diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 0d86fcd..0b5975a 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -67,4 +67,8 @@ begin
     import Pkg
     Pkg.add(; name = "Kaleido_jll", version = "0.1")
+The package will now default to using an explicitly provided version of Kaleido 0.1 on Windows systems without requiring to explicitly fix the version of `Kaleido_jll` in your project environment.
+To disable this automatic fallback, you can set `PlotlyKaleido.USE_KALEIDO_FALLBACK[] = false`.
diff --git a/src/PlotlyKaleido.jl b/src/PlotlyKaleido.jl
index 2893b1f..5c09c4b 100644
--- a/src/PlotlyKaleido.jl
+++ b/src/PlotlyKaleido.jl
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ else
-should_try_fallback() = Sys.iswindows() && (get_kaleido_version() !== "0.1.0")
 get_kaleido_version() = read(joinpath(Kaleido_jll.artifact_dir, "version"), String)
+should_try_fallback() = Sys.iswindows() && (get_kaleido_version() !== "0.1.0")
 const USE_KALEIDO_FALLBACK = Ref(should_try_fallback())
@@ -68,7 +68,6 @@ function readline_noblock(io; timeout = 10)
-    kaleido_version = get_kaleido_version()
     out = take!(msg)
     if out === "Stopped" 
         warn_str = "It looks like the Kaleido process is not responding since $(timeout) seconds. 
@@ -76,11 +75,13 @@ The unresponsive process will be killed, but this means that you will not be abl
         if should_try_fallback() && !USE_KALEIDO_FALLBACK[]
             warn_str *= "
 You seem to be on Windows but have disabled the automatic fallback to version 0.1 of Kaleido. You may want to try enabling it by calling `PlotlyKaleido.USE_KALEIDO_FALLBACK[] = true`, as higher version of Kaleido are known to have issues on Windows.
 Check the Package Readme at https://github.com/JuliaPlots/PlotlyKaleido.jl/tree/main#windows-note for more details."
         warn_str *= "
 Alternatively, you might try using a longer timeout to check if the process is not responding by passing the desired value in seconds using the `timeout` kwarg when calling `PlotlyKaleido.start` or `PlotlyKaleido.restart`"