We welcome contributions from the community. Please read the following guidelines before contributing to the project.
# install supported versions of python
pyenv install
# install packaging and build tools
pipx install tox
pipx install poetry
# install project dependencies
poetry install
# run all tests
tox run
This project uses pytest as the testing framework and tox as the test runner. testing. To run the tests, use the following commands:
# run all tests
tox run
# generate documentation
tox -e docs
# run specific tests with pytest directly using the default poetry environment
poetry run pytest tests -m "not integration" tests/models/requests/test_keyword_by_asins_request.py
# run integration tests using the default poetry environment
poetry run pytest tests -m "integration"
Note, running integration tests requires a .env
file at the root of this project with real API keys.
# create a .env file from the template used for testing
cp .env.test .env
Then, add your real Jungle Scout API keys to the .env
This project uses black for code formatting, isort for import sorting and ruff as a linter. If you are using VSCode, you can install the following extensions:
You'd also need to add the following settings to your settings.json
"[python]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "ms-python.black-formatter",
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
"source.organizeImports": true,
"source.fixAll": true
"isort.args": ["--profile", "black"]