Guide to be able to use rsync from your local computer. RSYNC will upload the files to the server. This is a bit more stable than FTP, which hanged now and then.
The step below has to be done only once.
Add SSH keys to ~/.ssh/lmd (more info:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/lokaalgevonden
(press enter until it is done) -
Run (ask marten for password):
scp ~/.ssh/ [email protected]:/var/www
ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/lokaalgevonden
Tell Marten you have done this, so he can give you access on the server.
ssh [email protected]
, it should give you access. If it does, type exit.
If an existing project still uses ftpush, it has to be migrated. To do this, do the following. NOTE: this will not work for the very old grunt projects, since they do not have a deploy directory yet.
- Run
npm install grunt-rsync-2 --save-dev
- Uninstall grunt-ftpush:
npm uninstall grunt-ftpush --save-dev
- In your Gruntfile.js, change all the notions of the word ftpush to rsync.
- Do the same in the file
. - Add a new file called
, and put in the following contents:
// -------------------------------------
// rsync.js - Grunt RSYNC way of deploying
// -------------------------------------
module.exports = {
deploy_child: {
files: "dist/child/",
options: {
host: "",
port: "1023",
user: "ftpsecure",
remoteBase: "/var/www/wp-content/themes/slate-<%= package.version %>_<%= %>"
deploy_parent: {
files: "dist/parent/",
options: {
host: "",
port: "1023",
user: "ftpsecure",
remoteBase: "/var/www/wp-content/themes/slate-<%= package.version %>"
init_deploy_child: {
files: "dist/child/",
options: {
host: "",
port: "1023",
user: "ftpsecure",
remoteBase: "/var/www/wp-content/themes/slate-<%= package.version %>_<%= projectName %>"
- In Gruntfile.js, add the following code, right below the
grunt.registerTask('sync', 'RSyncs the runtime (child theme) to the server.', [
grunt.registerTask('sync2', 'RSyncs the runtime (parent theme) to the server.', [