Experience the real-time global localization visually!
You can try 3D-BBS with two different viewers, Rviz2 and Iridescence.
- This is only supported on GPU
- Docker is not yet supported.
Click here!
- Installed 3D-BBS
- ROS 2 humble
- Build ros2_test_rviz2 and click_loc
cd 3d_bbs/ros2_test
colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release --packages-select ros2_test_rviz2 click_loc
Config file format is 3d_bbs/ros2_test/config/ros2_test.yaml
Please download test data and copy target folder path to target_clouds in yaml file.
## Folder Paths
target_clouds: "your_path/target"
The ros2_test_data you download in the next step will work with default parameter values.
1. First terminal
cd 3d_bbs/ros2_test
source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch ros2_test_rviz2 gpu_ros2_test_rviz2_launch.py
2. Second terminal
Please download ros2_test_data.
ros2 bag play <ros2 bag file path>
3. Wait until this message is displayed.
[ROS2] 3D-BBS initialized
Localizer uses the LiDAR scan taken just before the button click.
The red point cloud is the matched source point.
5. (Optional) Load voxelmap coordinates directly
You can save the voxelmaps coordinates and skip 3D-BBS voxel construction if you reuse the same parameters of min_level_res
and max_level
Please refer to step 5 of test_code.md
After saving the voxelmaps, please try 3. Run again.
Click here!
- Iridescence
- Installed 3D-BBS
- ROS 2 humble
- Build and Install Iridescence Clone repository at Home directory.
# Install dependencies
sudo apt-get install -y libglm-dev libglfw3-dev libpng-dev libjpeg-dev libeigen3-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev
# Build and install Iridescence
git clone https://github.com/koide3/iridescence --recursive
mkdir iridescence/build && cd iridescence/build
cmake ..
make -j8
sudo make install
- Build ros2_test_iridescence
cd 3d_bbs/ros2_test
colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release --packages-select ros2_test_iridescence
Config file format is 3d_bbs/ros2_test/config/ros2_test.yaml
Please download test data and copy target folder path to target_clouds in yaml file.
## Folder Paths
target_clouds: "your_path/target"
The ros2_test_data you download in the next step will work with default parameter values.
1. First terminal
cd 3d_bbs/ros2_test
source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch ros2_test_iridescence gpu_ros2_test_iridescence_launch.py
2. Second terminal
Please download ros2_test_data.
ros2 bag play <ros2 bag file path>
3. Wait until this message is displayed.
[ROS2] 3D-BBS initialized
Localizer uses the LiDAR scan taken just before the button click.
The red point cloud is the matched source point.
By pressing "Ctrl+M", a hidden menu bar appears.
5. (Optional) Load voxelmap coordinates directly
You can save the voxelmaps coordinates and skip 3D-BBS voxel construction if you reuse the same parameters of min_level_res
and max_level
Please refer to step 5 of test_code.md
After saving the voxelmaps, please try 3. Run again.
- Keep the robot with the sensor stationary.
- Reason: The error in the direction of gravitational acceleration estimated by IMU increases while the robot is running.
- Although the roll and pitch searches can be expanded, processing time will increase.
- Use only at locations where the source point cloud is completely included in the target point cloud.
- Reason: Another pose that encompasses all source point cloud is estimated when the source point cloud includes outside the map environment.
- Please use the downsampling and point cloud cutting tools.