook
source Destructor for ImGuiContext
source Destructor for ImGuiDebugAllocInfo
source Destructor for ImGuiDockContext
source Destructor for ImGuiDockNode
source Destructor for ImGuiErrorRecoveryState
source Destructor for ImGuiIDStackTool
source Destructor for ImGuiInputEvent
source Destructor for ImGuiInputTextCallbackData
source Destructor for ImGuiInputTextDeactivatedState
source Destructor for ImGuiInputTextState
source Destructor for ImGuiKeyOwnerData
source Destructor for ImGuiKeyRoutingData
source Destructor for ImGuiKeyRoutingTable
source Destructor for ImGuiLastItemData
source Destructor for ImGuiListClipperData
source Destructor for ImGuiListClipper
source Destructor for ImGuiMenuColumns
source Destructor for ImGuiMultiSelectState
source Destructor for ImGuiMultiSelectTempData
source Destructor for ImGuiNavItemData
source Destructor for ImGuiNextItemData
source Destructor for ImGuiNextWindowData
source Destructor for ImGuiOldColumnData
source Destructor for ImGuiOldColumns
source Destructor for ImGuiOnceUponAFrame
source Destructor for ImGuiPayload
source Destructor for ImGuiPlatformIO
source Destructor for ImGuiPlatformImeData
source Destructor for ImGuiPlatformMonitor
source Destructor for ImGuiPopupData
source Destructor for ImGuiPtrOrIndex
source Destructor for ImGuiSelectionBasicStorage
source Destructor for ImGuiSelectionExternalStorage
source Destructor for ImGuiSettingsHandler
source Destructor for ImGuiStackLevelInfo
source Destructor for ImGuiStoragePair
source Destructor for ImGuiStyleMod
source Destructor for ImGuiStyle
source Destructor for ImGuiTabBar
source Destructor for ImGuiTabItem
source Destructor for ImGuiTableColumnSettings
source Destructor for ImGuiTableColumnSortSpecs
source Destructor for ImGuiTableColumn
source Destructor for ImGuiTableInstanceData
source Destructor for ImGuiTableSettings
source Destructor for ImGuiTableSortSpecs
source Destructor for ImGuiTableTempData
source Destructor for ImGuiTable
source Destructor for ImGuiTextBuffer
source Destructor for ImGuiTextFilter
source Destructor for ImGuiTextRange
source Destructor for ImGuiTypingSelectState
source Destructor for ImGuiViewportP
source Destructor for ImGuiViewport
source Destructor for ImGuiWindowClass
source Destructor for ImGuiWindowSettings
source Destructor for ImGuiWindow
source DestroyContext()
ctx::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiContext}}
NULL = destroy current context.
Upstream link .
source DestroyPlatformWindow(
viewport::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiViewportP}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DestroyPlatformWindows()
Call DestroyWindow platform functions for all viewports. call from backend Shutdown() if you need to close platform windows before imgui shutdown. otherwise will be called by DestroyContext().
Upstream link .
source DockBuilderAddNode() -> UInt32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DestroyPlatformWindows()
Call DestroyWindow platform functions for all viewports. call from backend Shutdown() if you need to close platform windows before imgui shutdown. otherwise will be called by DestroyContext().
Upstream link .
source DockBuilderAddNode() -> UInt32
DockBuilderAddNode(node_id::Integer) -> UInt32
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNodeFlags_, Integer}
) -> UInt32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockBuilderCopyDockSpace(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockBuilderCopyDockSpace(
in_window_remap_pairs::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImVector_const_charPtr}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockBuilderCopyNode(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockBuilderCopyNode(
out_node_remap_pairs::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImVector_ImGuiID}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockBuilderCopyWindowSettings(src_name, dst_name)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockBuilderDockWindow(window_name, node_id::Integer)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockBuilderFinish(node_id::Integer)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockBuilderGetCentralNode(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockBuilderCopyWindowSettings(src_name, dst_name)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockBuilderDockWindow(window_name, node_id::Integer)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockBuilderFinish(node_id::Integer)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockBuilderGetCentralNode(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockBuilderGetNode(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockBuilderGetNode(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockBuilderRemoveNode(node_id::Integer)
Remove node and all its child, undock all windows.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockBuilderRemoveNodeChildNodes(node_id::Integer)
Remove all split/hierarchy. All remaining docked windows will be re-docked to the remaining root node (node_id).
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockBuilderRemoveNodeDockedWindows(node_id::Integer)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockBuilderRemoveNode(node_id::Integer)
Remove node and all its child, undock all windows.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockBuilderRemoveNodeChildNodes(node_id::Integer)
Remove all split/hierarchy. All remaining docked windows will be re-docked to the remaining root node (node_id).
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockBuilderRemoveNodeDockedWindows(node_id::Integer)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockBuilderSetNodePos(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockBuilderSetNodePos(
pos::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockBuilderSetNodeSize(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockBuilderSetNodeSize(
size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockBuilderSplitNode(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockBuilderSplitNode(
out_id_at_dir::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{Integer}, Ref{UInt32}},
out_id_at_opposite_dir::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{Integer}, Ref{UInt32}}
) -> UInt32
Create 2 child nodes in this parent node.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockContextCalcDropPosForDocking(
Create 2 child nodes in this parent node.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockContextCalcDropPosForDocking(
target::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
target_node::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}},
payload_window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
@@ -1531,35 +1531,35 @@
out_pos::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImVec2}, Ref{Tuple{T, T} where T}}
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockContextClearNodes(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockContextClearNodes(
ctx::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiContext}},
Use root_id==0 to clear all.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockContextEndFrame(
Use root_id==0 to clear all.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockContextEndFrame(
ctx::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiContext}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockContextFindNodeByID(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockContextFindNodeByID(
ctx::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiContext}},
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockContextGenNodeID(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockContextGenNodeID(
ctx::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiContext}}
) -> UInt32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockContextInitialize(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockContextInitialize(
ctx::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiContext}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockContextNewFrameUpdateDocking(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockContextNewFrameUpdateDocking(
ctx::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiContext}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockContextNewFrameUpdateUndocking(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockContextNewFrameUpdateUndocking(
ctx::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiContext}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockContextProcessUndockNode(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockContextProcessUndockNode(
ctx::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiContext}},
node::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockContextProcessUndockWindow(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockContextProcessUndockWindow(
ctx::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiContext}},
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}}
@@ -1568,7 +1568,7 @@
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockContextQueueDock(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockContextQueueDock(
ctx::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiContext}},
target::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
target_node::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}},
@@ -1577,43 +1577,43 @@
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockContextQueueUndockNode(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockContextQueueUndockNode(
ctx::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiContext}},
node::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockContextQueueUndockWindow(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockContextQueueUndockWindow(
ctx::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiContext}},
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockContextRebuildNodes(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockContextRebuildNodes(
ctx::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiContext}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockContextShutdown(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockContextShutdown(
ctx::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiContext}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockNodeBeginAmendTabBar(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockNodeBeginAmendTabBar(
node::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}}
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockNodeEndAmendTabBar()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockNodeEndAmendTabBar()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockNodeGetDepth(
node::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}}
) -> Int32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockNodeGetRootNode(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockNodeGetRootNode(
node::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}}
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockNodeGetWindowMenuButtonId(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockNodeGetWindowMenuButtonId(
node::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}}
) -> UInt32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockNodeIsInHierarchyOf(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockNodeIsInHierarchyOf(
node::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}},
parent::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}}
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockNodeWindowMenuHandler_Default(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockNodeWindowMenuHandler_Default(
ctx::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiContext}},
node::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}},
tab_bar::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabBar}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockSpace(dockspace_id::Integer) -> UInt32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DockSpace(dockspace_id::Integer) -> UInt32
size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
@@ -1629,7 +1629,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNodeFlags_, Integer},
window_class::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindowClass}}
) -> UInt32
Upstream link .
source DockSpaceOverViewport() -> UInt32
DockSpaceOverViewport(dockspace_id::Integer) -> UInt32
@@ -1646,7 +1646,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNodeFlags_, Integer},
window_class::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindowClass}}
) -> UInt32
Upstream link .
source DragBehavior(
data_type::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDataType_, Integer},
@@ -1656,7 +1656,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSliderFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DragFloat(label, v) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source DragFloat(label, v) -> Bool
DragFloat(label, v, v_speed) -> Bool
DragFloat(label, v, v_speed, v_min) -> Bool
DragFloat(label, v, v_speed, v_min, v_max) -> Bool
@@ -1670,7 +1670,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSliderFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
If vmin >= v max we have no bound.
Upstream link .
source DragFloat2(label, v) -> Bool
DragFloat2(label, v, v_speed) -> Bool
DragFloat2(label, v, v_speed, v_min) -> Bool
DragFloat2(label, v, v_speed, v_min, v_max) -> Bool
@@ -1684,7 +1684,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSliderFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source DragFloat3(label, v) -> Bool
DragFloat3(label, v, v_speed) -> Bool
DragFloat3(label, v, v_speed, v_min) -> Bool
DragFloat3(label, v, v_speed, v_min, v_max) -> Bool
@@ -1698,7 +1698,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSliderFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source DragFloat4(label, v) -> Bool
DragFloat4(label, v, v_speed) -> Bool
DragFloat4(label, v, v_speed, v_min) -> Bool
DragFloat4(label, v, v_speed, v_min, v_max) -> Bool
@@ -1712,7 +1712,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSliderFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source DragFloatRange2(label, v_current_min, v_current_max) -> Bool
@@ -1764,7 +1764,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSliderFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source DragInt(label, v) -> Bool
DragInt(label, v, v_speed) -> Bool
DragInt(label, v, v_speed, v_min) -> Bool
DragInt(label, v, v_speed, v_min, v_max) -> Bool
@@ -1778,7 +1778,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSliderFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
If vmin >= v max we have no bound.
Upstream link .
source DragInt2(label, v) -> Bool
DragInt2(label, v, v_speed) -> Bool
DragInt2(label, v, v_speed, v_min) -> Bool
DragInt2(label, v, v_speed, v_min, v_max) -> Bool
@@ -1792,7 +1792,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSliderFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source DragInt3(label, v) -> Bool
DragInt3(label, v, v_speed) -> Bool
DragInt3(label, v, v_speed, v_min) -> Bool
DragInt3(label, v, v_speed, v_min, v_max) -> Bool
@@ -1806,7 +1806,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSliderFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source DragInt4(label, v) -> Bool
DragInt4(label, v, v_speed) -> Bool
DragInt4(label, v, v_speed, v_min) -> Bool
DragInt4(label, v, v_speed, v_min, v_max) -> Bool
@@ -1820,7 +1820,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSliderFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source DragIntRange2(label, v_current_min, v_current_max) -> Bool
@@ -1872,7 +1872,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSliderFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source DragScalar(
data_type::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDataType_, Integer},
@@ -1917,7 +1917,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSliderFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source DragScalarN(
data_type::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDataType_, Integer},
@@ -1968,61 +1968,61 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSliderFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source Draw(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTextFilter}) -> Bool
Draw(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTextFilter}, label) -> Bool
) -> Bool
Helper calling InputText+Build.
Upstream link .
source Dummy(size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T})
Add a dummy item of given size. unlike InvisibleButton(), Dummy() won't take the mouse click or be navigable into.
Upstream link .
source End(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiListClipper})
Automatically called on the last call of Step() that returns false.
Upstream link .
source End(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTextBuffer}) -> Ptr{Int8}
Buf is zero-terminated, so end() will point on the zero-terminator.
Upstream link .
source Dummy(size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T})
Add a dummy item of given size. unlike InvisibleButton(), Dummy() won't take the mouse click or be navigable into.
Upstream link .
source End(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiListClipper})
Automatically called on the last call of Step() that returns false.
Upstream link .
source End(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTextBuffer}) -> Ptr{Int8}
Buf is zero-terminated, so end() will point on the zero-terminator.
Upstream link .
source EndBoxSelect(
ms_flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMultiSelectFlags_, Integer}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source EndColumns()
Close columns.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source EndDisabledOverrideReenable()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source EndDragDropSource()
Only call EndDragDropSource() if BeginDragDropSource() returns true!
Upstream link .
source EndDragDropTarget()
Only call EndDragDropTarget() if BeginDragDropTarget() returns true!
Upstream link .
source EndFrame()
Ends the Dear ImGui frame. automatically called by Render(). If you don't need to render data (skipping rendering) you may call EndFrame() without Render()... but you'll have wasted CPU already! If you don't need to render, better to not create any windows and not call NewFrame() at all!
Upstream link .
source EndGroup()
Unlock horizontal starting position + capture the whole group bounding box into one "item" (so you can use IsItemHovered() or layout primitives such as SameLine() on whole group, etc.).
Upstream link .
source EndMainMenuBar()
Only call EndMainMenuBar() if BeginMainMenuBar() returns true!
Upstream link .
source EndTooltip()
Only call EndTooltip() if BeginTooltip()/BeginItemTooltip() returns true!
Upstream link .
source ErrorCheckEndFrameFinalizeErrorTooltip()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ErrorCheckUsingSetCursorPosToExtendParentBoundaries()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ErrorLog(msg) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ErrorRecoveryStoreState(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source EndColumns()
Close columns.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source EndDisabledOverrideReenable()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source EndDragDropSource()
Only call EndDragDropSource() if BeginDragDropSource() returns true!
Upstream link .
source EndDragDropTarget()
Only call EndDragDropTarget() if BeginDragDropTarget() returns true!
Upstream link .
source EndFrame()
Ends the Dear ImGui frame. automatically called by Render(). If you don't need to render data (skipping rendering) you may call EndFrame() without Render()... but you'll have wasted CPU already! If you don't need to render, better to not create any windows and not call NewFrame() at all!
Upstream link .
source EndGroup()
Unlock horizontal starting position + capture the whole group bounding box into one "item" (so you can use IsItemHovered() or layout primitives such as SameLine() on whole group, etc.).
Upstream link .
source EndMainMenuBar()
Only call EndMainMenuBar() if BeginMainMenuBar() returns true!
Upstream link .
source EndTooltip()
Only call EndTooltip() if BeginTooltip()/BeginItemTooltip() returns true!
Upstream link .
source ErrorCheckEndFrameFinalizeErrorTooltip()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ErrorCheckUsingSetCursorPosToExtendParentBoundaries()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ErrorLog(msg) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ErrorRecoveryStoreState(
state_out::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiErrorRecoveryState}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ErrorRecoveryTryToRecoverState(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ErrorRecoveryTryToRecoverState(
state_in::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiErrorRecoveryState}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ErrorRecoveryTryToRecoverWindowState(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ErrorRecoveryTryToRecoverWindowState(
state_in::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiErrorRecoveryState}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source FindBestWindowPosForPopup(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source FindBestWindowPosForPopup(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}}
) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source FindBestWindowPosForPopupEx(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source FindBestWindowPosForPopupEx(
ref_pos::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
last_dir::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDir}},
@@ -2030,97 +2030,97 @@
) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source FindBlockingModal(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source FindBlockingModal(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}}
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source FindBottomMostVisibleWindowWithinBeginStack(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source FindBottomMostVisibleWindowWithinBeginStack(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}}
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source FindGlyph(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImFontGlyph}
Upstream link .
source FindGlyphNoFallback(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImFontGlyph}
Upstream link .
source FindHoveredViewportFromPlatformWindowStack(
mouse_platform_pos::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiViewportP}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source FindOrCreateColumns(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source FindOrCreateColumns(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiOldColumns}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source FindRenderedTextEnd(text) -> Ptr{Int8}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source FindRenderedTextEnd(text) -> Ptr{Int8}
FindRenderedTextEnd(text, text_end) -> Ptr{Int8}
Find the optional ## from which we stop displaying text.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source FindSettingsHandler(
Find the optional ## from which we stop displaying text.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source FindSettingsHandler(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSettingsHandler}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source FindViewportByID(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiViewport}
This is a helper for backends.
Upstream link .
source FindViewportByPlatformHandle(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiViewport}
This is a helper for backends. the type platform_handle is decided by the backend (e.g. HWND, MyWindow, GLFWwindow etc.).
Upstream link .
source FindWindowByID(id::Integer) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source FindWindowByName(name) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source FindWindowDisplayIndex(
This is a helper for backends. the type platform_handle is decided by the backend (e.g. HWND, MyWindow, GLFWwindow etc.).
Upstream link .
source FindWindowByID(id::Integer) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source FindWindowByName(name) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source FindWindowDisplayIndex(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}}
) -> Int32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source FindWindowSettingsByID(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source FindWindowSettingsByID(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindowSettings}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source FindWindowSettingsByWindow(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source FindWindowSettingsByWindow(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}}
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindowSettings}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source FixupKeyChord(key_chord::Integer) -> Int32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Floor(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImRect})
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source FocusItem()
Focus last item (no selection/activation).
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source FocusTopMostWindowUnderOne(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source FixupKeyChord(key_chord::Integer) -> Int32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Floor(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImRect})
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source FocusItem()
Focus last item (no selection/activation).
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source FocusTopMostWindowUnderOne(
under_this_window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
ignore_window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
filter_viewport::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiViewport}},
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiFocusRequestFlags_, Integer}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source FocusWindow(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}}
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiFocusRequestFlags_, Integer}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source FromIndices(min, max) -> CImGui.lib.ImGuiListClipperRange
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source FromIndices(min, max) -> CImGui.lib.ImGuiListClipperRange
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source FromPositions(
) -> CImGui.lib.ImGuiListClipperRange
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GcAwakeTransientWindowBuffers(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GcAwakeTransientWindowBuffers(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GcCompactTransientMiscBuffers()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GcCompactTransientWindowBuffers(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GcCompactTransientMiscBuffers()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GcCompactTransientWindowBuffers(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetActiveID() -> UInt32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetAllocatorFunctions(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetActiveID() -> UInt32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetAllocatorFunctions(
p_alloc_func::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{Ptr{Nothing}}},
p_free_func::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{Ptr{Nothing}}},
Upstream link .
source GetArea(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImRect}) -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetBL(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImRect}) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetBR(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImRect}) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetArea(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImRect}) -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetBL(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImRect}) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetBR(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImRect}) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetBackgroundDrawList() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList}
viewport::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiViewport}}
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList}
Get background draw list for the given viewport or viewport associated to the current window. this draw list will be the first rendering one. Useful to quickly draw shapes/text behind dear imgui contents.
Upstream link .
source GetBit(
Get background draw list for the given viewport or viewport associated to the current window. this draw list will be the first rendering one. Useful to quickly draw shapes/text behind dear imgui contents.
Upstream link .
source GetBit(
) -> Bool
Get bit n in the array.
Upstream link .
source GetBool(
) -> Bool
@@ -2129,7 +2129,7 @@
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source GetBoolRef(
) -> Ptr{Bool}
@@ -2138,84 +2138,84 @@
) -> Ptr{Bool}
Upstream link .
source GetBoxSelectState(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiBoxSelectState}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetBuildWorkRect(
) -> CImGui.lib.ImRect
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetCenter(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImRect}) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetCenter(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImRect}) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetColorU32(col::Integer) -> UInt32
+GetColorU32(col::Integer, alpha_mul::Real) -> UInt32
Retrieve given color with style alpha applied, packed as a 32-bit value suitable for ImDrawList.
Upstream link .
source GetColorU32(
idx::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiCol_, Integer}
) -> UInt32
idx::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiCol_, Integer},
) -> UInt32
Retrieve given style color with style alpha applied and optional extra alpha multiplier, packed as a 32-bit value suitable for ImDrawList.
Upstream link .
source GetColorU32(col::Integer) -> UInt32
-GetColorU32(col::Integer, alpha_mul::Real) -> UInt32
Retrieve given color with style alpha applied, packed as a 32-bit value suitable for ImDrawList.
Upstream link .
source GetColorU32(
Retrieve given style color with style alpha applied and optional extra alpha multiplier, packed as a 32-bit value suitable for ImDrawList.
Upstream link .
source GetColorU32(
col::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec4, NTuple{4, T} where T}
) -> UInt32
Retrieve given color with style alpha applied, packed as a 32-bit value suitable for ImDrawList.
Upstream link .
source GetColumnNormFromOffset(
Retrieve given color with style alpha applied, packed as a 32-bit value suitable for ImDrawList.
Upstream link .
source GetColumnNormFromOffset(
columns::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiOldColumns}},
) -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetColumnOffset() -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetColumnOffset() -> Float32
GetColumnOffset(column_index) -> Float32
Get position of column line (in pixels, from the left side of the contents region). pass -1 to use current column, otherwise 0..GetColumnsCount() inclusive. column 0 is typically 0.0f.
Upstream link .
source GetColumnOffsetFromNorm(
Get position of column line (in pixels, from the left side of the contents region). pass -1 to use current column, otherwise 0..GetColumnsCount() inclusive. column 0 is typically 0.0f.
Upstream link .
source GetColumnOffsetFromNorm(
columns::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiOldColumns}},
) -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetColumnSettings(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetColumnSettings(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTableColumnSettings}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetColumnWidth() -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetColumnWidth() -> Float32
GetColumnWidth(column_index) -> Float32
Get column width (in pixels). pass -1 to use current column.
Upstream link .
source GetColumnsID(str_id, count) -> UInt32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetContentRegionAvail() -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
Available space from current position. THIS IS YOUR BEST FRIEND.
Upstream link .
source GetCurrentFocusScope() -> UInt32
Focus scope we are outputting into, set by PushFocusScope().
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetCurrentTabBar() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabBar}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetCurrentTable() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetCurrentWindow() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetCurrentWindowRead() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetCursorPos(
Get column width (in pixels). pass -1 to use current column.
Upstream link .
source GetColumnsID(str_id, count) -> UInt32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetContentRegionAvail() -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
Available space from current position. THIS IS YOUR BEST FRIEND.
Upstream link .
source GetCurrentFocusScope() -> UInt32
Focus scope we are outputting into, set by PushFocusScope().
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetCurrentTabBar() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabBar}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetCurrentTable() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetCurrentWindow() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetCurrentWindowRead() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetCursorPos(
) -> Int32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetCursorPos() -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
[window-local] cursor position in window-local coordinates. This is not your best friend.
Upstream link .
source GetCursorScreenPos() -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
Cursor position, absolute coordinates. THIS IS YOUR BEST FRIEND (prefer using this rather than GetCursorPos(), also more useful to work with ImDrawList API).
Upstream link .
source GetCursorStartPos() -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
[window-local] initial cursor position, in window-local coordinates. Call GetCursorScreenPos() after Begin() to get the absolute coordinates version.
Upstream link .
source GetCustomRectByIndex(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetCursorPos() -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
[window-local] cursor position in window-local coordinates. This is not your best friend.
Upstream link .
source GetCursorScreenPos() -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
Cursor position, absolute coordinates. THIS IS YOUR BEST FRIEND (prefer using this rather than GetCursorPos(), also more useful to work with ImDrawList API).
Upstream link .
source GetCursorStartPos() -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
[window-local] initial cursor position, in window-local coordinates. Call GetCursorScreenPos() after Begin() to get the absolute coordinates version.
Upstream link .
source GetCustomRectByIndex(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImFontAtlasCustomRect}
Upstream link .
source GetDefaultFont() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImFont}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetDragDropPayload() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiPayload}
Peek directly into the current payload from anywhere. returns NULL when drag and drop is finished or inactive. use ImGuiPayload::IsDataType() to test for the payload type.
Upstream link .
source GetDrawData() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImDrawData}
Valid after Render() and until the next call to NewFrame(). this is what you have to render.
Upstream link .
source GetDefaultFont() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImFont}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetDragDropPayload() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiPayload}
Peek directly into the current payload from anywhere. returns NULL when drag and drop is finished or inactive. use ImGuiPayload::IsDataType() to test for the payload type.
Upstream link .
source GetDrawData() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImDrawData}
Valid after Render() and until the next call to NewFrame(). this is what you have to render.
Upstream link .
source GetDrawListSharedData(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImDrawListSharedData}
You may use this when creating your own ImDrawList instances.
Upstream link .
source GetFloat(
) -> Float32
@@ -2224,7 +2224,7 @@
) -> Float32
Upstream link .
source GetFloatRef(
) -> Ptr{Float32}
@@ -2233,47 +2233,47 @@
) -> Ptr{Float32}
Upstream link .
source GetFocusID() -> UInt32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetFontSize() -> Float32
Get current font size (= height in pixels) of current font with current scale applied.
Upstream link .
source GetFontTexUvWhitePixel() -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
Get UV coordinate for a white pixel, useful to draw custom shapes via the ImDrawList API.
Upstream link .
source GetFocusID() -> UInt32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetFontSize() -> Float32
Get current font size (= height in pixels) of current font with current scale applied.
Upstream link .
source GetFontTexUvWhitePixel() -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
Get UV coordinate for a white pixel, useful to draw custom shapes via the ImDrawList API.
Upstream link .
source GetForegroundDrawList() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList}
viewport::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiViewport}}
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList}
Get foreground draw list for the given viewport or viewport associated to the current window. this draw list will be the top-most rendered one. Useful to quickly draw shapes/text over dear imgui contents.
Upstream link .
source GetFrameCount() -> Int32
Get global imgui frame count. incremented by 1 every frame.
Upstream link .
source GetFrameHeightWithSpacing() -> Float32
~ FontSize + style.FramePadding.y * 2 + style.ItemSpacing.y (distance in pixels between 2 consecutive lines of framed widgets).
Upstream link .
source GetGlyphRangesChineseFull(
Get foreground draw list for the given viewport or viewport associated to the current window. this draw list will be the top-most rendered one. Useful to quickly draw shapes/text over dear imgui contents.
Upstream link .
source GetFrameCount() -> Int32
Get global imgui frame count. incremented by 1 every frame.
Upstream link .
source GetFrameHeightWithSpacing() -> Float32
~ FontSize + style.FramePadding.y * 2 + style.ItemSpacing.y (distance in pixels between 2 consecutive lines of framed widgets).
Upstream link .
source GetGlyphRangesChineseFull(
) -> Ptr{UInt16}
Default + Half-Width + Japanese Hiragana/Katakana + full set of about 21000 CJK Unified Ideographs.
Upstream link .
source GetGlyphRangesChineseSimplifiedCommon(
Default + Half-Width + Japanese Hiragana/Katakana + full set of about 21000 CJK Unified Ideographs.
Upstream link .
source GetGlyphRangesChineseSimplifiedCommon(
) -> Ptr{UInt16}
Default + Half-Width + Japanese Hiragana/Katakana + set of 2500 CJK Unified Ideographs for common simplified Chinese.
Upstream link .
source GetGlyphRangesCyrillic(
Default + Half-Width + Japanese Hiragana/Katakana + set of 2500 CJK Unified Ideographs for common simplified Chinese.
Upstream link .
source GetGlyphRangesCyrillic(
) -> Ptr{UInt16}
Default + about 400 Cyrillic characters.
Upstream link .
source GetGlyphRangesDefault(
) -> Ptr{UInt16}
Basic Latin, Extended Latin.
Upstream link .
source GetGlyphRangesGreek(
) -> Ptr{UInt16}
Default + Greek and Coptic.
Upstream link .
source GetGlyphRangesJapanese(
) -> Ptr{UInt16}
Default + Hiragana, Katakana, Half-Width, Selection of 2999 Ideographs.
Upstream link .
source GetGlyphRangesKorean(
Default + Hiragana, Katakana, Half-Width, Selection of 2999 Ideographs.
Upstream link .
source GetGlyphRangesKorean(
) -> Ptr{UInt16}
Default + Korean characters.
Upstream link .
source GetGlyphRangesThai(
) -> Ptr{UInt16}
Default + Thai characters.
Upstream link .
source GetGlyphRangesVietnamese(
) -> Ptr{UInt16}
Default + Vietnamese characters.
Upstream link .
source GetHeight(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImRect}) -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetHoveredID() -> UInt32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetHeight(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImRect}) -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetHoveredID() -> UInt32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetID(
str::Union{Ptr{Int8}, String}
) -> UInt32
@@ -2282,43 +2282,43 @@
str::Union{Ptr{Int8}, String},
str_end::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String}
) -> UInt32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetID(
) -> UInt32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetID(
) -> UInt32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetID(
str_id_begin::Union{Ptr{Int8}, String},
str_id_end::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String}
) -> UInt32
Upstream link .
source GetID(str_id::Union{Ptr{Int8}, String}) -> UInt32
Calculate unique ID (hash of whole ID stack + given parameter). e.g. if you want to query into ImGuiStorage yourself.
Upstream link .
source GetID(str_id::Union{Ptr{Int8}, String}) -> UInt32
Calculate unique ID (hash of whole ID stack + given parameter). e.g. if you want to query into ImGuiStorage yourself.
Upstream link .
source GetIDFromPos(
p_abs::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
) -> UInt32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetIDFromRectangle(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetIDFromRectangle(
) -> UInt32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetIDWithSeed(n::Integer, seed::Integer) -> UInt32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetIDWithSeed(n::Integer, seed::Integer) -> UInt32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetIDWithSeed(
str_id_begin::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String},
str_id_end::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String},
) -> UInt32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetIO() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiIO}
Access the ImGuiIO structure (mouse/keyboard/gamepad inputs, time, various configuration options/flags).
Upstream link .
source GetIO() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiIO}
Access the ImGuiIO structure (mouse/keyboard/gamepad inputs, time, various configuration options/flags).
Upstream link .
source GetIOEx(
ctx::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiContext}}
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiIO}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetInputTextState(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetInputTextState(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputTextState}
Get input text state if active.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetInt(
Get input text state if active.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetInt(
) -> Int32
@@ -2327,7 +2327,7 @@
) -> Int32
Upstream link .
source GetIntRef(
) -> Ptr{Int32}
@@ -2336,46 +2336,46 @@
) -> Ptr{Int32}
Upstream link .
source GetItemFlags() -> Int32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetItemID() -> UInt32
Get ID of last item (~~ often same ImGui::GetID(label) beforehand).
Upstream link .
source GetItemRectMax() -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
Get lower-right bounding rectangle of the last item (screen space).
Upstream link .
source GetItemRectMin() -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
Get upper-left bounding rectangle of the last item (screen space).
Upstream link .
source GetItemStatusFlags() -> Int32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetKeyChordName(key_chord::Integer) -> Ptr{Int8}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetItemFlags() -> Int32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetItemID() -> UInt32
Get ID of last item (~~ often same ImGui::GetID(label) beforehand).
Upstream link .
source GetItemRectMax() -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
Get lower-right bounding rectangle of the last item (screen space).
Upstream link .
source GetItemRectMin() -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
Get upper-left bounding rectangle of the last item (screen space).
Upstream link .
source GetItemStatusFlags() -> Int32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetKeyChordName(key_chord::Integer) -> Ptr{Int8}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetKeyData(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiKeyData}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetKeyData(
ctx::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiContext}},
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiKeyData}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetKeyMagnitude2d(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetKeyMagnitude2d(
) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetKeyName(key::CImGui.lib.ImGuiKey) -> Ptr{Int8}
[DEBUG] returns English name of the key. Those names a provided for debugging purpose and are not meant to be saved persistently not compared.
Upstream link .
source GetKeyOwner(key::CImGui.lib.ImGuiKey) -> UInt32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetKeyName(key::CImGui.lib.ImGuiKey) -> Ptr{Int8}
[DEBUG] returns English name of the key. Those names a provided for debugging purpose and are not meant to be saved persistently not compared.
Upstream link .
source GetKeyOwner(key::CImGui.lib.ImGuiKey) -> UInt32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetKeyOwnerData(
ctx::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiContext}},
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiKeyOwnerData}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetKeyPressedAmount(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetKeyPressedAmount(
) -> Int32
Uses provided repeat rate/delay. return a count, most often 0 or 1 but might be >1 if RepeatRate is small enough that DeltaTime > RepeatRate.
Upstream link .
source GetMainRect(
Uses provided repeat rate/delay. return a count, most often 0 or 1 but might be >1 if RepeatRate is small enough that DeltaTime > RepeatRate.
Upstream link .
source GetMainRect(
) -> CImGui.lib.ImRect
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetMainViewport() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiViewport}
Return primary/default viewport. This can never be NULL.
Upstream link .
source GetMouseClickedCount(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetMainViewport() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiViewport}
Return primary/default viewport. This can never be NULL.
Upstream link .
source GetMouseClickedCount(
button::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMouseButton_, Integer}
) -> Int32
Return the number of successive mouse-clicks at the time where a click happen (otherwise 0).
Upstream link .
source GetMouseCursor() -> Int32
Get desired mouse cursor shape. Important: reset in ImGui::NewFrame(), this is updated during the frame. valid before Render(). If you use software rendering by setting io.MouseDrawCursor ImGui will render those for you.
Upstream link .
source GetMouseCursorTexData(
Return the number of successive mouse-clicks at the time where a click happen (otherwise 0).
Upstream link .
source GetMouseCursor() -> Int32
Get desired mouse cursor shape. Important: reset in ImGui::NewFrame(), this is updated during the frame. valid before Render(). If you use software rendering by setting io.MouseDrawCursor ImGui will render those for you.
Upstream link .
source GetMouseCursorTexData(
cursor::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMouseCursor_, Integer},
out_offset::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImVec2}, Ref{Tuple{T, T} where T}},
@@ -2383,7 +2383,7 @@
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source GetMouseDragDelta() -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
button::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMouseButton_, Integer}
) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
@@ -2391,61 +2391,61 @@
button::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMouseButton_, Integer},
) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
Return the delta from the initial clicking position while the mouse button is pressed or was just released. This is locked and return 0.0f until the mouse moves past a distance threshold at least once (uses io.MouseDraggingThreshold if lock_threshold < 0.0f).
Upstream link .
source GetMousePos() -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
Shortcut to ImGui::GetIO().MousePos provided by user, to be consistent with other calls.
Upstream link .
source GetMousePosOnOpeningCurrentPopup() -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
Retrieve mouse position at the time of opening popup we have BeginPopup() into (helper to avoid user backing that value themselves).
Upstream link .
source GetMultiSelectState(
Return the delta from the initial clicking position while the mouse button is pressed or was just released. This is locked and return 0.0f until the mouse moves past a distance threshold at least once (uses io.MouseDraggingThreshold if lock_threshold < 0.0f).
Upstream link .
source GetMousePos() -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
Shortcut to ImGui::GetIO().MousePos provided by user, to be consistent with other calls.
Upstream link .
source GetMousePosOnOpeningCurrentPopup() -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
Retrieve mouse position at the time of opening popup we have BeginPopup() into (helper to avoid user backing that value themselves).
Upstream link .
source GetMultiSelectState(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMultiSelectState}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetName(
) -> Ptr{Int8}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetNavTweakPressedAmount(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetNavTweakPressedAmount(
) -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetNextSelectedItem(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetNextSelectedItem(
out_id::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{Integer}, Ref{UInt32}}
) -> Bool
Iterate selection with 'void* it = NULL; ImGuiId id; while (selection.GetNextSelectedItem(&it, &id)) ... '.
Upstream link .
source GetPlatformIO() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiPlatformIO}
Access the ImGuiPlatformIO structure (mostly hooks/functions to connect to platform/renderer and OS Clipboard, IME etc.).
Upstream link .
source GetPlatformIOEx(
Iterate selection with 'void* it = NULL; ImGuiId id; while (selection.GetNextSelectedItem(&it, &id)) ... '.
Upstream link .
source GetPlatformIO() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiPlatformIO}
Access the ImGuiPlatformIO structure (mostly hooks/functions to connect to platform/renderer and OS Clipboard, IME etc.).
Upstream link .
source GetPlatformIOEx(
ctx::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiContext}}
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiPlatformIO}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetPopupAllowedExtentRect(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetPopupAllowedExtentRect(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}}
) -> CImGui.lib.ImRect
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetScrollMaxX() -> Float32
Get maximum scrolling amount ~~ ContentSize.x - WindowSize.x - DecorationsSize.x.
Upstream link .
source GetScrollMaxY() -> Float32
Get maximum scrolling amount ~~ ContentSize.y - WindowSize.y - DecorationsSize.y.
Upstream link .
source GetScrollMaxX() -> Float32
Get maximum scrolling amount ~~ ContentSize.x - WindowSize.x - DecorationsSize.x.
Upstream link .
source GetScrollMaxY() -> Float32
Get maximum scrolling amount ~~ ContentSize.y - WindowSize.y - DecorationsSize.y.
Upstream link .
source GetSelectionEnd(
) -> Int32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetSelectionStart(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetSelectionStart(
) -> Int32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetShortcutRoutingData(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetShortcutRoutingData(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiKeyRoutingData}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetSize(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImRect}) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetStorageIdFromIndex(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetSize(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImRect}) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetStorageIdFromIndex(
) -> UInt32
Convert index to item id based on provided adapter.
Upstream link .
source GetStyle() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiStyle}
Access the Style structure (colors, sizes). Always use PushStyleColor(), PushStyleVar() to modify style mid-frame!
Upstream link .
source GetStyle() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiStyle}
Access the Style structure (colors, sizes). Always use PushStyleColor(), PushStyleVar() to modify style mid-frame!
Upstream link .
source GetStyleColorName(
idx::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiCol_, Integer}
) -> Ptr{Int8}
Get a string corresponding to the enum value (for display, saving, etc.).
Upstream link .
source GetStyleColorVec4(
Get a string corresponding to the enum value (for display, saving, etc.).
Upstream link .
source GetStyleColorVec4(
idx::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiCol_, Integer}
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImVec4}
Retrieve style color as stored in ImGuiStyle structure. use to feed back into PushStyleColor(), otherwise use GetColorU32() to get style color with style alpha baked in.
Upstream link .
source GetStyleVarInfo(
Retrieve style color as stored in ImGuiStyle structure. use to feed back into PushStyleColor(), otherwise use GetColorU32() to get style color with style alpha baked in.
Upstream link .
source GetStyleVarInfo(
idx::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiStyleVar_, Integer}
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDataVarInfo}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetTL(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImRect}) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetTR(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImRect}) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetTexDataAsAlpha8(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetTL(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImRect}) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetTR(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImRect}) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetTexDataAsAlpha8(
@@ -2458,7 +2458,7 @@
1 byte per-pixel.
Upstream link .
source GetTexDataAsRGBA32(
@@ -2471,39 +2471,39 @@
4 bytes-per-pixel.
Upstream link .
source GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing() -> Float32
~ FontSize + style.ItemSpacing.y (distance in pixels between 2 consecutive lines of text).
Upstream link .
source GetTime() -> Float64
Get global imgui time. incremented by io.DeltaTime every frame.
Upstream link .
source GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing() -> Float32
~ FontSize + style.ItemSpacing.y (distance in pixels between 2 consecutive lines of text).
Upstream link .
source GetTime() -> Float64
Get global imgui time. incremented by io.DeltaTime every frame.
Upstream link .
source GetTopMostAndVisiblePopupModal(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetTopMostPopupModal() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing() -> Float32
Horizontal distance preceding label when using TreeNode() or Bullet() == (g.FontSize + style.FramePadding.x 2) for a regular unframed TreeNode.
Upstream link .
source GetTypematicRepeatRate(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetTopMostPopupModal() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing() -> Float32
Horizontal distance preceding label when using TreeNode() or Bullet() == (g.FontSize + style.FramePadding.x 2) for a regular unframed TreeNode.
Upstream link .
source GetTypematicRepeatRate(
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputFlags_, Integer},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetTypingSelectRequest(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetTypingSelectRequest(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTypingSelectRequest}
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTypingSelectFlags_, Integer}
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTypingSelectRequest}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetVarPtr(
) -> Ptr{Nothing}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetVersion() -> Ptr{Int8}
Get the compiled version string e.g. "1.80 WIP" (essentially the value for IMGUI_VERSION from the compiled version of imgui.cpp).
Upstream link .
source GetViewportPlatformMonitor(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetVersion() -> Ptr{Int8}
Get the compiled version string e.g. "1.80 WIP" (essentially the value for IMGUI_VERSION from the compiled version of imgui.cpp).
Upstream link .
source GetViewportPlatformMonitor(
viewport::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiViewport}}
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiPlatformMonitor}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetVoidPtr(
) -> Ptr{Nothing}
Default_val is NULL.
Upstream link .
source GetVoidPtrRef(
) -> Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}}
@@ -2512,72 +2512,72 @@
) -> Ptr{Ptr{Nothing}}
Upstream link .
source GetWidth(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImRect}) -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetWidth(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImRect}) -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetWindowAlwaysWantOwnTabBar(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}}
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetWindowDockNode() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetWindowDpiScale() -> Float32
Get DPI scale currently associated to the current window's viewport.
Upstream link .
source GetWindowDrawList() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList}
Get draw list associated to the current window, to append your own drawing primitives.
Upstream link .
source GetWindowHeight() -> Float32
Get current window height (IT IS UNLIKELY YOU EVER NEED TO USE THIS). Shortcut for GetWindowSize().y.
Upstream link .
source GetWindowPos() -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
Get current window position in screen space (IT IS UNLIKELY YOU EVER NEED TO USE THIS. Consider always using GetCursorScreenPos() and GetContentRegionAvail() instead).
Upstream link .
source GetWindowResizeBorderID(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetWindowDockNode() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetWindowDpiScale() -> Float32
Get DPI scale currently associated to the current window's viewport.
Upstream link .
source GetWindowDrawList() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList}
Get draw list associated to the current window, to append your own drawing primitives.
Upstream link .
source GetWindowHeight() -> Float32
Get current window height (IT IS UNLIKELY YOU EVER NEED TO USE THIS). Shortcut for GetWindowSize().y.
Upstream link .
source GetWindowPos() -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
Get current window position in screen space (IT IS UNLIKELY YOU EVER NEED TO USE THIS. Consider always using GetCursorScreenPos() and GetContentRegionAvail() instead).
Upstream link .
source GetWindowResizeBorderID(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
) -> UInt32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetWindowResizeCornerID(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetWindowResizeCornerID(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
) -> UInt32
0..3: corners.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetWindowScrollbarID(
0..3: corners.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetWindowScrollbarID(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
) -> UInt32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetWindowScrollbarRect(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetWindowScrollbarRect(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
) -> CImGui.lib.ImRect
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source GetWindowSize() -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
Get current window size (IT IS UNLIKELY YOU EVER NEED TO USE THIS. Consider always using GetCursorScreenPos() and GetContentRegionAvail() instead).
Upstream link .
source GetWindowViewport() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiViewport}
Get viewport currently associated to the current window.
Upstream link .
source GetWindowWidth() -> Float32
Get current window width (IT IS UNLIKELY YOU EVER NEED TO USE THIS). Shortcut for GetWindowSize().x.
Upstream link .
source GetWindowSize() -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
Get current window size (IT IS UNLIKELY YOU EVER NEED TO USE THIS. Consider always using GetCursorScreenPos() and GetContentRegionAvail() instead).
Upstream link .
source GetWindowViewport() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiViewport}
Get viewport currently associated to the current window.
Upstream link .
source GetWindowWidth() -> Float32
Get current window width (IT IS UNLIKELY YOU EVER NEED TO USE THIS). Shortcut for GetWindowSize().x.
Upstream link .
source GetWorkCenter(
) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
Upstream link .
source GetWorkRect(
) -> CImGui.lib.ImRect
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Get_line_begin(
) -> Ptr{Int8}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Get_line_end(
) -> Ptr{Int8}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source HSV(h, s, v) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec4
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source HasSelection(
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source HelpMarker(msg::AbstractString)
A port of the HelpMarker()
function from the Dear ImGui demo. This will draw a grayed out '(?)' text on the screen with msg
as the tooltip.
source ImAbs(x::Float32) -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImAbs(x::Float64) -> Float64
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImAbs(x::Integer) -> Int32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImAlphaBlendColors(col_a::Integer, col_b::Integer) -> UInt32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImBezierCubicCalc(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source HelpMarker(msg::AbstractString)
A port of the HelpMarker()
function from the Dear ImGui demo. This will draw a grayed out '(?)' text on the screen with msg
as the tooltip.
source ImAbs(x::Float32) -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImAbs(x::Float64) -> Float64
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImAbs(x::Integer) -> Int32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImAlphaBlendColors(col_a::Integer, col_b::Integer) -> UInt32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImBezierCubicCalc(
p1::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
p2::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
p3::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
p4::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImBezierCubicClosestPoint(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImBezierCubicClosestPoint(
p1::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
p2::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
p3::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -2585,7 +2585,7 @@
p::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
For curves with explicit number of segments.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImBezierCubicClosestPointCasteljau(
For curves with explicit number of segments.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImBezierCubicClosestPointCasteljau(
p1::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
p2::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
p3::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -2593,50 +2593,50 @@
p::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
For auto-tessellated curves you can use tess_tol = style.CurveTessellationTol.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImBezierQuadraticCalc(
For auto-tessellated curves you can use tess_tol = style.CurveTessellationTol.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImBezierQuadraticCalc(
p1::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
p2::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
p3::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImBitArrayClearAllBits(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImBitArrayClearAllBits(
arr::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{Integer}, Ref{UInt32}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImBitArrayClearBit(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImBitArrayClearBit(
arr::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{Integer}, Ref{UInt32}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImBitArrayGetStorageSizeInBytes(bitcount) -> UInt64
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImBitArrayGetStorageSizeInBytes(bitcount) -> UInt64
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImBitArraySetBit(
arr::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{Integer}, Ref{UInt32}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImBitArraySetBitRange(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImBitArraySetBitRange(
arr::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{Integer}, Ref{UInt32}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImBitArrayTestBit(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImBitArrayTestBit(
arr::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{Integer}, Ref{UInt32}},
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImCharIsBlankA(c) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImCharIsBlankW(c) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImCharIsXdigitA(c) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImCharIsBlankA(c) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImCharIsBlankW(c) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImCharIsXdigitA(c) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImClamp(
v::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
mn::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
mx::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImDot(
a::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
b::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
) -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImExponentialMovingAverage(avg, sample, n) -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFileClose(file::Ptr{Base.Libc.FILE}) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFileGetSize(file::Ptr{Base.Libc.FILE}) -> UInt64
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFileLoadToMemory(filename, mode) -> Ptr{Nothing}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImExponentialMovingAverage(avg, sample, n) -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFileClose(file::Ptr{Base.Libc.FILE}) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFileGetSize(file::Ptr{Base.Libc.FILE}) -> UInt64
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFileLoadToMemory(filename, mode) -> Ptr{Nothing}
@@ -2648,34 +2648,34 @@
) -> Ptr{Nothing}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFileOpen(filename, mode) -> Ptr{Base.Libc.FILE}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFileOpen(filename, mode) -> Ptr{Base.Libc.FILE}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFileRead(
) -> UInt64
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFileWrite(
) -> UInt64
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFloor(f::Real) -> Float32
Decent replacement for floorf().
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFloor(f::Real) -> Float32
Decent replacement for floorf().
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFloor(
v::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFontAtlasBuildFinish(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFontAtlasBuildFinish(
atlas::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImFontAtlas}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFontAtlasBuildInit(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFontAtlasBuildInit(
atlas::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImFontAtlas}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFontAtlasBuildMultiplyCalcLookupTable(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFontAtlasBuildMultiplyCalcLookupTable(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFontAtlasBuildMultiplyRectAlpha8(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFontAtlasBuildMultiplyRectAlpha8(
@@ -2684,11 +2684,11 @@
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFontAtlasBuildPackCustomRects(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFontAtlasBuildPackCustomRects(
atlas::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImFontAtlas}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFontAtlasBuildRender32bppRectFromString(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFontAtlasBuildRender32bppRectFromString(
atlas::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImFontAtlas}},
@@ -2698,7 +2698,7 @@
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFontAtlasBuildRender8bppRectFromString(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFontAtlasBuildRender8bppRectFromString(
atlas::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImFontAtlas}},
@@ -2708,143 +2708,143 @@
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFontAtlasBuildSetupFont(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFontAtlasBuildSetupFont(
atlas::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImFontAtlas}},
font::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImFont}},
font_config::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImFontConfig}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFontAtlasGetBuilderForStbTruetype(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFontAtlasGetBuilderForStbTruetype(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImFontBuilderIO}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFontAtlasUpdateConfigDataPointers(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFontAtlasUpdateConfigDataPointers(
atlas::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImFontAtlas}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFormatString(buf, buf_size, fmt) -> Int32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFormatStringToTempBuffer(out_buf, out_buf_end, fmt)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImHashData(data, data_size) -> UInt32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFormatString(buf, buf_size, fmt) -> Int32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFormatStringToTempBuffer(out_buf, out_buf_end, fmt)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImHashData(data, data_size) -> UInt32
ImHashData(data, data_size, seed::Integer) -> UInt32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImHashStr(data) -> UInt32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImHashStr(data) -> UInt32
ImHashStr(data, data_size) -> UInt32
ImHashStr(data, data_size, seed::Integer) -> UInt32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImInvLength(
lhs::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
) -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImIsFloatAboveGuaranteedIntegerPrecision(f) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImIsPowerOfTwo(v::Integer) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImIsPowerOfTwo(v::UInt64) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImIsFloatAboveGuaranteedIntegerPrecision(f) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImIsPowerOfTwo(v::Integer) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImIsPowerOfTwo(v::UInt64) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImLengthSqr(
lhs::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
) -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImLengthSqr(
lhs::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec4, NTuple{4, T} where T}
) -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImLerp(
a::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
b::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImLerp(
a::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
b::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
t::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImLerp(
a::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec4, NTuple{4, T} where T},
b::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec4, NTuple{4, T} where T},
) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec4
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImLineClosestPoint(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImLineClosestPoint(
a::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
b::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
p::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImLinearRemapClamp(s0, s1, d0, d1, x) -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImLinearSweep(current, target, speed) -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImLog(x::Float32) -> Float32
DragBehaviorT/SliderBehaviorT uses ImLog with either float/double and need the precision.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImLog(x::Float64) -> Float64
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImLinearRemapClamp(s0, s1, d0, d1, x) -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImLinearSweep(current, target, speed) -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImLog(x::Float32) -> Float32
DragBehaviorT/SliderBehaviorT uses ImLog with either float/double and need the precision.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImLog(x::Float64) -> Float64
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImLowerBound(
in_begin::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiStoragePair}},
in_end::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiStoragePair}},
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiStoragePair}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImMax(
lhs::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
rhs::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImMin(
lhs::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
rhs::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImModPositive(a, b) -> Int32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImModPositive(a, b) -> Int32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImMul(
lhs::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
rhs::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImParseFormatFindEnd(format) -> Ptr{Int8}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImParseFormatFindStart(format) -> Ptr{Int8}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImParseFormatPrecision(format, default_value) -> Int32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImParseFormatSanitizeForPrinting(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImParseFormatFindEnd(format) -> Ptr{Int8}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImParseFormatFindStart(format) -> Ptr{Int8}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImParseFormatPrecision(format, default_value) -> Int32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImParseFormatSanitizeForPrinting(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImParseFormatSanitizeForScanning(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImParseFormatSanitizeForScanning(
) -> Ptr{Int8}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImParseFormatTrimDecorations(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImParseFormatTrimDecorations(
) -> Ptr{Int8}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImPow(x::Float32, y::Float32) -> Float32
DragBehaviorT/SliderBehaviorT uses ImPow with either float/double and need the precision.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImPow(x::Float64, y::Float64) -> Float64
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImQsort(base, count, size_of_element, compare_func)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImPow(x::Float32, y::Float32) -> Float32
DragBehaviorT/SliderBehaviorT uses ImPow with either float/double and need the precision.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImPow(x::Float64, y::Float64) -> Float64
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImQsort(base, count, size_of_element, compare_func)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImRotate(
v::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImRsqrt(x::Float32) -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImRsqrt(x::Float64) -> Float64
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImSaturate(f) -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImSign(x::Float32) -> Float32
Sign operator - returns -1, 0 or 1 based on sign of argument.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImSign(x::Float64) -> Float64
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImStrSkipBlank(str) -> Ptr{Int8}
Find first non-blank character.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImStrTrimBlanks(str)
Remove leading and trailing blanks from a buffer.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImStrbol(buf_mid_line, buf_begin) -> Ptr{Int8}
Find beginning-of-line.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImStrchrRange(str_begin, str_end, c) -> Ptr{Int8}
Find first occurrence of 'c' in string range.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImStrdup(str) -> Ptr{Int8}
Duplicate a string.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImStrdupcpy(dst, p_dst_size, str) -> Ptr{Int8}
Copy in provided buffer, recreate buffer if needed.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImStreolRange(str, str_end) -> Ptr{Int8}
End end-of-line.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImStricmp(str1, str2) -> Int32
Case insensitive compare.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImRsqrt(x::Float32) -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImRsqrt(x::Float64) -> Float64
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImSaturate(f) -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImSign(x::Float32) -> Float32
Sign operator - returns -1, 0 or 1 based on sign of argument.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImSign(x::Float64) -> Float64
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImStrSkipBlank(str) -> Ptr{Int8}
Find first non-blank character.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImStrTrimBlanks(str)
Remove leading and trailing blanks from a buffer.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImStrbol(buf_mid_line, buf_begin) -> Ptr{Int8}
Find beginning-of-line.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImStrchrRange(str_begin, str_end, c) -> Ptr{Int8}
Find first occurrence of 'c' in string range.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImStrdup(str) -> Ptr{Int8}
Duplicate a string.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImStrdupcpy(dst, p_dst_size, str) -> Ptr{Int8}
Copy in provided buffer, recreate buffer if needed.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImStreolRange(str, str_end) -> Ptr{Int8}
End end-of-line.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImStricmp(str1, str2) -> Int32
Case insensitive compare.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImStristr(
) -> Ptr{Int8}
Find a substring in a string range.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImStrlenW(str::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{UInt16}}) -> Int32
Computer string length (ImWchar string).
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImStrncpy(dst, src, count)
Copy to a certain count and always zero terminate (strncpy doesn't).
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImStrnicmp(str1, str2, count) -> Int32
Case insensitive compare to a certain count.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImTextCharFromUtf8(out_char, in_text, in_text_end) -> Int32
Read one character. return input UTF-8 bytes count.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImTextCharToUtf8(out_buf, c) -> Ptr{Int8}
Return out_buf.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImTextCountCharsFromUtf8(in_text, in_text_end) -> Int32
Return number of UTF-8 code-points (NOT bytes count).
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImTextCountLines(in_text, in_text_end) -> Int32
Return number of lines taken by text. trailing carriage return doesn't count as an extra line.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImTextCountUtf8BytesFromChar(in_text, in_text_end) -> Int32
Return number of bytes to express one char in UTF-8.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImTextCountUtf8BytesFromStr(
Find a substring in a string range.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImStrlenW(str::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{UInt16}}) -> Int32
Computer string length (ImWchar string).
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImStrncpy(dst, src, count)
Copy to a certain count and always zero terminate (strncpy doesn't).
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImStrnicmp(str1, str2, count) -> Int32
Case insensitive compare to a certain count.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImTextCharFromUtf8(out_char, in_text, in_text_end) -> Int32
Read one character. return input UTF-8 bytes count.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImTextCharToUtf8(out_buf, c) -> Ptr{Int8}
Return out_buf.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImTextCountCharsFromUtf8(in_text, in_text_end) -> Int32
Return number of UTF-8 code-points (NOT bytes count).
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImTextCountLines(in_text, in_text_end) -> Int32
Return number of lines taken by text. trailing carriage return doesn't count as an extra line.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImTextCountUtf8BytesFromChar(in_text, in_text_end) -> Int32
Return number of bytes to express one char in UTF-8.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImTextCountUtf8BytesFromStr(
in_text::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{UInt16}},
in_text_end::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{UInt16}}
) -> Int32
Return number of bytes to express string in UTF-8.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImTextFindPreviousUtf8Codepoint(
Return number of bytes to express string in UTF-8.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImTextFindPreviousUtf8Codepoint(
) -> Ptr{Int8}
Return previous UTF-8 code-point.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImTextStrFromUtf8(
Return previous UTF-8 code-point.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImTextStrFromUtf8(
out_buf::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{UInt16}},
@@ -2857,19 +2857,19 @@
) -> Int32
Return input UTF-8 bytes count.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImTextStrToUtf8(
Return input UTF-8 bytes count.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImTextStrToUtf8(
in_text::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{UInt16}},
in_text_end::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{UInt16}}
) -> Int32
Return output UTF-8 bytes count.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImToUpper(c) -> Int8
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImTriangleArea(
Return output UTF-8 bytes count.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImToUpper(c) -> Int8
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImTriangleArea(
a::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
b::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
c::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
) -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImTriangleBarycentricCoords(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImTriangleBarycentricCoords(
a::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
b::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
c::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -2878,29 +2878,29 @@
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImTriangleClosestPoint(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImTriangleClosestPoint(
a::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
b::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
c::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
p::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImTriangleContainsPoint(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImTriangleContainsPoint(
a::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
b::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
c::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
p::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImTriangleIsClockwise(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImTriangleIsClockwise(
a::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
b::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
c::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImTrunc(f::Real) -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImTrunc(f::Real) -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImTrunc(
v::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImUpperPowerOfTwo(v) -> Int32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImUpperPowerOfTwo(v) -> Int32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Image(
image_size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
@@ -2930,7 +2930,7 @@
tint_col::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec4, NTuple{4, T} where T},
border_col::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec4, NTuple{4, T} where T}
Upstream link .
source ImageButton(
image_size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
@@ -2965,7 +2965,7 @@
bg_col::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec4, NTuple{4, T} where T},
tint_col::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec4, NTuple{4, T} where T}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source ImageButtonEx(
image_size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -2984,19 +2984,19 @@
tint_col::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec4, NTuple{4, T} where T},
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiButtonFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IncludeItemByIndex(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IncludeItemsByIndex(
Item_end is exclusive e.g. use (42, 42+1) to make item 42 never clipped.
Upstream link .
source Indent()
Item_end is exclusive e.g. use (42, 42+1) to make item 42 never clipped.
Upstream link .
source Indent()
Move content position toward the right, by indentw, or style.IndentSpacing if indent w <= 0.
Upstream link .
source InputDouble(label, v) -> Bool
Move content position toward the right, by indentw, or style.IndentSpacing if indent w <= 0.
Upstream link .
source InputDouble(label, v) -> Bool
InputDouble(label, v, step) -> Bool
InputDouble(label, v, step, step_fast) -> Bool
InputDouble(label, v, step, step_fast, format) -> Bool
@@ -3008,7 +3008,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputTextFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source InputFloat(label, v) -> Bool
InputFloat(label, v, step) -> Bool
InputFloat(label, v, step, step_fast) -> Bool
InputFloat(label, v, step, step_fast, format) -> Bool
@@ -3020,7 +3020,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputTextFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source InputFloat2(label, v) -> Bool
InputFloat2(label, v, format) -> Bool
@@ -3028,7 +3028,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputTextFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source InputFloat3(label, v) -> Bool
InputFloat3(label, v, format) -> Bool
@@ -3036,7 +3036,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputTextFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source InputFloat4(label, v) -> Bool
InputFloat4(label, v, format) -> Bool
@@ -3044,7 +3044,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputTextFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source InputInt(label, v) -> Bool
InputInt(label, v, step) -> Bool
InputInt(label, v, step, step_fast) -> Bool
@@ -3054,25 +3054,25 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputTextFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source InputInt2(label, v) -> Bool
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputTextFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source InputInt3(label, v) -> Bool
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputTextFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source InputInt4(label, v) -> Bool
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputTextFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source InputScalar(
data_type::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDataType_, Integer},
@@ -3107,7 +3107,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputTextFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source InputScalarN(
data_type::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDataType_, Integer},
@@ -3147,7 +3147,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputTextFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source InputText(label, buf, buf_size) -> Bool
@@ -3169,8 +3169,8 @@
callback::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Base.CFunction},
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source InputTextDeactivateHook(id::Integer)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source InputTextDeactivateHook(id::Integer)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source InputTextEx(
@@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@
callback::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Base.CFunction},
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source InputTextMultiline(label, buf, buf_size) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source InputTextMultiline(label, buf, buf_size) -> Bool
@@ -3228,7 +3228,7 @@
callback::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Base.CFunction},
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source InputTextWithHint(label, hint, buf, buf_size) -> Bool
@@ -3253,7 +3253,7 @@
callback::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Base.CFunction},
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source InsertChars(
@@ -3264,7 +3264,7 @@
Upstream link .
source InvisibleButton(
size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
) -> Bool
@@ -3273,49 +3273,49 @@
size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiButtonFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Flexible button behavior without the visuals, frequently useful to build custom behaviors using the public api (along with IsItemActive, IsItemHovered, etc.).
Upstream link .
source IsActiveIdUsingNavDir(dir::CImGui.lib.ImGuiDir) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsAliasKey(key::CImGui.lib.ImGuiKey) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsAnyMouseDown() -> Bool
[WILL OBSOLETE] is any mouse button held? This was designed for backends, but prefer having backend maintain a mask of held mouse buttons, because upcoming input queue system will make this invalid.
Upstream link .
source IsBuilt(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImFontAtlas}) -> Bool
Bit ambiguous: used to detect when user didn't build texture but effectively we should check TexID != 0 except that would be backend dependent...
Upstream link .
source IsCentralNode(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsClippedEx(bb::CImGui.lib.ImRect, id::Integer) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsDockSpace(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsDragDropActive() -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsDragDropPayloadBeingAccepted() -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsEmpty(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsFloatingNode(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsGamepadKey(key::CImGui.lib.ImGuiKey) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsGlyphRangeUnused(
Flexible button behavior without the visuals, frequently useful to build custom behaviors using the public api (along with IsItemActive, IsItemHovered, etc.).
Upstream link .
source IsActiveIdUsingNavDir(dir::CImGui.lib.ImGuiDir) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsAliasKey(key::CImGui.lib.ImGuiKey) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsAnyMouseDown() -> Bool
[WILL OBSOLETE] is any mouse button held? This was designed for backends, but prefer having backend maintain a mask of held mouse buttons, because upcoming input queue system will make this invalid.
Upstream link .
source IsBuilt(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImFontAtlas}) -> Bool
Bit ambiguous: used to detect when user didn't build texture but effectively we should check TexID != 0 except that would be backend dependent...
Upstream link .
source IsCentralNode(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsClippedEx(bb::CImGui.lib.ImRect, id::Integer) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsDockSpace(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsDragDropActive() -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsDragDropPayloadBeingAccepted() -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsEmpty(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsFloatingNode(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsGamepadKey(key::CImGui.lib.ImGuiKey) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsGlyphRangeUnused(
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source IsHiddenTabBar(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}) -> Bool
Hidden tab bar can be shown back by clicking the small triangle.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsInverted(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImRect}) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsItemActivated() -> Bool
Was the last item just made active (item was previously inactive).
Upstream link .
source IsItemActive() -> Bool
Is the last item active? (e.g. button being held, text field being edited. This will continuously return true while holding mouse button on an item. Items that don't interact will always return false).
Upstream link .
source IsHiddenTabBar(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}) -> Bool
Hidden tab bar can be shown back by clicking the small triangle.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsInverted(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImRect}) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsItemActivated() -> Bool
Was the last item just made active (item was previously inactive).
Upstream link .
source IsItemActive() -> Bool
Is the last item active? (e.g. button being held, text field being edited. This will continuously return true while holding mouse button on an item. Items that don't interact will always return false).
Upstream link .
source IsItemClicked() -> Bool
mouse_button::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMouseButton_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Is the last item hovered and mouse clicked on? () == IsMouseClicked(mouse_button) && IsItemHovered()Important. ( ) this is NOT equivalent to the behavior of e.g. Button(). Read comments in function definition.
Upstream link .
source IsItemDeactivated() -> Bool
Was the last item just made inactive (item was previously active). Useful for Undo/Redo patterns with widgets that require continuous editing.
Upstream link .
source IsItemDeactivatedAfterEdit() -> Bool
Was the last item just made inactive and made a value change when it was active? (e.g. Slider/Drag moved). Useful for Undo/Redo patterns with widgets that require continuous editing. Note that you may get false positives (some widgets such as Combo()/ListBox()/Selectable() will return true even when clicking an already selected item).
Upstream link .
source IsItemEdited() -> Bool
Did the last item modify its underlying value this frame? or was pressed? This is generally the same as the "bool" return value of many widgets.
Upstream link .
source IsItemFocused() -> Bool
Is the last item focused for keyboard/gamepad navigation?
Upstream link .
source IsItemHovered() -> Bool
Is the last item hovered and mouse clicked on? () == IsMouseClicked(mouse_button) && IsItemHovered()Important. ( ) this is NOT equivalent to the behavior of e.g. Button(). Read comments in function definition.
Upstream link .
source IsItemDeactivated() -> Bool
Was the last item just made inactive (item was previously active). Useful for Undo/Redo patterns with widgets that require continuous editing.
Upstream link .
source IsItemDeactivatedAfterEdit() -> Bool
Was the last item just made inactive and made a value change when it was active? (e.g. Slider/Drag moved). Useful for Undo/Redo patterns with widgets that require continuous editing. Note that you may get false positives (some widgets such as Combo()/ListBox()/Selectable() will return true even when clicking an already selected item).
Upstream link .
source IsItemEdited() -> Bool
Did the last item modify its underlying value this frame? or was pressed? This is generally the same as the "bool" return value of many widgets.
Upstream link .
source IsItemFocused() -> Bool
Is the last item focused for keyboard/gamepad navigation?
Upstream link .
source IsItemHovered() -> Bool
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiHoveredFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Is the last item hovered? (and usable, aka not blocked by a popup, etc.). See ImGuiHoveredFlags for more options.
Upstream link .
source IsItemToggledOpen() -> Bool
Was the last item open state toggled? set by TreeNode().
Upstream link .
source IsItemToggledSelection() -> Bool
Was the last item selection state toggled? Useful if you need the per-item information before reaching EndMultiSelect(). We only returns toggle event in order to handle clipping correctly.
Upstream link .
source IsItemVisible() -> Bool
Is the last item visible? (items may be out of sight because of clipping/scrolling).
Upstream link .
source IsKeyChordPressed(
Is the last item hovered? (and usable, aka not blocked by a popup, etc.). See ImGuiHoveredFlags for more options.
Upstream link .
source IsItemToggledOpen() -> Bool
Was the last item open state toggled? set by TreeNode().
Upstream link .
source IsItemToggledSelection() -> Bool
Was the last item selection state toggled? Useful if you need the per-item information before reaching EndMultiSelect(). We only returns toggle event in order to handle clipping correctly.
Upstream link .
source IsItemVisible() -> Bool
Is the last item visible? (items may be out of sight because of clipping/scrolling).
Upstream link .
source IsKeyChordPressed(
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
@@ -3324,13 +3324,15 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputFlags_, Integer},
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsKeyChordPressed(key_chord::Integer) -> Bool
Was key chord (mods + key) pressed, e.g. you can pass 'ImGuiModCtrl | ImGuiKey S' as a key-chord. This doesn't do any routing or focus check, please consider using Shortcut() function instead.
Upstream link .
source IsKeyChordPressed(key_chord::Integer) -> Bool
Was key chord (mods + key) pressed, e.g. you can pass 'ImGuiModCtrl | ImGuiKey S' as a key-chord. This doesn't do any routing or focus check, please consider using Shortcut() function instead.
Upstream link .
source IsKeyDown(
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsKeyPressed(key::CImGui.lib.ImGuiKey) -> Bool
+IsKeyPressed(key::CImGui.lib.ImGuiKey, repeat::Bool) -> Bool
Was key pressed (went from !Down to Down)? if repeat=true, uses io.KeyRepeatDelay / KeyRepeatRate.
Upstream link .
source IsKeyPressed(
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
@@ -3339,26 +3341,24 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputFlags_, Integer},
) -> Bool
Important: when transitioning from old to new IsKeyPressed(): old API has "bool repeat = true", so would default to repeat. New API requiress explicit ImGuiInputFlags_Repeat.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsKeyPressed(key::CImGui.lib.ImGuiKey) -> Bool
-IsKeyPressed(key::CImGui.lib.ImGuiKey, repeat::Bool) -> Bool
Was key pressed (went from !Down to Down)? if repeat=true, uses io.KeyRepeatDelay / KeyRepeatRate.
Upstream link .
source IsKeyReleased(
Important: when transitioning from old to new IsKeyPressed(): old API has "bool repeat = true", so would default to repeat. New API requiress explicit ImGuiInputFlags_Repeat.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsKeyReleased(
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsKeyReleased(key::CImGui.lib.ImGuiKey) -> Bool
Was key released (went from Down to !Down)?
Upstream link .
source IsKeyboardKey(key::CImGui.lib.ImGuiKey) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsLRModKey(key::CImGui.lib.ImGuiKey) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsLeafNode(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsLegacyKey(key::CImGui.lib.ImGuiKey) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsKeyReleased(key::CImGui.lib.ImGuiKey) -> Bool
Was key released (went from Down to !Down)?
Upstream link .
source IsKeyboardKey(key::CImGui.lib.ImGuiKey) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsLRModKey(key::CImGui.lib.ImGuiKey) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsLeafNode(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsLegacyKey(key::CImGui.lib.ImGuiKey) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsMouseClicked(
button::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMouseButton_, Integer}
) -> Bool
button::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMouseButton_, Integer},
) -> Bool
Did mouse button clicked? (went from !Down to Down). Same as GetMouseClickedCount() == 1.
Upstream link .
source IsMouseClicked(
Did mouse button clicked? (went from !Down to Down). Same as GetMouseClickedCount() == 1.
Upstream link .
source IsMouseClicked(
button::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMouseButton_, Integer},
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
@@ -3367,35 +3367,35 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputFlags_, Integer},
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsMouseDoubleClicked(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsMouseDoubleClicked(
button::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMouseButton_, Integer},
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsMouseDoubleClicked(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsMouseDoubleClicked(
button::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMouseButton_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Did mouse button double-clicked? Same as GetMouseClickedCount() == 2. (note that a double-click will also report IsMouseClicked() == true).
Upstream link .
source IsMouseDown(
Did mouse button double-clicked? Same as GetMouseClickedCount() == 2. (note that a double-click will also report IsMouseClicked() == true).
Upstream link .
source IsMouseDown(
button::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMouseButton_, Integer},
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsMouseDown(
button::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMouseButton_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Is mouse button held?
Upstream link .
source IsMouseDragPastThreshold(
button::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMouseButton_, Integer}
) -> Bool
button::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMouseButton_, Integer},
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsMouseDragging(
button::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMouseButton_, Integer}
) -> Bool
button::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMouseButton_, Integer},
) -> Bool
Is mouse dragging? (uses io.MouseDraggingThreshold if lock_threshold < 0.0f).
Upstream link .
source IsMouseHoveringRect(
Is mouse dragging? (uses io.MouseDraggingThreshold if lock_threshold < 0.0f).
Upstream link .
source IsMouseHoveringRect(
r_min::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
r_max::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
) -> Bool
@@ -3404,81 +3404,81 @@
r_max::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
) -> Bool
Is mouse hovering given bounding rect (in screen space). clipped by current clipping settings, but disregarding of other consideration of focus/window ordering/popup-block.
Upstream link .
source IsMouseKey(key::CImGui.lib.ImGuiKey) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsMousePosValid() -> Bool
Is mouse hovering given bounding rect (in screen space). clipped by current clipping settings, but disregarding of other consideration of focus/window ordering/popup-block.
Upstream link .
source IsMouseKey(key::CImGui.lib.ImGuiKey) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsMousePosValid() -> Bool
mouse_pos::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImVec2}, Ref{Tuple{T, T} where T}}
) -> Bool
By convention we use (-FLTMAX,-FLT MAX) to denote that there is no mouse available.
Upstream link .
source IsMouseReleased(
By convention we use (-FLTMAX,-FLT MAX) to denote that there is no mouse available.
Upstream link .
source IsMouseReleased(
button::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMouseButton_, Integer},
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsMouseReleased(
button::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMouseButton_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Did mouse button released? (went from Down to !Down).
Upstream link .
source IsNamedKey(key::CImGui.lib.ImGuiKey) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsNamedKeyOrMod(key::CImGui.lib.ImGuiKey) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsNoTabBar(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}) -> Bool
Never show a tab bar.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsNamedKey(key::CImGui.lib.ImGuiKey) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsNamedKeyOrMod(key::CImGui.lib.ImGuiKey) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsNoTabBar(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}) -> Bool
Never show a tab bar.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsPopupOpen(
str_id::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String}
) -> Bool
str_id::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String},
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiPopupFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Return true if the popup is open.
Upstream link .
source IsPopupOpen(
popup_flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiPopupFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsRectVisible(
rect_min::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
rect_max::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
) -> Bool
Test if rectangle (in screen space) is visible / not clipped. to perform coarse clipping on user's side.
Upstream link .
source IsRectVisible(
Test if rectangle (in screen space) is visible / not clipped. to perform coarse clipping on user's side.
Upstream link .
source IsRectVisible(
size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
) -> Bool
Test if rectangle (of given size, starting from cursor position) is visible / not clipped.
Upstream link .
source IsRootNode(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsSplitNode(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsWindowAbove(
Test if rectangle (of given size, starting from cursor position) is visible / not clipped.
Upstream link .
source IsRootNode(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsSplitNode(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsWindowAbove(
potential_above::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
potential_below::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}}
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsWindowChildOf(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
potential_parent::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsWindowContentHoverable(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsWindowContentHoverable(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}}
) -> Bool
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiHoveredFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsWindowFocused() -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsWindowFocused() -> Bool
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiFocusedFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Is current window focused? or its root/child, depending on flags. see flags for options.
Upstream link .
source IsWindowHovered() -> Bool
Is current window focused? or its root/child, depending on flags. see flags for options.
Upstream link .
source IsWindowHovered() -> Bool
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiHoveredFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Is current window hovered and hoverable (e.g. not blocked by a popup/modal)? See ImGuiHoveredFlags_ for options. IMPORTANT: If you are trying to check whether your mouse should be dispatched to Dear ImGui or to your underlying app, you should not use this function! Use the 'io.WantCaptureMouse' boolean for that! Refer to FAQ entry "How can I tell whether to dispatch mouse/keyboard to Dear ImGui or my application?" for details.
Upstream link .
source IsWindowNavFocusable(
Is current window hovered and hoverable (e.g. not blocked by a popup/modal)? See ImGuiHoveredFlags_ for options. IMPORTANT: If you are trying to check whether your mouse should be dispatched to Dear ImGui or to your underlying app, you should not use this function! Use the 'io.WantCaptureMouse' boolean for that! Refer to FAQ entry "How can I tell whether to dispatch mouse/keyboard to Dear ImGui or my application?" for details.
Upstream link .
source IsWindowNavFocusable(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}}
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsWindowWithinBeginStackOf(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source IsWindowWithinBeginStackOf(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
potential_parent::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}}
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ItemAdd(bb::CImGui.lib.ImRect, id::Integer) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ItemAdd(bb::CImGui.lib.ImRect, id::Integer) -> Bool
@@ -3490,23 +3490,23 @@
nav_bb::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImRect}},
extra_flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiItemFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ItemHoverable(
item_flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiItemFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ItemSize(bb::CImGui.lib.ImRect)
-ItemSize(bb::CImGui.lib.ImRect, text_baseline_y::Real)
FIXME: This is a misleading API since we expect CursorPos to be bb.Min.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ItemSize(
size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source KeepAliveID(id::Integer)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source LabelText(label, fmt)
Display text+label aligned the same way as value+label widgets.
Upstream link .
source ItemSize(bb::CImGui.lib.ImRect)
+ItemSize(bb::CImGui.lib.ImRect, text_baseline_y::Real)
FIXME: This is a misleading API since we expect CursorPos to be bb.Min.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source KeepAliveID(id::Integer)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source LabelText(label, fmt)
Display text+label aligned the same way as value+label widgets.
Upstream link .
source ListBox(
label::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String},
current_item::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{Int32}},
@@ -3517,21 +3517,21 @@
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source LoadIniSettingsFromDisk(ini_filename)
Call after CreateContext() and before the first call to NewFrame(). NewFrame() automatically calls LoadIniSettingsFromDisk(io.IniFilename).
Upstream link .
source LoadIniSettingsFromDisk(ini_filename)
Call after CreateContext() and before the first call to NewFrame(). NewFrame() automatically calls LoadIniSettingsFromDisk(io.IniFilename).
Upstream link .
source LoadIniSettingsFromMemory(ini_data)
LoadIniSettingsFromMemory(ini_data, ini_size)
Call after CreateContext() and before the first call to NewFrame() to provide .ini data from your own data source.
Upstream link .
source LocalizeGetMsg(key::CImGui.lib.ImGuiLocKey) -> Ptr{Int8}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source LocalizeRegisterEntries(
Call after CreateContext() and before the first call to NewFrame() to provide .ini data from your own data source.
Upstream link .
source LocalizeGetMsg(key::CImGui.lib.ImGuiLocKey) -> Ptr{Int8}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source LocalizeRegisterEntries(
entries::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiLocEntry}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source LogBegin(
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiLogFlags_, Integer},
-> BeginCapture() when we design v2 api, for now stay under the radar by using the old name.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source LogRenderedText(
-> BeginCapture() when we design v2 api, for now stay under the radar by using the old name.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source LogRenderedText(
ref_pos::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImVec2}, Ref{Tuple{T, T} where T}},
@@ -3540,28 +3540,28 @@
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source LogSetNextTextDecoration(prefix, suffix)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source LogSetNextTextDecoration(prefix, suffix)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source LogToBuffer()
Start logging/capturing to internal buffer.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source LogToClipboard()
Start logging/capturing to internal buffer.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source LogToClipboard()
Start logging to OS clipboard.
Upstream link .
source LogToFile()
LogToFile(auto_open_depth, filename)
Start logging to file.
Upstream link .
source MarkIniSettingsDirty(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source MarkIniSettingsDirty()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source MarkItemEdited(id::Integer)
Mark data associated to given item as "edited", used by IsItemDeactivatedAfterEdit() function.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source MarkIniSettingsDirty()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source MarkItemEdited(id::Integer)
Mark data associated to given item as "edited", used by IsItemDeactivatedAfterEdit() function.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source MenuBarRect(
) -> CImGui.lib.ImRect
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source MenuItem(
label::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String}
) -> Bool
@@ -3579,7 +3579,7 @@
) -> Bool
Return true when activated.
Upstream link .
source MenuItem(
label::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String},
shortcut::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String},
@@ -3590,99 +3590,99 @@
) -> Bool
Return true when activated + toggle (*pselected) if p selected != NULL.
Upstream link .
source MenuItemEx(label, icon) -> Bool
Return true when activated + toggle (*pselected) if p selected != NULL.
Upstream link .
source MenuItemEx(label, icon) -> Bool
MenuItemEx(label, icon, shortcut) -> Bool
MenuItemEx(label, icon, shortcut, selected) -> Bool
MenuItemEx(label, icon, shortcut, selected, enabled) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Merge(
draw_list::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList}}
Upstream link .
source MouseButtonToKey(
button::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMouseButton_, Integer}
) -> CImGui.lib.ImGuiKey
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source MultiSelectAddSetAll(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source MultiSelectAddSetAll(
ms::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMultiSelectTempData}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source MultiSelectAddSetRange(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source MultiSelectAddSetRange(
ms::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMultiSelectTempData}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source MultiSelectItemFooter(id::Integer, p_selected, p_pressed)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source MultiSelectItemHeader(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source MultiSelectItemFooter(id::Integer, p_selected, p_pressed)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source MultiSelectItemHeader(
p_button_flags::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{Int32}, Ref{Integer}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiButtonFlags_}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source NavClearPreferredPosForAxis(axis::CImGui.lib.ImGuiAxis)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source NavHighlightActivated(id::Integer)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source NavInitRequestApplyResult()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source NavClearPreferredPosForAxis(axis::CImGui.lib.ImGuiAxis)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source NavHighlightActivated(id::Integer)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source NavInitRequestApplyResult()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source NavInitWindow(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source NavMoveRequestApplyResult()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source NavMoveRequestButNoResultYet() -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source NavMoveRequestCancel()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source NavMoveRequestForward(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source NavMoveRequestApplyResult()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source NavMoveRequestButNoResultYet() -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source NavMoveRequestCancel()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source NavMoveRequestForward(
move_flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiNavMoveFlags_, Integer},
scroll_flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiScrollFlags_, Integer}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source NavMoveRequestResolveWithLastItem(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source NavMoveRequestResolveWithLastItem(
result::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiNavItemData}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source NavMoveRequestResolveWithPastTreeNode(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source NavMoveRequestResolveWithPastTreeNode(
result::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiNavItemData}},
tree_node_data::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTreeNodeStackData}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source NavMoveRequestSubmit(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source NavMoveRequestSubmit(
move_flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiNavMoveFlags_, Integer},
scroll_flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiScrollFlags_, Integer}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source NavMoveRequestTryWrapping(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source NavMoveRequestTryWrapping(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
move_flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiNavMoveFlags_, Integer}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source NavUpdateCurrentWindowIsScrollPushableX()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source NewFrame()
Start a new Dear ImGui frame, you can submit any command from this point until Render()/EndFrame().
Upstream link .
source NewLine()
Undo a SameLine() or force a new line when in a horizontal-layout context.
Upstream link .
source NextColumn()
Next column, defaults to current row or next row if the current row is finished.
Upstream link .
source OnCharPressed(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputTextState}, c)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source OnKeyPressed(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputTextState}, key)
Cannot be inline because we call in code in stb_textedit.h implementation.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source OpenPopup(str_id::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String})
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source NavUpdateCurrentWindowIsScrollPushableX()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source NewFrame()
Start a new Dear ImGui frame, you can submit any command from this point until Render()/EndFrame().
Upstream link .
source NewLine()
Undo a SameLine() or force a new line when in a horizontal-layout context.
Upstream link .
source NextColumn()
Next column, defaults to current row or next row if the current row is finished.
Upstream link .
source OnCharPressed(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputTextState}, c)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source OnKeyPressed(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputTextState}, key)
Cannot be inline because we call in code in stb_textedit.h implementation.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source OpenPopup(str_id::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String})
str_id::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String},
popup_flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiPopupFlags_, Integer}
Call to mark popup as open (don't call every frame!).
Upstream link .
source OpenPopup(id::Integer)
Call to mark popup as open (don't call every frame!).
Upstream link .
source OpenPopup(id::Integer)
popup_flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiPopupFlags_, Integer}
Id overload to facilitate calling from nested stacks.
Upstream link .
source OpenPopupEx(id::Integer)
Id overload to facilitate calling from nested stacks.
Upstream link .
source OpenPopupEx(id::Integer)
popup_flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiPopupFlags_, Integer}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source OpenPopupOnItemClick()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source OpenPopupOnItemClick()
popup_flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiPopupFlags_, Integer}
Helper to open popup when clicked on last item. Default to ImGuiPopupFlagsMouseButtonRight == 1. (note: actually triggers on the mouse _released event to be consistent with popup behaviors).
Upstream link .
source Overlaps(
Helper to open popup when clicked on last item. Default to ImGuiPopupFlagsMouseButtonRight == 1. (note: actually triggers on the mouse _released event to be consistent with popup behaviors).
Upstream link .
source Overlaps(
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source PassFilter(
) -> Bool
@@ -3691,7 +3691,7 @@
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source PathArcTo(
center::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -3706,14 +3706,14 @@
Upstream link .
source PathArcToFast(
center::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
Use precomputed angles for a 12 steps circle.
Upstream link .
source PathBezierCubicCurveTo(
p2::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
p3::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -3726,7 +3726,7 @@
p4::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
Cubic Bezier (4 control points).
Upstream link .
source PathBezierQuadraticCurveTo(
p2::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
p3::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
@@ -3737,8 +3737,8 @@
p3::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
Quadratic Bezier (3 control points).
Upstream link .
source PathEllipticalArcTo(
center::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
radius::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -3755,23 +3755,23 @@
Upstream link .
source PathLineTo(
pos::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
Upstream link .
source PathLineToMergeDuplicate(
pos::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
Upstream link .
source PathRect(
rect_min::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
rect_max::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
@@ -3789,7 +3789,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImDrawFlags_, Integer}
Upstream link .
source PathStroke(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList}, col::Integer)
@@ -3801,7 +3801,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImDrawFlags_, Integer},
Upstream link .
source PlotEx(
@@ -3813,21 +3813,21 @@
size_arg::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
) -> Int32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source PlotHistogram(label, values, values_count, values_offset=0, overlay_text=C_NULL, scale_min=FLT_MAX, scale_max=FLT_MAX, graph_size=(0,0), stride=sizeof(Cfloat))
source PlotHistogram(label, values_getter::Ptr, data::Ptr, values_count, values_offset=0, overlay_text=C_NULL, scale_min=FLT_MAX, scale_max=FLT_MAX, graph_size=ImVec2(0,0))
source PlotLines(label, values, values_count::Integer, values_offset=0, overlay_text=C_NULL, scale_min=FLT_MAX, scale_max=FLT_MAX, graph_size=(0,0), stride=sizeof(Cfloat))
source PlotLines(label, values_getter::Ptr, data::Ptr, values_count, values_offset=0, overlay_text=C_NULL, scale_min=FLT_MAX, scale_max=FLT_MAX, graph_size=(0,0))
source PopColumnsBackground()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source PlotHistogram(label, values, values_count, values_offset=0, overlay_text=C_NULL, scale_min=FLT_MAX, scale_max=FLT_MAX, graph_size=(0,0), stride=sizeof(Cfloat))
source PlotHistogram(label, values_getter::Ptr, data::Ptr, values_count, values_offset=0, overlay_text=C_NULL, scale_min=FLT_MAX, scale_max=FLT_MAX, graph_size=ImVec2(0,0))
source PlotLines(label, values, values_count::Integer, values_offset=0, overlay_text=C_NULL, scale_min=FLT_MAX, scale_max=FLT_MAX, graph_size=(0,0), stride=sizeof(Cfloat))
source PlotLines(label, values_getter::Ptr, data::Ptr, values_count, values_offset=0, overlay_text=C_NULL, scale_min=FLT_MAX, scale_max=FLT_MAX, graph_size=(0,0))
source PopColumnsBackground()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source PrimQuadUV(
a::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
b::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -3839,13 +3839,13 @@
uv_d::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
Upstream link .
source PrimRect(
a::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
b::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
Axis aligned rectangle (composed of two triangles).
Upstream link .
source PrimRectUV(
a::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
b::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -3853,30 +3853,30 @@
uv_b::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
Upstream link .
source PrimVtx(
pos::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
uv::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
Write vertex with unique index.
Upstream link .
source PrimWriteVtx(
pos::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
uv::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
Upstream link .
source ProgressBar(fraction)
size_arg::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
@@ -3886,7 +3886,7 @@
size_arg::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
Upstream link .
source PushClipRect(
clip_rect_min::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
clip_rect_max::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
@@ -3897,89 +3897,89 @@
clip_rect_max::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
Render-level scissoring. This is passed down to your render function but not used for CPU-side coarse clipping. Prefer using higher-level ImGui::PushClipRect() to affect logic (hit-testing and widget culling).
Upstream link .
source PushClipRect(
Render-level scissoring. This is passed down to your render function but not used for CPU-side coarse clipping. Prefer using higher-level ImGui::PushClipRect() to affect logic (hit-testing and widget culling).
Upstream link .
source PushClipRect(
clip_rect_min::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
clip_rect_max::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
Upstream link .
source PushColumnClipRect(column_index)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source PushColumnsBackground()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source PushFocusScope(id::Integer)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source PushFont(font::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImFont}})
Use NULL as a shortcut to push default font.
Upstream link .
source PushID(int_id::Integer)
Push integer into the ID stack (will hash integer).
Upstream link .
source PushID(ptr_id::Ref{Nothing})
Push pointer into the ID stack (will hash pointer).
Upstream link .
source PushColumnClipRect(column_index)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source PushColumnsBackground()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source PushFocusScope(id::Integer)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source PushFont(font::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImFont}})
Use NULL as a shortcut to push default font.
Upstream link .
source PushID(int_id::Integer)
Push integer into the ID stack (will hash integer).
Upstream link .
source PushID(ptr_id::Ref{Nothing})
Push pointer into the ID stack (will hash pointer).
Upstream link .
source PushID(
str_id_begin::Union{Ptr{Int8}, String},
str_id_end::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String}
Push string into the ID stack (will hash string).
Upstream link .
source PushID(str_id::Union{Ptr{Int8}, String})
Push string into the ID stack (will hash string).
Upstream link .
source PushID(str_id::Union{Ptr{Int8}, String})
Push string into the ID stack (will hash string).
Upstream link .
source PushItemFlag(
option::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiItemFlags_, Integer},
Modify specified shared item flag, e.g. PushItemFlag(ImGuiItemFlags_NoTabStop, true).
Upstream link .
source PushItemWidth(item_width)
Push width of items for common large "item+label" widgets. >0.0f: width in pixels, <0.0f align xx pixels to the right of window (so -FLT_MIN always align width to the right side).
Upstream link .
source PushMultiItemsWidths(components, width_full)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source PushOverrideID(id::Integer)
Push given value as-is at the top of the ID stack (whereas PushID combines old and new hashes).
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source PushStyleColor(
Modify specified shared item flag, e.g. PushItemFlag(ImGuiItemFlags_NoTabStop, true).
Upstream link .
source PushItemWidth(item_width)
Push width of items for common large "item+label" widgets. >0.0f: width in pixels, <0.0f align xx pixels to the right of window (so -FLT_MIN always align width to the right side).
Upstream link .
source PushMultiItemsWidths(components, width_full)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source PushOverrideID(id::Integer)
Push given value as-is at the top of the ID stack (whereas PushID combines old and new hashes).
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source PushStyleColor(
idx::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiCol_, Integer},
Modify a style color. always use this if you modify the style after NewFrame().
Upstream link .
source PushStyleColor(
Modify a style color. always use this if you modify the style after NewFrame().
Upstream link .
source PushStyleColor(
idx::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiCol_, Integer},
col::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec4, NTuple{4, T} where T}
Upstream link .
source PushStyleVar(
idx::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiStyleVar_, Integer},
Modify a style float variable. always use this if you modify the style after NewFrame()!
Upstream link .
source PushStyleVar(
Modify a style float variable. always use this if you modify the style after NewFrame()!
Upstream link .
source PushStyleVar(
idx::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiStyleVar_, Integer},
val::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
Modify a style ImVec2 variable. ".
Upstream link .
source PushStyleVarX(
idx::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiStyleVar_, Integer},
Modify X component of a style ImVec2 variable. ".
Upstream link .
source PushStyleVarY(
idx::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiStyleVar_, Integer},
Modify Y component of a style ImVec2 variable. ".
Upstream link .
source PushTextWrapPos()
Push word-wrapping position for Text*() commands. < 0.0f: no wrapping; 0.0f: wrap to end of window (or column); > 0.0f: wrap at 'wrappos x' position in window local space.
Upstream link .
source PushTextureID(
Push word-wrapping position for Text*() commands. < 0.0f: no wrapping; 0.0f: wrap to end of window (or column); > 0.0f: wrap at 'wrappos x' position in window local space.
Upstream link .
source RadioButton(
label::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String},
) -> Bool
Use with e.g. if (RadioButton("one", myvalue==1)) my value = 1;.
Upstream link .
source RadioButton(
Use with e.g. if (RadioButton("one", myvalue==1)) my value = 1;.
Upstream link .
source RadioButton(
label::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String},
v::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{Int32}},
) -> Bool
Shortcut to handle the above pattern when value is an integer.
Upstream link .
source Rect(
) -> CImGui.lib.ImRect
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Rect(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}) -> CImGui.lib.ImRect
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ReloadUserBufAndKeepSelection(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Rect(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}) -> CImGui.lib.ImRect
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ReloadUserBufAndKeepSelection(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ReloadUserBufAndMoveToEnd(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ReloadUserBufAndMoveToEnd(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ReloadUserBufAndSelectAll(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ReloadUserBufAndSelectAll(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source RemoveContextHook(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source RemoveContextHook(
context::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiContext}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source RemoveSettingsHandler(type_name)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Render()
Ends the Dear ImGui frame, finalize the draw data. You can then get call GetDrawData().
Upstream link .
source RemoveSettingsHandler(type_name)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Render()
Ends the Dear ImGui frame, finalize the draw data. You can then get call GetDrawData().
Upstream link .
source RenderArrow(
draw_list::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList}},
pos::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -3992,25 +3992,25 @@
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source RenderArrowDockMenu(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source RenderArrowDockMenu(
draw_list::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList}},
p_min::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source RenderArrowPointingAt(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source RenderArrowPointingAt(
draw_list::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList}},
pos::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
half_sz::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source RenderBullet(
draw_list::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList}},
pos::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source RenderChar(
draw_list::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList}},
@@ -4018,13 +4018,13 @@
Upstream link .
source RenderCheckMark(
draw_list::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList}},
pos::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source RenderColorRectWithAlphaCheckerboard(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source RenderColorRectWithAlphaCheckerboard(
draw_list::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList}},
p_min::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
p_max::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -4051,11 +4051,11 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImDrawFlags_, Integer}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source RenderDragDropTargetRect(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source RenderDragDropTargetRect(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source RenderFrame(
p_min::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
p_max::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -4073,7 +4073,7 @@
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source RenderFrameBorder(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source RenderFrameBorder(
p_min::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
p_max::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
@@ -4082,7 +4082,7 @@
p_max::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source RenderMouseCursor(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source RenderMouseCursor(
pos::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
mouse_cursor::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMouseCursor_, Integer},
@@ -4090,19 +4090,19 @@
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source RenderNavCursor(bb::CImGui.lib.ImRect, id::Integer)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source RenderNavCursor(bb::CImGui.lib.ImRect, id::Integer)
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiNavRenderCursorFlags_, Integer}
Navigation highlight.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source RenderPlatformWindowsDefault()
Navigation highlight.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source RenderPlatformWindowsDefault()
Call in main loop. will call RenderWindow/SwapBuffers platform functions for each secondary viewport which doesn't have the ImGuiViewportFlags_Minimized flag set. May be reimplemented by user for custom rendering needs.
Upstream link .
source RenderRectFilledRangeH(
Call in main loop. will call RenderWindow/SwapBuffers platform functions for each secondary viewport which doesn't have the ImGuiViewportFlags_Minimized flag set. May be reimplemented by user for custom rendering needs.
Upstream link .
source RenderRectFilledRangeH(
draw_list::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList}},
@@ -4110,14 +4110,14 @@
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source RenderRectFilledWithHole(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source RenderRectFilledWithHole(
draw_list::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source RenderText(
draw_list::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList}},
@@ -4150,7 +4150,7 @@
Upstream link .
source RenderText(
pos::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -4165,7 +4165,7 @@
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source RenderTextClipped(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source RenderTextClipped(
pos_min::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
pos_max::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -4189,7 +4189,7 @@
align::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
clip_rect::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImRect}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source RenderTextClippedEx(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source RenderTextClippedEx(
draw_list::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList}},
pos_min::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
pos_max::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -4216,7 +4216,7 @@
align::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
clip_rect::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImRect}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source RenderTextEllipsis(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source RenderTextEllipsis(
draw_list::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList}},
pos_min::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
pos_max::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -4226,48 +4226,48 @@
text_size_if_known::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImVec2}, Ref{Tuple{T, T} where T}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source RenderTextWrapped(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source RenderTextWrapped(
pos::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Reset(
clipper::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiListClipper}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ResetMouseDragDelta()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ResetMouseDragDelta()
button::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMouseButton_, Integer}
Upstream link .
source SameLine()
SameLine(offset_from_start_x, spacing)
Call between widgets or groups to layout them horizontally. X position given in window coordinates.
Upstream link .
source SaveIniSettingsToDisk(ini_filename)
This is automatically called (if io.IniFilename is not empty) a few seconds after any modification that should be reflected in the .ini file (and also by DestroyContext).
Upstream link .
source SaveIniSettingsToMemory() -> Ptr{Int8}
Call between widgets or groups to layout them horizontally. X position given in window coordinates.
Upstream link .
source SaveIniSettingsToDisk(ini_filename)
This is automatically called (if io.IniFilename is not empty) a few seconds after any modification that should be reflected in the .ini file (and also by DestroyContext).
Upstream link .
source SaveIniSettingsToMemory() -> Ptr{Int8}
SaveIniSettingsToMemory(out_ini_size) -> Ptr{Int8}
Return a zero-terminated string with the .ini data which you can save by your own mean. call when io.WantSaveIniSettings is set, then save data by your own mean and clear io.WantSaveIniSettings.
Upstream link .
source ScaleAllSizes(
Return a zero-terminated string with the .ini data which you can save by your own mean. call when io.WantSaveIniSettings is set, then save data by your own mean and clear io.WantSaveIniSettings.
Upstream link .
source ScaleClipRects(
fb_scale::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
Helper to scale the ClipRect field of each ImDrawCmd. Use if your final output buffer is at a different scale than Dear ImGui expects, or if there is a difference between your window resolution and framebuffer resolution.
Upstream link .
source ScaleWindowsInViewport(
Helper to scale the ClipRect field of each ImDrawCmd. Use if your final output buffer is at a different scale than Dear ImGui expects, or if there is a difference between your window resolution and framebuffer resolution.
Upstream link .
source ScaleWindowsInViewport(
viewport::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiViewportP}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ScrollToBringRectIntoView(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ScrollToBringRectIntoView(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ScrollToItem()
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiScrollFlags_, Integer}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ScrollToRect(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
@@ -4276,7 +4276,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiScrollFlags_, Integer}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ScrollToRectEx(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
@@ -4285,8 +4285,8 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiScrollFlags_, Integer}
) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Scrollbar(axis::CImGui.lib.ImGuiAxis)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Scrollbar(axis::CImGui.lib.ImGuiAxis)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ScrollbarEx(
@@ -4303,13 +4303,13 @@
draw_rounding_flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImDrawFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SeekCursorForItem(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SelectAll(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputTextState})
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SelectAll(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputTextState})
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Selectable(
label::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String},
) -> Bool
@@ -4324,7 +4324,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSelectableFlags_, Integer},
size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
) -> Bool
"bool* p_selected" point to the selection state (read-write), as a convenient helper.
Upstream link .
source Selectable(
"bool* p_selected" point to the selection state (read-write), as a convenient helper.
Upstream link .
source Selectable(
label::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String}
) -> Bool
@@ -4342,23 +4342,23 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSelectableFlags_, Integer},
size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
) -> Bool
"bool selected" carry the selection state (read-only). Selectable() is clicked is returns true so you can modify your selection state. size.x==0.0: use remaining width, size.x>0.0: specify width. size.y==0.0: use label height, size.y>0.0: specify height.
Upstream link .
source Separator()
Separator, generally horizontal. inside a menu bar or in horizontal layout mode, this becomes a vertical separator.
Upstream link .
source SeparatorEx(
"bool selected" carry the selection state (read-only). Selectable() is clicked is returns true so you can modify your selection state. size.x==0.0: use remaining width, size.x>0.0: specify width. size.y==0.0: use label height, size.y>0.0: specify height.
Upstream link .
source Separator()
Separator, generally horizontal. inside a menu bar or in horizontal layout mode, this becomes a vertical separator.
Upstream link .
source SeparatorEx(
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSeparatorFlags_, Integer}
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSeparatorFlags_, Integer},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SeparatorTextEx(id::Integer, label, label_end, extra_width)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SeparatorTextEx(id::Integer, label, label_end, extra_width)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetActiveID(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetActiveIdUsingAllKeyboardKeys()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetAllocatorFunctions(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetActiveIdUsingAllKeyboardKeys()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetAllocatorFunctions(
@@ -4367,92 +4367,92 @@
Upstream link .
source SetAppAcceptingEvents(
Set master flag for accepting key/mouse/text events (default to true). Useful if you have native dialog boxes that are interrupting your application loop/refresh, and you want to disable events being queued while your app is frozen.
Upstream link .
source SetBit(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImBitVector}, n)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetBit(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder}, n)
Set bit n in the array.
Upstream link .
source SetBool(
Set master flag for accepting key/mouse/text events (default to true). Useful if you have native dialog boxes that are interrupting your application loop/refresh, and you want to disable events being queued while your app is frozen.
Upstream link .
source SetBit(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImBitVector}, n)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetBit(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder}, n)
Set bit n in the array.
Upstream link .
source SetCircleTessellationMaxError(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetColorEditOptions(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetColorEditOptions(
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiColorEditFlags_, Integer}
Initialize current options (generally on application startup) if you want to select a default format, picker type, etc. User will be able to change many settings, unless you pass the _NoOptions flag to your calls.
Upstream link .
source SetColumnOffset(column_index, offset_x)
Set position of column line (in pixels, from the left side of the contents region). pass -1 to use current column.
Upstream link .
source SetColumnWidth(column_index, width)
Set column width (in pixels). pass -1 to use current column.
Upstream link .
source SetCurrentChannel(
Initialize current options (generally on application startup) if you want to select a default format, picker type, etc. User will be able to change many settings, unless you pass the _NoOptions flag to your calls.
Upstream link .
source SetColumnOffset(column_index, offset_x)
Set position of column line (in pixels, from the left side of the contents region). pass -1 to use current column.
Upstream link .
source SetColumnWidth(column_index, width)
Set column width (in pixels). pass -1 to use current column.
Upstream link .
source SetCurrentChannel(
draw_list::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList}},
Upstream link .
source SetCurrentContext(
ctx::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiContext}}
Upstream link .
source SetCurrentFont(
font::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImFont}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetCurrentViewport(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetCurrentViewport(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
viewport::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiViewportP}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetCursorPos(
local_pos::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
[window-local] ".
Upstream link .
source SetCursorScreenPos(
pos::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
Cursor position, absolute coordinates. THIS IS YOUR BEST FRIEND.
Upstream link .
source SetDragDropPayload(type, data, sz) -> Bool
Cursor position, absolute coordinates. THIS IS YOUR BEST FRIEND.
Upstream link .
source SetDragDropPayload(type, data, sz) -> Bool
cond::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiCond_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Type is a user defined string of maximum 32 characters. Strings starting with '_' are reserved for dear imgui internal types. Data is copied and held by imgui. Return true when payload has been accepted.
Upstream link .
source SetFloat(
Type is a user defined string of maximum 32 characters. Strings starting with '_' are reserved for dear imgui internal types. Data is copied and held by imgui. Return true when payload has been accepted.
Upstream link .
source SetFocusID(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetHSV(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImColor}, h, s, v)
SetHSV(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImColor}, h, s, v, a)
Upstream link .
source SetHoveredID(id::Integer)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetHoveredID(id::Integer)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetItemDefaultFocus()
Make last item the default focused item of of a newly appearing window.
Upstream link .
source SetItemDefaultFocus()
Make last item the default focused item of of a newly appearing window.
Upstream link .
source SetItemKeyOwner(
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputFlags_, Integer}
Set key owner to last item if it is hovered or active. Equivalent to 'if (IsItemHovered() || IsItemActive()) SetKeyOwner(key, GetItemID());'.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetItemKeyOwner(key::CImGui.lib.ImGuiKey)
Set key owner to last item ID if it is hovered or active. Equivalent to 'if (IsItemHovered() || IsItemActive()) SetKeyOwner(key, GetItemID());'.
Upstream link .
source SetItemSelected(
Set key owner to last item if it is hovered or active. Equivalent to 'if (IsItemHovered() || IsItemActive()) SetKeyOwner(key, GetItemID());'.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetItemKeyOwner(key::CImGui.lib.ImGuiKey)
Set key owner to last item ID if it is hovered or active. Equivalent to 'if (IsItemHovered() || IsItemActive()) SetKeyOwner(key, GetItemID());'.
Upstream link .
source SetItemSelected(
Add/remove an item from selection (generally done by ApplyRequests() function).
Upstream link .
source SetItemTooltip(fmt)
Set a text-only tooltip if preceding item was hovered. override any previous call to SetTooltip().
Upstream link .
source SetKeyEventNativeData(
Add/remove an item from selection (generally done by ApplyRequests() function).
Upstream link .
source SetItemTooltip(fmt)
Set a text-only tooltip if preceding item was hovered. override any previous call to SetTooltip().
Upstream link .
source SetKeyEventNativeData(
@@ -4465,84 +4465,84 @@
[Optional] Specify index for legacy <1.87 IsKeyXXX() functions with native indices + specify native keycode, scancode.
Upstream link .
source SetKeyOwner(key::CImGui.lib.ImGuiKey, owner_id::Integer)
[Optional] Specify index for legacy <1.87 IsKeyXXX() functions with native indices + specify native keycode, scancode.
Upstream link .
source SetKeyOwner(key::CImGui.lib.ImGuiKey, owner_id::Integer)
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputFlags_, Integer}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetKeyOwnersForKeyChord(key::Integer, owner_id::Integer)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetKeyOwnersForKeyChord(key::Integer, owner_id::Integer)
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputFlags_, Integer}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetKeyboardFocusHere()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetKeyboardFocusHere()
Focus keyboard on the next widget. Use positive 'offset' to access sub components of a multiple component widget. Use -1 to access previous widget.
Upstream link .
source SetLastItemData(
Focus keyboard on the next widget. Use positive 'offset' to access sub components of a multiple component widget. Use -1 to access previous widget.
Upstream link .
source SetLastItemData(
in_flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiItemFlags_, Integer},
status_flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiItemStatusFlags_, Integer},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetLocalFlags(
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNodeFlags_, Integer}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetMouseCursor(
cursor_type::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMouseCursor_, Integer}
Set desired mouse cursor shape.
Upstream link .
source SetNavCursorVisible(visible)
Alter visibility of keyboard/gamepad cursor. by default: show when using an arrow key, hide when clicking with mouse.
Upstream link .
source SetNavCursorVisibleAfterMove()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetNavFocusScope(focus_scope_id::Integer)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetNavCursorVisible(visible)
Alter visibility of keyboard/gamepad cursor. by default: show when using an arrow key, hide when clicking with mouse.
Upstream link .
source SetNavCursorVisibleAfterMove()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetNavFocusScope(focus_scope_id::Integer)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetNavID(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetNavWindow(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetNextFrameWantCaptureKeyboard(want_capture_keyboard)
Override io.WantCaptureKeyboard flag next frame (said flag is left for your application to handle, typically when true it instructs your app to ignore inputs). e.g. force capture keyboard when your widget is being hovered. This is equivalent to setting "io.WantCaptureKeyboard = wantcapture keyboard"; after the next NewFrame() call.
Upstream link .
source SetNextFrameWantCaptureMouse(want_capture_mouse)
Override io.WantCaptureMouse flag next frame (said flag is left for your application to handle, typical when true it instucts your app to ignore inputs). This is equivalent to setting "io.WantCaptureMouse = wantcapture mouse;" after the next NewFrame() call.
Upstream link .
source SetNextItemAllowOverlap()
Allow next item to be overlapped by a subsequent item. Useful with invisible buttons, selectable, treenode covering an area where subsequent items may need to be added. Note that both Selectable() and TreeNode() have dedicated flags doing this.
Upstream link .
source SetNextItemOpen(is_open)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetNextFrameWantCaptureKeyboard(want_capture_keyboard)
Override io.WantCaptureKeyboard flag next frame (said flag is left for your application to handle, typically when true it instructs your app to ignore inputs). e.g. force capture keyboard when your widget is being hovered. This is equivalent to setting "io.WantCaptureKeyboard = wantcapture keyboard"; after the next NewFrame() call.
Upstream link .
source SetNextFrameWantCaptureMouse(want_capture_mouse)
Override io.WantCaptureMouse flag next frame (said flag is left for your application to handle, typical when true it instucts your app to ignore inputs). This is equivalent to setting "io.WantCaptureMouse = wantcapture mouse;" after the next NewFrame() call.
Upstream link .
source SetNextItemAllowOverlap()
Allow next item to be overlapped by a subsequent item. Useful with invisible buttons, selectable, treenode covering an area where subsequent items may need to be added. Note that both Selectable() and TreeNode() have dedicated flags doing this.
Upstream link .
source SetNextItemOpen(is_open)
cond::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiCond_, Integer}
Set next TreeNode/CollapsingHeader open state.
Upstream link .
source SetNextItemRefVal(
data_type::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDataType_, Integer},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetNextItemShortcut(key_chord::Integer)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetNextItemShortcut(key_chord::Integer)
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputFlags_, Integer}
Upstream link .
source SetNextItemStorageID(storage_id::Integer)
Set id to use for open/close storage (default to same as item id).
Upstream link .
source SetNextItemWidth(item_width)
Set width of the next common large "item+label" widget. >0.0f: width in pixels, <0.0f align xx pixels to the right of window (so -FLT_MIN always align width to the right side).
Upstream link .
source SetNextWindowBgAlpha(alpha)
Set next window background color alpha. helper to easily override the Alpha component of ImGuiColWindowBg/ChildBg/PopupBg. you may also use ImGuiWindowFlags NoBackground.
Upstream link .
source SetNextItemStorageID(storage_id::Integer)
Set id to use for open/close storage (default to same as item id).
Upstream link .
source SetNextItemWidth(item_width)
Set width of the next common large "item+label" widget. >0.0f: width in pixels, <0.0f align xx pixels to the right of window (so -FLT_MIN always align width to the right side).
Upstream link .
source SetNextWindowBgAlpha(alpha)
Set next window background color alpha. helper to easily override the Alpha component of ImGuiColWindowBg/ChildBg/PopupBg. you may also use ImGuiWindowFlags NoBackground.
Upstream link .
source SetNextWindowClass(
window_class::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindowClass}}
Set next window class (control docking compatibility + provide hints to platform backend via custom viewport flags and platform parent/child relationship).
Upstream link .
source SetNextWindowCollapsed(collapsed)
Set next window class (control docking compatibility + provide hints to platform backend via custom viewport flags and platform parent/child relationship).
Upstream link .
source SetNextWindowCollapsed(collapsed)
cond::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiCond_, Integer}
Set next window collapsed state. call before Begin().
Upstream link .
source SetNextWindowContentSize(
Set next window collapsed state. call before Begin().
Upstream link .
source SetNextWindowContentSize(
size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
Set next window content size (~ scrollable client area, which enforce the range of scrollbars). Not including window decorations (title bar, menu bar, etc.) nor WindowPadding. set an axis to 0.0f to leave it automatic. call before Begin().
Upstream link .
source SetNextWindowDockID(dock_id::Integer)
Set next window content size (~ scrollable client area, which enforce the range of scrollbars). Not including window decorations (title bar, menu bar, etc.) nor WindowPadding. set an axis to 0.0f to leave it automatic. call before Begin().
Upstream link .
source SetNextWindowDockID(dock_id::Integer)
cond::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiCond_, Integer}
Set next window dock id.
Upstream link .
source SetNextWindowFocus()
Set next window to be focused / top-most. call before Begin().
Upstream link .
source SetNextWindowFocus()
Set next window to be focused / top-most. call before Begin().
Upstream link .
source SetNextWindowPos(
pos::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
@@ -4554,20 +4554,20 @@
cond::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiCond_, Integer},
pivot::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
Set next window position. call before Begin(). use pivot=(0.5f,0.5f) to center on given point, etc.
Upstream link .
source SetNextWindowRefreshPolicy(
Set next window position. call before Begin(). use pivot=(0.5f,0.5f) to center on given point, etc.
Upstream link .
source SetNextWindowRefreshPolicy(
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindowRefreshFlags_, Integer}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetNextWindowScroll(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetNextWindowScroll(
scroll::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
Set next window scrolling value (use < 0.0f to not affect a given axis).
Upstream link .
source SetNextWindowSize(
Set next window scrolling value (use < 0.0f to not affect a given axis).
Upstream link .
source SetNextWindowSize(
size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
cond::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiCond_, Integer}
Set next window size. set axis to 0.0f to force an auto-fit on this axis. call before Begin().
Upstream link .
source SetNextWindowSizeConstraints(
Set next window size. set axis to 0.0f to force an auto-fit on this axis. call before Begin().
Upstream link .
source SetNextWindowSizeConstraints(
size_min::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
size_max::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
@@ -4582,61 +4582,56 @@
custom_callback::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Base.CFunction},
Set next window size limits. use 0.0f or FLT_MAX if you don't want limits. Use -1 for both min and max of same axis to preserve current size (which itself is a constraint). Use callback to apply non-trivial programmatic constraints.
Upstream link .
source SetScrollFromPosX(local_x::Real)
Set next window size limits. use 0.0f or FLT_MAX if you don't want limits. Use -1 for both min and max of same axis to preserve current size (which itself is a constraint). Use callback to apply non-trivial programmatic constraints.
Upstream link .
source SetScrollFromPosX(local_x::Real)
SetScrollFromPosX(local_x::Real, center_x_ratio::Real)
Adjust scrolling amount to make given position visible. Generally GetCursorStartPos() + offset to compute a valid position.
Upstream link .
source SetScrollFromPosX(
Adjust scrolling amount to make given position visible. Generally GetCursorStartPos() + offset to compute a valid position.
Upstream link .
source SetScrollFromPosX(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetScrollFromPosY(local_y::Real)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetScrollFromPosY(local_y::Real)
SetScrollFromPosY(local_y::Real, center_y_ratio::Real)
Adjust scrolling amount to make given position visible. Generally GetCursorStartPos() + offset to compute a valid position.
Upstream link .
source SetScrollFromPosY(
Adjust scrolling amount to make given position visible. Generally GetCursorStartPos() + offset to compute a valid position.
Upstream link .
source SetScrollFromPosY(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetScrollHereX()
Adjust scrolling amount to make current cursor position visible. centerx ratio=0.0: left, 0.5: center, 1.0: right. When using to make a "default/current item" visible, consider using SetItemDefaultFocus() instead.
Upstream link .
source SetScrollHereY()
Adjust scrolling amount to make current cursor position visible. centerx ratio=0.0: left, 0.5: center, 1.0: right. When using to make a "default/current item" visible, consider using SetItemDefaultFocus() instead.
Upstream link .
source SetScrollHereY()
Adjust scrolling amount to make current cursor position visible. centery ratio=0.0: top, 0.5: center, 1.0: bottom. When using to make a "default/current item" visible, consider using SetItemDefaultFocus() instead.
Upstream link .
source SetScrollX(
Adjust scrolling amount to make current cursor position visible. centery ratio=0.0: top, 0.5: center, 1.0: bottom. When using to make a "default/current item" visible, consider using SetItemDefaultFocus() instead.
Upstream link .
source SetScrollX(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetScrollY(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetShortcutRouting(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetShortcutRouting(
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputFlags_, Integer},
) -> Bool
Owner_id needs to be explicit and cannot be 0.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetStateStorage(
Owner_id needs to be explicit and cannot be 0.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetStateStorage(
storage::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiStorage}}
Replace current window storage with our own (if you want to manipulate it yourself, typically clear subsection of it).
Upstream link .
source SetTabItemClosed(tab_or_docked_window_label)
Notify TabBar or Docking system of a closed tab/window ahead (useful to reduce visual flicker on reorderable tab bars). For tab-bar: call after BeginTabBar() and before Tab submissions. Otherwise call with a window name.
Upstream link .
source SetTooltip(fmt)
Set a text-only tooltip. Often used after a ImGui::IsItemHovered() check. Override any previous call to SetTooltip().
Upstream link .
source SetVoidPtr(
Replace current window storage with our own (if you want to manipulate it yourself, typically clear subsection of it).
Upstream link .
source SetTabItemClosed(tab_or_docked_window_label)
Notify TabBar or Docking system of a closed tab/window ahead (useful to reduce visual flicker on reorderable tab bars). For tab-bar: call after BeginTabBar() and before Tab submissions. Otherwise call with a window name.
Upstream link .
source SetTooltip(fmt)
Set a text-only tooltip. Often used after a ImGui::IsItemHovered() check. Override any previous call to SetTooltip().
Upstream link .
source SetWindowClipRectBeforeSetChannel(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetWindowCollapsed(collapsed::Bool)
- collapsed::Bool,
- cond::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiCond_, Integer}
(not recommended) set current window collapsed state. prefer using SetNextWindowCollapsed().
Upstream link .
source SetWindowCollapsed(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetWindowCollapsed(
name::Union{Ptr{Int8}, String},
@@ -4645,7 +4640,12 @@
cond::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiCond_, Integer}
Set named window collapsed state.
Upstream link .
source SetWindowCollapsed(collapsed::Bool)
+ collapsed::Bool,
+ cond::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiCond_, Integer}
(not recommended) set current window collapsed state. prefer using SetNextWindowCollapsed().
Upstream link .
source SetWindowCollapsed(
@@ -4654,81 +4654,81 @@
cond::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiCond_, Integer}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetWindowDock(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
cond::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiCond_, Integer}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetWindowFocus(name::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String})
Set named window to be focused / top-most. use NULL to remove focus.
Upstream link .
source SetWindowFocus()
(not recommended) set current window to be focused / top-most. prefer using SetNextWindowFocus().
Upstream link .
source SetWindowFontScale(scale)
[OBSOLETE] set font scale. Adjust IO.FontGlobalScale if you want to scale all windows. This is an old API! For correct scaling, prefer to reload font + rebuild ImFontAtlas + call style.ScaleAllSizes().
Upstream link .
source SetWindowHiddenAndSkipItemsForCurrentFrame(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetWindowFocus(name::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String})
Set named window to be focused / top-most. use NULL to remove focus.
Upstream link .
source SetWindowFocus()
(not recommended) set current window to be focused / top-most. prefer using SetNextWindowFocus().
Upstream link .
source SetWindowFontScale(scale)
[OBSOLETE] set font scale. Adjust IO.FontGlobalScale if you want to scale all windows. This is an old API! For correct scaling, prefer to reload font + rebuild ImFontAtlas + call style.ScaleAllSizes().
Upstream link .
source SetWindowHiddenAndSkipItemsForCurrentFrame(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetWindowHitTestHole(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetWindowHitTestHole(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
pos::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetWindowParentWindowForFocusRoute(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetWindowParentWindowForFocusRoute(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
parent_window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}}
You may also use SetNextWindowClass()'s FocusRouteParentWindowId field.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetWindowPos(
- name::Union{Ptr{Int8}, String},
You may also use SetNextWindowClass()'s FocusRouteParentWindowId field.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetWindowPos(
+ window::Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow},
pos::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
- name::Union{Ptr{Int8}, String},
+ window::Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow},
pos::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
cond::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiCond_, Integer}
Set named window position.
Upstream link .
source SetWindowPos(
+ name::Union{Ptr{Int8}, String},
pos::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
+ name::Union{Ptr{Int8}, String},
pos::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
cond::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiCond_, Integer}
(not recommended) set current window position - call within Begin()/End(). prefer using SetNextWindowPos(), as this may incur tearing and side-effects.
Upstream link .
source SetWindowPos(
- window::Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow},
Set named window position.
Upstream link .
source SetWindowPos(
pos::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
- window::Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow},
pos::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
cond::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiCond_, Integer}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetWindowSize(
- name::Union{Ptr{Int8}, String},
(not recommended) set current window position - call within Begin()/End(). prefer using SetNextWindowPos(), as this may incur tearing and side-effects.
Upstream link .
source SetWindowSize(
+ window::Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow},
size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
- name::Union{Ptr{Int8}, String},
+ window::Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow},
size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
cond::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiCond_, Integer}
Set named window size. set axis to 0.0f to force an auto-fit on this axis.
Upstream link .
source SetWindowSize(
+ name::Union{Ptr{Int8}, String},
size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
+ name::Union{Ptr{Int8}, String},
size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
cond::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiCond_, Integer}
(not recommended) set current window size - call within Begin()/End(). set to ImVec2(0, 0) to force an auto-fit. prefer using SetNextWindowSize(), as this may incur tearing and minor side-effects.
Upstream link .
source SetWindowSize(
- window::Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow},
Set named window size. set axis to 0.0f to force an auto-fit on this axis.
Upstream link .
source SetWindowSize(
size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
- window::Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow},
size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
cond::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiCond_, Integer}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SetWindowViewport(
(not recommended) set current window size - call within Begin()/End(). set to ImVec2(0, 0) to force an auto-fit. prefer using SetNextWindowSize(), as this may incur tearing and minor side-effects.
Upstream link .
source SetWindowViewport(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
viewport::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiViewportP}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ShadeVertsLinearColorGradientKeepAlpha(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ShadeVertsLinearColorGradientKeepAlpha(
draw_list::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList}},
@@ -4737,7 +4737,7 @@
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ShadeVertsLinearUV(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ShadeVertsLinearUV(
draw_list::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList}},
@@ -4747,7 +4747,7 @@
uv_b::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ShadeVertsTransformPos(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ShadeVertsTransformPos(
draw_list::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList}},
@@ -4756,45 +4756,45 @@
pivot_out::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Shortcut(key_chord::Integer) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Shortcut(key_chord::Integer) -> Bool
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source Shortcut(
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputFlags_, Integer},
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ShowAboutWindow()
Create About window. display Dear ImGui version, credits and build/system information.
Upstream link .
source ShowDebugLogWindow()
Create About window. display Dear ImGui version, credits and build/system information.
Upstream link .
source ShowDebugLogWindow()
Create Debug Log window. display a simplified log of important dear imgui events.
Upstream link .
source ShowDemoWindow()
Create Debug Log window. display a simplified log of important dear imgui events.
Upstream link .
source ShowDemoWindow()
Create Demo window. demonstrate most ImGui features. call this to learn about the library! try to make it always available in your application!
Upstream link .
source ShowFontAtlas(
Create Demo window. demonstrate most ImGui features. call this to learn about the library! try to make it always available in your application!
Upstream link .
source ShowFontAtlas(
atlas::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImFontAtlas}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ShowFontSelector(label)
Add font selector block (not a window), essentially a combo listing the loaded fonts.
Upstream link .
source ShowIDStackToolWindow()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ShowFontSelector(label)
Add font selector block (not a window), essentially a combo listing the loaded fonts.
Upstream link .
source ShowIDStackToolWindow()
Create Stack Tool window. hover items with mouse to query information about the source of their unique ID.
Upstream link .
source ShowMetricsWindow()
Create Stack Tool window. hover items with mouse to query information about the source of their unique ID.
Upstream link .
source ShowMetricsWindow()
Create Metrics/Debugger window. display Dear ImGui internals: windows, draw commands, various internal state, etc.
Upstream link .
source ShowStyleEditor()
Create Metrics/Debugger window. display Dear ImGui internals: windows, draw commands, various internal state, etc.
Upstream link .
source ShowStyleEditor()
ref::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiStyle}}
Add style editor block (not a window). you can pass in a reference ImGuiStyle structure to compare to, revert to and save to (else it uses the default style).
Upstream link .
source ShowStyleSelector(label) -> Bool
Add style selector block (not a window), essentially a combo listing the default styles.
Upstream link .
source ShowUserGuide()
Add basic help/info block (not a window): how to manipulate ImGui as an end-user (mouse/keyboard controls).
Upstream link .
source ShrinkWidths(
Add style editor block (not a window). you can pass in a reference ImGuiStyle structure to compare to, revert to and save to (else it uses the default style).
Upstream link .
source ShowStyleSelector(label) -> Bool
Add style selector block (not a window), essentially a combo listing the default styles.
Upstream link .
source ShowUserGuide()
Add basic help/info block (not a window): how to manipulate ImGui as an end-user (mouse/keyboard controls).
Upstream link .
source ShrinkWidths(
items::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiShrinkWidthItem}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Shutdown()
Since 1.60 this is a private function. You can call DestroyContext() to destroy the context created by CreateContext().
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Size(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTextIndex}) -> Int32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SliderAngle(label, v_rad) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Shutdown()
Since 1.60 this is a private function. You can call DestroyContext() to destroy the context created by CreateContext().
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Size(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTextIndex}) -> Int32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SliderAngle(label, v_rad) -> Bool
SliderAngle(label, v_rad, v_degrees_min) -> Bool
@@ -4817,7 +4817,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSliderFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source SliderBehavior(
data_type::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDataType_, Integer},
@@ -4828,7 +4828,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSliderFlags_, Integer},
out_grab_bb::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImRect}}
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SliderFloat(label, v, v_min, v_max) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source SliderFloat(label, v, v_min, v_max) -> Bool
SliderFloat(label, v, v_min, v_max, format) -> Bool
@@ -4838,7 +4838,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSliderFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Adjust format to decorate the value with a prefix or a suffix for in-slider labels or unit display.
Upstream link .
source SliderFloat2(label, v, v_min, v_max) -> Bool
Adjust format to decorate the value with a prefix or a suffix for in-slider labels or unit display.
Upstream link .
source SliderFloat2(label, v, v_min, v_max) -> Bool
SliderFloat2(label, v, v_min, v_max, format) -> Bool
@@ -4848,7 +4848,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSliderFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source SliderFloat3(label, v, v_min, v_max) -> Bool
SliderFloat3(label, v, v_min, v_max, format) -> Bool
@@ -4858,7 +4858,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSliderFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source SliderFloat4(label, v, v_min, v_max) -> Bool
SliderFloat4(label, v, v_min, v_max, format) -> Bool
@@ -4868,7 +4868,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSliderFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source SliderInt(label, v, v_min, v_max) -> Bool
SliderInt(label, v, v_min, v_max, format) -> Bool
@@ -4878,7 +4878,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSliderFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source SliderInt2(label, v, v_min, v_max) -> Bool
SliderInt2(label, v, v_min, v_max, format) -> Bool
@@ -4888,7 +4888,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSliderFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source SliderInt3(label, v, v_min, v_max) -> Bool
SliderInt3(label, v, v_min, v_max, format) -> Bool
@@ -4898,7 +4898,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSliderFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source SliderInt4(label, v, v_min, v_max) -> Bool
SliderInt4(label, v, v_min, v_max, format) -> Bool
@@ -4908,7 +4908,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSliderFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source SliderScalar(
data_type::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDataType_, Integer},
@@ -4932,7 +4932,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSliderFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source SliderScalarN(
data_type::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDataType_, Integer},
@@ -4959,19 +4959,19 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSliderFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source SmallButton(label) -> Bool
Button with (FramePadding.y == 0) to easily embed within text.
Upstream link .
source SmallButton(label) -> Bool
Button with (FramePadding.y == 0) to easily embed within text.
Upstream link .
source Split(
draw_list::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList}},
Upstream link .
source Split(
out::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImVector_ImGuiTextRange}}
Upstream link .
source SplitterBehavior(
@@ -5013,113 +5013,113 @@
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source StartMouseMovingWindow(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source StartMouseMovingWindow(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source StartMouseMovingWindowOrNode(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source StartMouseMovingWindowOrNode(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
node::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Step(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiListClipper}) -> Bool
Call until it returns false. The DisplayStart/DisplayEnd fields will be set and you can process/draw those items.
Upstream link .
source StyleColorsClassic()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Step(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiListClipper}) -> Bool
Call until it returns false. The DisplayStart/DisplayEnd fields will be set and you can process/draw those items.
Upstream link .
source StyleColorsClassic()
dst::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiStyle}}
Classic imgui style.
Upstream link .
source StyleColorsDark()
dst::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiStyle}}
New, recommended style (default).
Upstream link .
source StyleColorsLight()
dst::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiStyle}}
Best used with borders and a custom, thicker font.
Upstream link .
source Swap(
r::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSelectionBasicStorage}}
Swap two selections.
Upstream link .
source TabBarAddTab(
tab_bar::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabBar}},
tab_flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabItemFlags_, Integer},
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TabBarCloseTab(
tab_bar::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabBar}},
tab::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabItem}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TabBarFindMostRecentlySelectedTabForActiveWindow(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TabBarFindMostRecentlySelectedTabForActiveWindow(
tab_bar::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabBar}}
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabItem}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TabBarFindTabByID(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TabBarFindTabByID(
tab_bar::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabBar}},
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabItem}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TabBarFindTabByOrder(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TabBarFindTabByOrder(
tab_bar::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabBar}},
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabItem}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TabBarGetCurrentTab(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TabBarGetCurrentTab(
tab_bar::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabBar}}
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabItem}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TabBarGetTabName(
tab_bar::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabBar}},
tab::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabItem}}
) -> Ptr{Int8}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TabBarGetTabOrder(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TabBarGetTabOrder(
tab_bar::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabBar}},
tab::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabItem}}
) -> Int32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TabBarProcessReorder(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TabBarProcessReorder(
tab_bar::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabBar}}
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TabBarQueueFocus(
tab_bar::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabBar}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TabBarQueueFocus(
tab_bar::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabBar}},
tab_name::Union{Ptr{Int8}, String}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TabBarQueueReorder(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TabBarQueueReorder(
tab_bar::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabBar}},
tab::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabItem}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TabBarQueueReorderFromMousePos(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TabBarQueueReorderFromMousePos(
tab_bar::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabBar}},
tab::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabItem}},
mouse_pos::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TabBarRemoveTab(
tab_bar::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabBar}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TabItemBackground(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TabItemBackground(
draw_list::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList}},
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabItemFlags_, Integer},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TabItemButton(label) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TabItemButton(label) -> Bool
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabItemFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Create a Tab behaving like a button. return true when clicked. cannot be selected in the tab bar.
Upstream link .
source TabItemCalcSize(
Create a Tab behaving like a button. return true when clicked. cannot be selected in the tab bar.
Upstream link .
source TabItemCalcSize(
label::Union{Ptr{Int8}, String},
) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TabItemCalcSize(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}}
) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TabItemEx(
tab_bar::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabBar}},
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabItemFlags_, Integer},
docked_window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}}
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TabItemLabelAndCloseButton(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TabItemLabelAndCloseButton(
draw_list::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList}},
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabItemFlags_, Integer},
@@ -5131,81 +5131,81 @@
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableAngledHeadersRow()
Submit a row with angled headers for every column with the ImGuiTableColumnFlags_AngledHeader flag. MUST BE FIRST ROW.
Upstream link .
source TableAngledHeadersRowEx(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableAngledHeadersRow()
Submit a row with angled headers for every column with the ImGuiTableColumnFlags_AngledHeader flag. MUST BE FIRST ROW.
Upstream link .
source TableAngledHeadersRowEx(
data::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTableHeaderData}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableBeginApplyRequests(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableBeginApplyRequests(
table::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableBeginCell(
table::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableBeginContextMenuPopup(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableBeginContextMenuPopup(
table::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}}
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableBeginInitMemory(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableBeginInitMemory(
table::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableBeginRow(
table::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableCalcMaxColumnWidth(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableCalcMaxColumnWidth(
table::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}},
) -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableDrawBorders(
table::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableDrawDefaultContextMenu(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableDrawDefaultContextMenu(
table::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}},
flags_for_section_to_display::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTableFlags_, Integer}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableEndCell(
table::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableEndRow(
table::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableFindByID(id::Integer) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableFixColumnSortDirection(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableFindByID(id::Integer) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableFixColumnSortDirection(
table::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}},
column::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTableColumn}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableGcCompactSettings()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableGcCompactTransientBuffers(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableGcCompactSettings()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableGcCompactTransientBuffers(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableGcCompactTransientBuffers(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableGcCompactTransientBuffers(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableGetBoundSettings(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableGetBoundSettings(
table::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}}
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTableSettings}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableGetCellBgRect(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableGetCellBgRect(
table::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}},
) -> CImGui.lib.ImRect
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableGetColumnCount() -> Int32
Return number of columns (value passed to BeginTable).
Upstream link .
source TableGetColumnFlags() -> Int32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableGetColumnCount() -> Int32
Return number of columns (value passed to BeginTable).
Upstream link .
source TableGetColumnFlags() -> Int32
TableGetColumnFlags(column_n) -> Int32
Return column flags so you can query their Enabled/Visible/Sorted/Hovered status flags. Pass -1 to use current column.
Upstream link .
source TableGetColumnName() -> Ptr{Int8}
Return column flags so you can query their Enabled/Visible/Sorted/Hovered status flags. Pass -1 to use current column.
Upstream link .
source TableGetColumnName() -> Ptr{Int8}
TableGetColumnName(column_n::Integer) -> Ptr{Int8}
Return "" if column didn't have a name declared by TableSetupColumn(). Pass -1 to use current column.
Upstream link .
source TableGetColumnName(
Return "" if column didn't have a name declared by TableSetupColumn(). Pass -1 to use current column.
Upstream link .
source TableGetColumnName(
table::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}},
) -> Ptr{Int8}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableGetColumnNextSortDirection(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableGetColumnNextSortDirection(
column::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTableColumn}}
) -> CImGui.lib.ImGuiSortDirection
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableGetColumnResizeID(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableGetColumnResizeID(
table::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}},
) -> UInt32
@@ -5214,34 +5214,34 @@
) -> UInt32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableGetColumnWidthAuto(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableGetColumnWidthAuto(
table::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}},
column::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTableColumn}}
) -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableGetHeaderAngledMaxLabelWidth() -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableGetHeaderRowHeight() -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableGetHoveredColumn() -> Int32
Return hovered column. return -1 when table is not hovered. return columnscount if the unused space at the right of visible columns is hovered. Can also use (TableGetColumnFlags() & ImGuiTableColumnFlags IsHovered) instead.
Upstream link .
source TableGetHoveredRow() -> Int32
Retrieve PREVIOUS FRAME hovered row. This difference with TableGetHoveredColumn() is the reason why this is not public yet.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableGetInstanceData(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableGetHeaderAngledMaxLabelWidth() -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableGetHeaderRowHeight() -> Float32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableGetHoveredColumn() -> Int32
Return hovered column. return -1 when table is not hovered. return columnscount if the unused space at the right of visible columns is hovered. Can also use (TableGetColumnFlags() & ImGuiTableColumnFlags IsHovered) instead.
Upstream link .
source TableGetHoveredRow() -> Int32
Retrieve PREVIOUS FRAME hovered row. This difference with TableGetHoveredColumn() is the reason why this is not public yet.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableGetInstanceData(
table::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}},
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTableInstanceData}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableGetInstanceID(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableGetInstanceID(
table::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}},
) -> UInt32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableGetSortSpecs() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTableSortSpecs}
Get latest sort specs for the table (NULL if not sorting). Lifetime: don't hold on this pointer over multiple frames or past any subsequent call to BeginTable().
Upstream link .
source TableHeadersRow()
Submit a row with headers cells based on data provided to TableSetupColumn() + submit context menu.
Upstream link .
source TableLoadSettings(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableGetSortSpecs() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTableSortSpecs}
Get latest sort specs for the table (NULL if not sorting). Lifetime: don't hold on this pointer over multiple frames or past any subsequent call to BeginTable().
Upstream link .
source TableHeadersRow()
Submit a row with headers cells based on data provided to TableSetupColumn() + submit context menu.
Upstream link .
source TableLoadSettings(
table::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableMergeDrawChannels(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableMergeDrawChannels(
table::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableNextColumn() -> Bool
Append into the next column (or first column of next row if currently in last column). Return true when column is visible.
Upstream link .
source TableNextColumn() -> Bool
Append into the next column (or first column of next row if currently in last column). Return true when column is visible.
Upstream link .
source TableNextRow()
row_flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTableRowFlags_, Integer}
@@ -5249,20 +5249,20 @@
row_flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTableRowFlags_, Integer},
Append into the first cell of a new row.
Upstream link .
source TableOpenContextMenu()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TablePopBackgroundChannel()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TablePushBackgroundChannel()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TablePopBackgroundChannel()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TablePushBackgroundChannel()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableRemove(
table::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableResetSettings(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableResetSettings(
table::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableSaveSettings(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableSaveSettings(
table::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableSetBgColor(
target::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTableBgTarget_, Integer},
@@ -5271,30 +5271,30 @@
Change the color of a cell, row, or column. See ImGuiTableBgTarget_ flags for details.
Upstream link .
source TableSetColumnEnabled(column_n, v)
Change user accessible enabled/disabled state of a column. Set to false to hide the column. User can use the context menu to change this themselves (right-click in headers, or right-click in columns body with ImGuiTableFlags_ContextMenuInBody).
Upstream link .
source TableSetColumnIndex(column_n) -> Bool
Append into the specified column. Return true when column is visible.
Upstream link .
source TableSetColumnSortDirection(
Change the color of a cell, row, or column. See ImGuiTableBgTarget_ flags for details.
Upstream link .
source TableSetColumnEnabled(column_n, v)
Change user accessible enabled/disabled state of a column. Set to false to hide the column. User can use the context menu to change this themselves (right-click in headers, or right-click in columns body with ImGuiTableFlags_ContextMenuInBody).
Upstream link .
source TableSetColumnIndex(column_n) -> Bool
Append into the specified column. Return true when column is visible.
Upstream link .
source TableSetColumnSortDirection(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableSetColumnWidth(column_n, width)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableSetColumnWidthAutoAll(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableSetColumnWidth(column_n, width)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableSetColumnWidthAutoAll(
table::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableSetColumnWidthAutoSingle(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableSetColumnWidthAutoSingle(
table::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}},
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableSettingsAddSettingsHandler()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableSettingsCreate(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableSettingsAddSettingsHandler()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableSettingsCreate(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTableSettings}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableSettingsFindByID(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableSettingsFindByID(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTableSettings}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableSetupColumn(label)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableSetupColumn(label)
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTableColumnFlags_, Integer}
@@ -5310,30 +5310,30 @@
Upstream link .
source TableSetupDrawChannels(
table::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableSetupScrollFreeze(cols, rows)
Lock columns/rows so they stay visible when scrolled.
Upstream link .
source TableSortSpecsBuild(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableSetupScrollFreeze(cols, rows)
Lock columns/rows so they stay visible when scrolled.
Upstream link .
source TableSortSpecsBuild(
table::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableSortSpecsSanitize(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableSortSpecsSanitize(
table::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableUpdateBorders(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableUpdateBorders(
table::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableUpdateColumnsWeightFromWidth(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableUpdateColumnsWeightFromWidth(
table::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableUpdateLayout(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TableUpdateLayout(
table::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TeleportMousePos(
pos::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TempInputIsActive(id::Integer) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TempInputIsActive(id::Integer) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TempInputScalar(
@@ -5360,7 +5360,7 @@
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TempInputText(
@@ -5368,61 +5368,61 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputTextFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TestBit(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImBitVector}, n) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TestBit(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImBitVector}, n) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TestKeyOwner(
) -> Bool
Test that key is either not owned, either owned by 'owner_id'.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TestShortcutRouting(
Test that key is either not owned, either owned by 'owner_id'.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TestShortcutRouting(
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TextColored(
col::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec4, NTuple{4, T} where T},
Shortcut for PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, col); Text(fmt, ...); PopStyleColor();.
Upstream link .
source TextDisabled(fmt)
Shortcut for PushStyleColor(ImGuiColText, style.Colors[ImGuiCol TextDisabled]); Text(fmt, ...); PopStyleColor();.
Upstream link .
source TextEx(text)
Shortcut for PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, col); Text(fmt, ...); PopStyleColor();.
Upstream link .
source TextDisabled(fmt)
Shortcut for PushStyleColor(ImGuiColText, style.Colors[ImGuiCol TextDisabled]); Text(fmt, ...); PopStyleColor();.
Upstream link .
source TextEx(text)
TextEx(text, text_end)
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTextFlags_, Integer}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TextLinkOpenURL(label)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TextLinkOpenURL(label)
TextLinkOpenURL(label, url)
Hyperlink text button, automatically open file/url when clicked.
Upstream link .
source TextUnformatted(text)
Hyperlink text button, automatically open file/url when clicked.
Upstream link .
source TextUnformatted(text)
TextUnformatted(text, text_end)
Raw text without formatting. Roughly equivalent to Text("%s", text) but: A) doesn't require null terminated string if 'text_end' is specified, B) it's faster, no memory copy is done, no buffer size limits, recommended for long chunks of text.
Upstream link .
source TextWrapped(fmt)
Shortcut for PushTextWrapPos(0.0f); Text(fmt, ...); PopTextWrapPos();. Note that this won't work on an auto-resizing window if there's no other widgets to extend the window width, yoy may need to set a size using SetNextWindowSize().
Upstream link .
source TitleBarRect(
Raw text without formatting. Roughly equivalent to Text("%s", text) but: A) doesn't require null terminated string if 'text_end' is specified, B) it's faster, no memory copy is done, no buffer size limits, recommended for long chunks of text.
Upstream link .
source TextWrapped(fmt)
Shortcut for PushTextWrapPos(0.0f); Text(fmt, ...); PopTextWrapPos();. Note that this won't work on an auto-resizing window if there's no other widgets to extend the window width, yoy may need to set a size using SetNextWindowSize().
Upstream link .
source TitleBarRect(
) -> CImGui.lib.ImRect
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ToVec4(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImRect}) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec4
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ToVec4(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImRect}) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec4
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Translate(
d::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TranslateWindowsInViewport(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TranslateWindowsInViewport(
viewport::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiViewportP}},
old_pos::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
new_pos::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
old_size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
new_size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TranslateX(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImRect}, dx)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TranslateY(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImRect}, dy)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TranslateX(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImRect}, dx)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TranslateY(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImRect}, dy)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TreeNode(
fmt::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source TreeNode(
str_id::Union{Ptr{Int8}, String},
fmt::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String}
) -> Bool
Helper variation to easily decorelate the id from the displayed string. Read the FAQ about why and how to use ID. to align arbitrary text at the same level as a TreeNode() you can use Bullet().
Upstream link .
source TreeNodeBehavior(
Helper variation to easily decorelate the id from the displayed string. Read the FAQ about why and how to use ID. to align arbitrary text at the same level as a TreeNode() you can use Bullet().
Upstream link .
source TreeNodeBehavior(
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_, Integer},
@@ -5433,74 +5433,74 @@
) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TreeNodeEx(label::Union{Ptr{Int8}, String}) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TreeNodeEx(label::Union{Ptr{Int8}, String}) -> Bool
label::Union{Ptr{Int8}, String},
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source TreeNodeEx(
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_, Integer},
fmt::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source TreeNodeEx(
str_id::Union{Ptr{Int8}, String},
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_, Integer},
fmt::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source TreeNodeGetOpen(storage_id::Integer) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TreeNodeSetOpen(storage_id::Integer, open)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TreeNodeGetOpen(storage_id::Integer) -> Bool
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TreeNodeSetOpen(storage_id::Integer, open)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TreeNodeUpdateNextOpen(
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Return open state. Consume previous SetNextItemOpen() data, if any. May return true when logging.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TreePush(str_id::Union{Ptr{Int8}, String})
~ Indent()+PushID(). Already called by TreeNode() when returning true, but you can call TreePush/TreePop yourself if desired.
Upstream link .
source TreePushOverrideID(id::Integer)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TypingSelectFindBestLeadingMatch(
Return open state. Consume previous SetNextItemOpen() data, if any. May return true when logging.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TreePush(str_id::Union{Ptr{Int8}, String})
~ Indent()+PushID(). Already called by TreeNode() when returning true, but you can call TreePush/TreePop yourself if desired.
Upstream link .
source TreePushOverrideID(id::Integer)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TypingSelectFindBestLeadingMatch(
req::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTypingSelectRequest}},
) -> Int32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TypingSelectFindMatch(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TypingSelectFindMatch(
req::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTypingSelectRequest}},
) -> Int32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TypingSelectFindNextSingleCharMatch(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source TypingSelectFindNextSingleCharMatch(
req::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTypingSelectRequest}},
) -> Int32
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source Unindent()
Move content position back to the left, by indentw, or style.IndentSpacing if indent w <= 0.
Upstream link .
source Update(
Move content position back to the left, by indentw, or style.IndentSpacing if indent w <= 0.
Upstream link .
source Update(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source UpdateHoveredWindowAndCaptureFlags()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source UpdateInputEvents(trickle_fast_inputs)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source UpdateMergedFlags(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode})
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source UpdateMouseMovingWindowEndFrame()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source UpdateMouseMovingWindowNewFrame()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source UpdatePlatformWindows()
Call in main loop. will call CreateWindow/ResizeWindow/etc. platform functions for each secondary viewport, and DestroyWindow for each inactive viewport.
Upstream link .
source UpdateWindowParentAndRootLinks(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source UpdateHoveredWindowAndCaptureFlags()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source UpdateInputEvents(trickle_fast_inputs)
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source UpdateMergedFlags(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode})
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source UpdateMouseMovingWindowEndFrame()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source UpdateMouseMovingWindowNewFrame()
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source UpdatePlatformWindows()
Call in main loop. will call CreateWindow/ResizeWindow/etc. platform functions for each secondary viewport, and DestroyWindow for each inactive viewport.
Upstream link .
source UpdateWindowParentAndRootLinks(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindowFlags_, Integer},
parent_window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source UpdateWindowSkipRefresh(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source UpdateWindowSkipRefresh(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source UpdateWorkRect(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiViewportP})
Update public fields.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source UpdateWorkRect(self::Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiViewportP})
Update public fields.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source VSliderFloat(
size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -5524,7 +5524,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSliderFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source VSliderInt(
size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -5548,7 +5548,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSliderFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source VSliderScalar(
size::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
data_type::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDataType_, Integer},
@@ -5575,7 +5575,7 @@
flags::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSliderFlags_, Integer}
) -> Bool
Upstream link .
source Value(
prefix::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String},
@@ -5584,43 +5584,43 @@
float_format::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String}
Upstream link .
source WindowPosAbsToRel(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
p::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source WindowPosRelToAbs(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source WindowPosRelToAbs(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
p::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
) -> CImGui.lib.ImVec2
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source WindowRectAbsToRel(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source WindowRectAbsToRel(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
) -> CImGui.lib.ImRect
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source WindowRectRelToAbs(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source WindowRectRelToAbs(
window::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}},
) -> CImGui.lib.ImRect
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source _CalcCircleAutoSegmentCount(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source _CalcCircleAutoSegmentCount(
) -> Int32
Upstream link .
source _PathArcToFastEx(
center::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -5628,7 +5628,7 @@
Upstream link .
source _PathArcToN(
center::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T},
@@ -5636,14 +5636,14 @@
Upstream link .
source ImColor(
@@ -5654,7 +5654,7 @@
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImColor}
Upstream link .
source ImColor(
@@ -5665,160 +5665,160 @@
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImColor}
Upstream link .
source ImDrawCmd() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImDrawCmd}
Also ensure our padding fields are zeroed.
Upstream link .
source ImDrawDataBuilder() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImDrawDataBuilder}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImDrawCmd() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImDrawCmd}
Also ensure our padding fields are zeroed.
Upstream link .
source ImDrawDataBuilder() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImDrawDataBuilder}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImDrawList(
shared_data::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImDrawListSharedData}}
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImDrawList}
Upstream link .
source ImDrawListSharedData(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImDrawListSharedData}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImFontAtlasCustomRect(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiBoxSelectState() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiBoxSelectState}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiBoxSelectState() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiBoxSelectState}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiComboPreviewData(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiComboPreviewData}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiContext(
shared_font_atlas::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImFontAtlas}}
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiContext}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiContextHook() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiContextHook}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiDebugAllocInfo() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDebugAllocInfo}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiDockContext() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockContext}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiDockNode(id::Integer) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiErrorRecoveryState(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiContextHook() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiContextHook}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiDebugAllocInfo() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDebugAllocInfo}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiDockContext() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockContext}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiDockNode(id::Integer) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiDockNode}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiErrorRecoveryState(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiErrorRecoveryState}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiIDStackTool() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiIDStackTool}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiInputEvent() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputEvent}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiInputTextCallbackData(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
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source ImGuiIDStackTool() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiIDStackTool}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
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source ImGuiInputEvent() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputEvent}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
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source ImGuiInputTextCallbackData(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputTextCallbackData}
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source ImGuiInputTextDeactivatedState(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputTextDeactivatedState}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiInputTextState() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputTextState}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
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source ImGuiKeyOwnerData() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiKeyOwnerData}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiKeyRoutingData() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiKeyRoutingData}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
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source ImGuiKeyRoutingTable(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
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source ImGuiInputTextState() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiInputTextState}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
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source ImGuiKeyOwnerData() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiKeyOwnerData}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
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source ImGuiKeyRoutingData() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiKeyRoutingData}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
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source ImGuiKeyRoutingTable(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiKeyRoutingTable}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
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source ImGuiLastItemData() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiLastItemData}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
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source ImGuiListClipperData(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
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source ImGuiLastItemData() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiLastItemData}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiListClipperData(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiListClipperData}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiMenuColumns() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMenuColumns}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiMultiSelectState(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
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source ImGuiMenuColumns() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMenuColumns}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiMultiSelectState(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMultiSelectState}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
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source ImGuiMultiSelectTempData(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
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source ImGuiMultiSelectTempData(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiMultiSelectTempData}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
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source ImGuiNavItemData() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiNavItemData}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiNextItemData() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiNextItemData}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiNextWindowData() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiNextWindowData}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiOldColumnData() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiOldColumnData}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiOldColumns() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiOldColumns}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiPlatformImeData(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiNavItemData() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiNavItemData}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiNextItemData() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiNextItemData}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiNextWindowData() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiNextWindowData}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiOldColumnData() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiOldColumnData}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiOldColumns() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiOldColumns}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiPopupData() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiPopupData}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiPopupData() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiPopupData}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiPtrOrIndex(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiPtrOrIndex}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiPtrOrIndex(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiPtrOrIndex}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiSelectionBasicStorage(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiSelectionBasicStorage(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSelectionBasicStorage}
Upstream link .
source ImGuiSelectionExternalStorage(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSelectionExternalStorage}
Upstream link .
source ImGuiSettingsHandler(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiSettingsHandler}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiStackLevelInfo() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiStackLevelInfo}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiStackLevelInfo() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiStackLevelInfo}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiStoragePair(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiStoragePair}
Upstream link .
source ImGuiStoragePair(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiStoragePair}
Upstream link .
source ImGuiStoragePair(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiStoragePair}
Upstream link .
source ImGuiStyleMod(
idx::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiStyleVar_, Integer},
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiStyleMod}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiStyleMod(
idx::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiStyleVar_, Integer},
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiStyleMod}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiStyleMod(
idx::Union{CImGui.lib.ImGuiStyleVar_, Integer},
v::Union{CImGui.lib.ImVec2, Tuple{T, T} where T}
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiStyleMod}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
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source ImGuiTabBar() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabBar}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiTabItem() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabItem}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiTable() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiTableColumn() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTableColumn}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiTableColumnSettings(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiTabBar() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabBar}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiTabItem() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTabItem}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiTable() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTable}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
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source ImGuiTableColumn() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTableColumn}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiTableColumnSettings(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTableColumnSettings}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
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source ImGuiTableColumnSortSpecs(
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiTableColumnSortSpecs(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTableColumnSortSpecs}
Upstream link .
source ImGuiTableInstanceData(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTableInstanceData}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiTableSettings() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTableSettings}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiTableTempData() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTableTempData}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
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source ImGuiTextFilter() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTextFilter}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiTableSettings() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTableSettings}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiTableTempData() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTableTempData}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiTextFilter() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTextFilter}
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTextFilter}
Upstream link .
source ImGuiTextRange(
_b::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String},
_e::Union{Ptr{Int8}, Ptr{Nothing}, String}
) -> CImGui.lib.ImGuiTextRange
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source ImGuiTypingSelectState(
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiTypingSelectState}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
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source ImGuiViewportP() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiViewportP}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImGuiViewportP() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiViewportP}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
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source ImGuiWindow(
context::Union{Ptr{Nothing}, Ref{CImGui.lib.ImGuiContext}},
) -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindow}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
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source ImGuiWindowSettings() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImGuiWindowSettings}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
source ImVec1() -> Ptr{CImGui.lib.ImVec1}
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
Upstream link .
Automatic (OS) documenter-light documenter-dark catppuccin-latte catppuccin-frappe catppuccin-macchiato catppuccin-mocha
This document was generated with Documenter.jl version 1.8.0 on Saturday 21 December 2024 . Using Julia version 1.11.2.
This function is internal, it may change in the future.
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