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InspectDR: Programming interface

Note that many types & functions are not exported from InspectDR in order to avoid namespace pollution. That being said, the module name will often be omitted below in an attempt to improve readability.

  1. Main plot objects
  2. Secondary plot objects
  3. Axis scale identifiers
  4. Function listing
  5. Creating plots
  6. Plot generators
  7. Displaying plots
  8. Layout & stylesheets
  9. Advanced usage
    1. Display/Render System
    2. Custom plot generators
    3. Custom stylesheets

Main plot objects

  • InspectDR.Plot: An abstract plot object.
  • InspectDR.Plot2D <: Plot: A 2D plot object.
    • InspectDR.Plot2D(title="Plot Title"): Constructs empty 2D plot.
  • InspectDR.Multiplot: A master plot structure that collects multiple Plots together.
    • InspectDR.Multiplot(title="Multiplot Title"): Constructs empty multi-plot object.
  • InspectDR.GtkPlot: Gtk window that can display/manipulate a Multiplot object.

Secondary plot objects

  • IDataset: {x, y} vectors representing 2D data.
  • Waveform{IDataset}: Stores input data and attributes specifying how do display.
  • LineAttributes: User-defined attributes for lines.
  • GlyphAttributes: User-defined attributes for glyphs (or "markers").

Axis scale identifiers

X/Y-axis scales are specified using one of the following Symbols:

  • :lin
  • :log10, :log (= :log10)
  • :ln, :log2: Grid lines might need improvement here.
  • :dB20, :dB10

Function listing

For more detailed information, use Julia's help system (? [function name]).

  • Base.display(::Plot2D/Multiplot)
  • Base.close(::GtkPlot)
  •, ::MIME, ::Plot2D)
  •, ::MIME, ::Plot2D)
  • add(...): Add an element to a collection
    • add(::Plot, ...): Add a dataset to a Plot object.
    • add(::Multiplot, ...): Add a subplot to a Multiplot object.
  • line(; style=, width=, color=): Create a LineAttributes object.
  • glyph(; shape=, size=, color=, fillcolor=): Create a GlyphAttributes object.
  • set(...): Modify attributes of an object.
    • set(::Waveform, [attr]...): Set LineAttributes and/or GlyphAttributes.
  • TODO: addheatmap, vmarker, hmarker, atext, clear_data, refresh, write_png.

Creating plots

Plot creation example: A simple plot

The following shows how to create plots with InspectDR:

using InspectDR

#Generate some data:
x = collect(-2:.1:2)

#Create some plot:
plot1 = InspectDR.Plot2D(:lin, :lin, title="Some plot",
	xlabel="x-value", ylabels=["y-value"]
plot1.layout[:enable_legend] = true

#Add some data:
add(plot1, x, x.^2, id="x^2")
add(plot1, x, x.^3, id="x^3")

display(InspectDR.GtkDisplay(), plot1)

Plot creation example: A stacked, multi-strip plot

Plot2D supports "multi-strip" plots with a common x-axis and multiple stacked y-axes. "Multi-strip" plots are ideal for plotting data with wildly differing y-value ranges.

using InspectDR

#Generate data with differing y-value ranges:
T = 1/60; ΔT = T/20 #sec
C = 480e-6 #F
t = collect(0:ΔT:8T) #sec
v = (120*sqrt(2)) .* sin.(t.*(2π/T)) #V
	dv_dt = (2π/T) .* cos.(t.*(2π/T))
i = C .* dv_dt

#Create a multi-strip plot:
plot2 = InspectDR.Plot2D(:lin, [:lin, :lin], title="Multi-strip plot",
	xlabel="Time (V)", ylabels=["Voltage (V)", "Current (A)"]
plot2.layout[:enable_legend] = true
add(plot2, t, v, strip=1, id="cap")
add(plot2, t, i, strip=2, id="cap")

display(InspectDR.GtkDisplay(), plot2)

Plot creation example: A multi-plot collection

mplot = InspectDR.Multiplot(title="A Multiplot Object", ncolumns=2)
add(mplot, plot1)
add(mplot, plot2)

display(InspectDR.GtkDisplay(), mplot)

Plot generators

Specialized plot generator functions help to streamline control over plot axes/grids/labels/etc. The following plot generators assist in creating Plot2D objects:

  1. Plot2D(xscale, yscalelist; kwargs...): Generate a basic 2D plot.
    • Plot2D(:lin, :log, title="title", xlabel="X", ylabels=["log(Y)"]): Construct plot with a linear X-axis & log10 Y-axis.
    • Plot2D(:log10, [:dB20, :lin, :lin], title="title", xlabel="X", ylabels=["Y1 (dB)", "Y2", "Y3"]): Construct plot with a log10 X-axis, and 2 Y-strips: the top-most with a dB20 Y-scale, and the next two with linear Y-scale.
  2. bodeplot(; kwargs...): Generate Bode plots.
    • bodeplot(): Default kwargs already set: xlabel="Frequency (Hz)", ylabels=["Magnitude (dB)", "Phase (°)]"`.
  3. transientplot(yscalelist; kwargs...): Generate time-domain plots.
    • transientplot([:lin, :lin, :lin], title="title", ylabels=["Voltage", "Voltage", "Current"]): xlabel already set to "Time (s)", by default.
  4. smithchart(TYPE; ref, kwargs...): Generate Smith Charts.
    • smithchart(:Z, ref=50): Impedance (Z) Smith Chart with a 50Ω reference. Default kwargs already set: xlabel="Real(Γ)", ylabels=["Imaginary(Γ)"]".
    • smithchart(:Y, ref=75): Admittance (Y) Smith Chart with a 75Ω reference.

Displaying plots

Displaying plots: Gtk windows

To display a either a Plot, Multiplot object by creating a GktPlot GUI window, one simply calls:

gplot = display(InspectDR.GtkDisplay(), plot)

To programmatically close a GktPlot window, the close() function can be used:


Displaying plots: Inline plots in Jupyter

InspectDR already defines the show(::IO, ::MIME, ::T) functions for Plot and Multiplot.

Thus, you can display plots as inline images using Base.display():


Also, since Jupyter automatically calls Base.display() on the last statement of a code block, plots are automatically displayed if they are the the last statement:

#Start of Jupyter code block
# ... (Some code)
#Last statement:
plot #Implicit call to "optimal" show(::IO, ::MIME, ::T)

Note that there are rendering issues with Jupyter and MIME"image/svg+xml" (speed being one of them). To inhibit InspectDR from show-ing with the SVG format, the following setting can be changed:

InspectDR.defaults.rendersvg = false

Layout & stylesheets

The appearance of InspectDR plots is configured through the .layout properties of ::Plot2D & ::Multiplot objects. Until better documentation is available, one is encouraged to look at the fields of the PlotLayout & MultiplotLayout for more information:

#To control apperance of Plot2D elements:

#To control apperance of Multiplot elements:

The .layout properties should be accessed using the [] operators, using the field names names of PlotLayout / MultiplotLayout as arguments:

plot.layout[:valloc_top] = 20 #Modify space above data area


Plot gridlines are configurable on a per-strip basis. Assuming a plot::Plot2D object exists, the configuration can be altered with GridRect():

plot.strips[i].grid = InspectDR.GridRect(vmajor=true, vminor=true, hmajor=false, hminor=false)


At this point in time, legends have limited configurability. When displayed, legends will consume fixed horizontal real-estate. The idea is to display a large number of labels without hiding the data area.

In order to display the legend of a plot::Plot2D object, one would set:

plot.layout[:enable_legend] = true #Enables legend
plot.layout[:halloc_legend] = 150 #Control size of legend

Pre-defined stylesheets

InspectDR uses "Stylesheets" to control the default values of plot elements. To apply a different stylesheet to a given plot, use the setstyle! methods:

InspectDR.setstyle!(::Plot2D, stylesheet::Symbol; kwargs...)
InspectDR.setstyle!(::Multiplot, stylesheet::Symbol; kwargs...)

Currently supported values for stylesheet include:

  • :screen
  • :IEEE