Default InspectDR.jl settings can be overwritten once the module is loaded by editing the InspectDR.defaults
#Dissalow SVG MIME output for performance reasons:
InspectDR.defaults.rendersvg = false
#Change when plots drop points to enable "F1"-acceleration:
#(One of: {:always, :never, :noglyph, :hasline})
InspectDR.defaults.pointdropmatrix = InspectDR.PDM_DEFAULTS[:always]
#Enable time stamp & legend:
InspectDR.defaults.plotlayout[:enable_timestamp] = true
InspectDR.defaults.plotlayout[:enable_legend] = true
#Set data-area dimensions (saving single plot):
InspectDR.defaults.plotlayout[:halloc_data] = 500
InspectDR.defaults.plotlayout[:valloc_data] = 350
#Set plot dimensions (saving multi-plot):
InspectDR.defaults.mplotlayout[:halloc_plot] = 500
InspectDR.defaults.mplotlayout[:valloc_plot] = 350
#Configure # of columns in multi-plot outputs:
InspectDR.defaults.mplotlayout[:ncolumns] = 2
Until better documentation is available, one is encouraged to look at the fields of the PlotLayout
for more information:
Defaults can also be specified before importing InspectDR.jl with the help of Main.DEFAULTS_INSPECTDR::Dict
. Simply create the variable in your ~/.julia/config/startup.jl
file, using the following pattern:
:rendersvg => false,
#Special options available @ initialization:
:droppoints => :always, #One of: {:always, :never, :noglyph, :hasline}
:notation_x => :SI, #Change x-axis notation
:notation_y => :SI, #Change y-axis notation
:fontname => "Sans", #Change default font family
:fontscale => 1.2, #Scale up/down font default sizes
#Basic plot options:
:enable_timestamp => true,
:enable_legend => true,
:halloc_legend => 150,
#Supported multiplot options:
:ncolumns => 2,
:halloc_plot => 500,
:valloc_plot => 350,