Releases: KSP-RO/RealSolarSystem
Releases · KSP-RO/RealSolarSystem
v10.6.1 for KSP 1.0.5
- Hotfix for body indices. If you already loaded a save with 10.6, apologies.
v10.6 for KSP 1.0.5
- Fix issue with Earth's sidereal rotation period not being correct (thanks eggrobin).
- Tweak hypersonic convection up slightly.
- Massive improvement pass by KillAshley! Make sure you get the RSS-Textures update too! Updates:
- Added organized cache files to local RSS folder for all bodies
- Removed RSSKopernicus.cfg; Separated & organized body cfgs one body per cfg and added RSSKopernicusSettings.cfg that holds remaining global values.
- Enforced fixed flightGolbalsIdex to all bodies to ensure future save-game compatibility
- Tweaked various planets PQS maxLevel to adjust for terrain pixelation vs detail
- Added detailed PQSMaterials to create detailed surface textures to overhauled bodies
- Added & Edited PQSMods to allow for more varied (less flat) terrain
- Added higher fidelity normal maps
- Added new heightmaps for certain bodies to improve terrain based off lack of credible data
- Adjusted scaledspace atmospheric rims to a more suitable coloring & strength
- Implemented Charon
- Added Pluto & Charon height & color maps made from current information mixed with procedurally generated terrain
- Fixes to Russian launch sites thanks to Niemand303.
- Fix to Kodiak launch site thanks to CitizenVeen.
- Planetshine configs thanks to valerian.
- Support non-RP-0 science thanks to Kerbas-ad-astra and GregRoxMun.
- Rings fix thanks to Sigma88.
- Some fixes to Deimos and Phobs thanks to KillAshley and GregroxMun.
- Add back missing MSFN ground stations (as of 1963).
- North Korean launch site thanks to eggrobin.
- Fix issues with some biomes that had crept in on the transition to 1.0.
- Update atmospheric bodies' atmospheres and temperature curves thanks to OhioBob. NOTE Earth's atmosphere now ends at 140km!
- Refine Earth PQS/scaled space transititon to attempt to improve RVE integration.
- Titan fixes from GregroxMun.
- Atmosphere color/ramp fixes from GregroxMun.
- Update physics modifiers from current RO settings.
- Update metadata.
- Update to Kopernicus 0.5.2.
- Update for KSP 1.0.5.
- Update for Kopernicus 0.5 (thanks Thomas).
- Correct rotation of KSC (at Cape Canaveral).
- Colors for different classes of tracking stations (thanks PhineasFreak).
- Un-revert reversion of Earth biomes.
- Slightly re-increase launch site comm range, to about that of a Comm16.
- RSS itself now contains groundstation definitions for RemoteTech, with the full networks appearing when RealismOverhaul is installed (via NEEDS--the files are here). Thanks Peppie, regex!
- Patch AntennaRange antenna ranges, if that's installed. Thanks Kerbas-ad-astra!
- Update CustomAsteroids config. Thanks Ascraeus1!
- Various compatability patches thanks to Sigma88.
- Fix some typos in body descriptions, biomes. Thanks Trollception et al!
- Fix Mars scaled space fades. Thanks Raidernick!
- Fix science altitude thresholds. Thanks Laie!
- Update to Kopernicus 0.4
v10.2 the "Pluto coming soon" update
- Refine AeroFX patching (when RO not around).
- Fix to not use "the" in the name of anything but the Moon.
- Remove unneeded, bad solar power curve.
- Apply some fixes to stock contracts.
- Fix typos in some biomes.
- New biome map for Earth by KellanHiggins! Thanks! You must update that biome texture, by downloading the RSS textures pack v10.2 or by just grabbing that texture.
- Add ocean data for Better Buoyancy compatibility.
- Fix Saturn biomes not having the correct names/colors.
- Actually set atmospheric properties.
- Update FAR compatibility for atmospheres.
- Include physics patch on FIRST (will be overridden by anything else) to make reentries survivable etc. Also tunes down AeroFX so ascents don't look so flamey.
RealSolarSystem v10.0.2
- Recompile for KSP 1.0.4
- Default to not load if missing and to not log if missing (needs latest Kopernicus).