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Module Reference: TestFlightFailure
- configuration // see Advanced-Configuration-Syntax
- duFail = 0 // amount of data collected when the failure occurs
- duRepair = 0 // amount of data collected when the failure is fixed
- failureTitle = "Failure" // human-friendly title to display in the MSD for the failure. 25 character limit. May be used by third-party repair mods.
- severity // "minor" or "major"; used to indicate the severity of the failure to the player in the MSD. May be used by third-party repair mods.
- weight // chances of the failure occurring relative to other failure modules on the same part. Should never be anything except: 2 = Rare, 4 = Seldom, 8 = Average, 16 = Often, 32 = Common. May be used by third-party repair mods.
- failureType // "mechanical" indicates a physical failure that requires physical repair. "software" indicates a software or electric failure that might be fixed remotely by code. Not used by TestFlight, but may be used by third-party repair mods.
TestFlightFailure is the base module for every failure in TestFlight. The base module by itself does nothing.
It is normal to have multiple TestFlightFailure modules on a part, one for each failure mode, but you should never have more than one of a specific type
TestFlightFailure_Explode Generic failure for any part, goes boom
TestFlightFailure_AblatorCover For ModuleAblator to crack / let heat through
- minDegradation = 5.0 //minimum percent of remaining shield to crack/fail
- maxDegradation = 10 //maximum percent of remaining shield to crack/fail
TestFlightFailure_Animation For ModuleAnimateGeneric, will break an animation, and in many causes modules that depend on that animation to complete before performing their function
- animationName = All //name of animation to break
TestFlightFailure_AvionicsXXXXX For ModuleCommand, currently controlled part will have issue related to the below modules added
- TestFlightFailure_AvionicsAxis loses control of random axis (pitch/yaw/roll)
- TestFlightFailure_AvionicsClamp clamps max control range of random axis
- TestFlightFailure_AvionicsDeadzone a random 25% deadzone in an axis control range
TestFlightFailure_AvionicsGlitch random on/off loss of control of an axis
- maxDeadtime = 1 //max time loss of control can happen before toggling back on
- maxWorkTime = 1 //max time working control can happen before toggling off
- TestFlightFailure_AvionicsInvert inverts an axis, up means down
- TestFlightFailure_AvionicsPartial loses a random % of sensitivity for an axis
- TestFlightFailure_AvionicsThrustJam throttle jammed at current position
- TestFlightFailure_AvionicsTotal total loss of control to all 6 axis
TestFlightFailure_IgnitionFail When turning engines on, chance to turn off
- restoreIgnitionCharge = false //using RealFuels? set true to not waste charge
- ignorePressureOnPad = true //ignore ignition failing related to Q if on pad
TestFlightFailure_ReducedMaxThrust For engines, to reduce thrust
- thrustReduction = 0.5 //reduces to 50%
TestFlightFailure_ShutdownEngine For engines, shuts down the engine
TestFlightFailure_LockGimbal For ModuleGimbal, basic zero/lock gimbal
TestFlightFailure_GimbalCenter For ModuleGimbal, 0,0 center position is moved
- gimbalTransformName = RANDOM //default random, or pick name
TestFlightFailure_GimbalSpeed For ModuleGimbal, movement speed is slower
- gimbalTransformName = RANDOM //default random, or pick name
TestFlightFailure_LightBroken For ModuleLight, makes light break
TestFlightFailure_ResourceLeak For tanks to leak
- resourceToLeak = random //or pick specific resource by name to leak
- initialAmount = 10 //amount to leak immediately upon failure
- perSecondAmount = 0.1 // amount leaked per second until fixed
- calculatePerTick = false //set to true, perSecondAmount leak is to be updated during leak, only needed if the amount is to be based off current amount, see below
- initialAmount and perSecondAmount may be flat values such as 10, 1.5, etc, or percentage based such as 5%c 10%t etc, %t denoting tank total capacity for that resource, while %c is current existing amount
TestFlightFailure_RemoteBroken RemoteTech ModuleRTAntenna, breaks antenna