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467 lines (379 loc) · 18.7 KB

Simple End-to-End Example


This guide is a literate PureScript file, which is designed to be a standalone runnable example (executed before the actual test suite). So it is quite verbose and in the Setup chapter we do some schema modifications that would normally by in a separate script. Just have it in mind while reading 😉

module Guide.SimpleE2E where

import Prelude

import Control.Monad.Except (class MonadError, ExceptT, runExceptT, throwError)
import Control.Monad.Reader (class MonadReader, ReaderT, asks, runReaderT)
import Data.Either (Either(..), either)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
import Data.Variant (Variant, inj)
import Database.PostgreSQL (PGError)
import Database.PostgreSQL as PostgreSQL
import Database.PostgreSQL.Aff as PostgreSQL.Aff
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, error, launchAff_)
import Effect.Aff as Aff
import Effect.Aff.Class (class MonadAff, liftAff)
import Effect.Class.Console (log, logShow)
import Selda (Col, FullQuery, Table(..), aggregate, max_, count, groupBy, leftJoin, lit, notNull, restrict, selectFrom, selectFrom_, showQuery, (.==), (.>))
import Selda.Aggr (Aggr)
import Selda.Col (class GetCols)
import Selda.PG (showPG)
import Selda.PG.Class (insert_, query)
import Selda.Table.Constraint (Auto, Default)
import Test.Selda.PG.Config (load) as Config
import Type.Proxy (Proxy(..))


  • To run the examples below we need a postgresql db. Set it up with the following command:

    docker-compose up -d

    Or do it manually - check docker-compose.yml

  • prepare .env file

    cp .env-ci .env

Table definition

If we have a database table already created, we have to declare it here to reference it. We use a Table data type to create a table definition. Its type is parameterized by a row of types that describes the columns and their types in the database.

exampleTable  Table
  ( nullableText  Maybe String     -- column with possible null values
  , numberColumn  Int              -- integer column with `NOT NULL` constraint
  , autoNumber  Auto Int           -- value is supplied automatically, cannot be inserted
  , valueWithDefault  Default Int  -- optional column for `insert` operation
exampleTable = Table { name: "example_table" }

We will use the postgresql-client to create some tables in our database. To do so we define an auxiliary function execute that takes the SQL string literal, executes it and if something goes wrong it throws an error.

execute  String  PostgreSQL.Connection  Aff Unit
execute sql conn = do
  PostgreSQL.Aff.execute' conn (PostgreSQL.Query sql)
    >>= maybe (pure unit) (throwError <<< error <<< show)

The function that creates our first table - people - is defined below.

createPeople  PostgreSQL.Connection  Aff Unit
createPeople = execute """
  CREATE TABLE people (
    name TEXT NOT NULL,
    age INTEGER

Please note that purescript-selda does not handle schema modification, such as table creation, we are doing it manually using postgresql-client. So it is important to correctly define the tables and types for its columns.

Notice that name column has NOT NULL constraint, unlike the age column. We use Maybe for type of nullable columns.

people  Table 
  ( id  Int
  , name  String
  , age  Maybe Int
people = Table { name: "people" }

Constraints - wrappers: Auto and Default

Sometimes we want the database to create values for some columns automatically. So we could not be able to insert these manually, but still have an opportunity to query whole rows from a table. Similarly other columns may be optional - with default value.

We will present what to do in such situations by defining a table bankAccounts with an auto-increment value and a column with a default value.

createBankAccounts  PostgreSQL.Connection  Aff Unit
createBankAccounts = execute """
  DROP TABLE IF EXISTS bank_accounts;
  CREATE TABLE bank_accounts (
    "personId" INTEGER NOT NULL,

bankAccounts  Table
  ( id  Auto Int
  , personId  Int
  , balance  Default Int
bankAccounts = Table { name: "bank_accounts" }

We express that a column value is assigned automatically by wrapping its type in a Auto constructor, likewise Default for columns that can we optionally specify for the insert operation.

Using a constraint constructor (Auto, Default) only affects insert operation.

Column's type Wrapper on insert
None (e.g. Int) value is required
Default (e.g. Default Int) value is optional
Auto (e.g. Auto Int) value is forbidden

First Query

Since we have defined table definitions, we can write some queries. Let's say we want to get people's names along with their balance, but we only want people with id higher than 1.

We can solve it with a following SQL query.

SELECT, bank_accounts.balance
FROM people
LEFT JOIN bank_accounts ON = bank_accounts.personId

We can write the same query using purescript-selda.

    s. FullQuery s { nameCol s String , balanceCol s (Maybe Int) }
qNamesWithBalance =
  selectFrom people \{ id, name } → do           -- FROM people
    { balance } ← leftJoin bankAccounts          -- LEFT JOIN bank_accounts
                    \acc → id .== acc.personId   -- ON = bank_accounts.personId
    restrict $ id .> lit 1                       -- WHERE > 1 
    pure { name, balance }                       -- SELECT, bank_accounts.balance

And below is the generated SQL for the query qNamesWithBalance.

SELECT AS name, bank_accounts_1.balance AS balance
FROM people people_0
LEFT JOIN bank_accounts bank_accounts_1 ON (( = bank_accounts_1.personId))
WHERE ( > 1)

We define a query using the selectFrom function by providing a table definition and a function that takes a record of columns from the table and returns a query description. Operations such as restrict and leftJoin modify the state of the query, or as we called it earlier - query description.

We write a join condition as a function that takes a record of columns from a table we are joining and return a boolean expression. Notice that leftJoin also changes the types in a column's record. The balance column is nullable in that context, so it represents a value of type Maybe Int.

Query vs. FullQuery

The return type of operations like restrict and leftJoin is Query s _, contrary to the return type of the selectFrom which is FullQuery s _. The difference between them is very subtle. The idea is that FullQuery means a fully described query, so it can be used as a nested query or executed. Without the distinction one could write just a restrict (or leftJoin) operation and execute this 'query'. Everything would typecheck, but in the runtime we would get a query without any table name in the FROM clause (like: SELECT ... FROM ??? WHERE ...).

Nested Query

We can use the previously defined qNamesWithBalance as a subquery to filter out the null values in the balance column.

    s. FullQuery s { nameCol s String , balanceCol s Int }
qBankAccountOwnersWithBalance = 
  selectFrom_ qNamesWithBalance \r → do
    balance ← notNull r.balance
    pure $ r { balance = balance }

We used the selectFrom_ function which is similar to the selectFrom that we saw earlier, but instead of table definition we provide a nested query as its first argument.

In the query description we filter out the null values in balance. It adds to the WHERE clause that balance IS NOT NULL and it returns a column representation Col s Int instead of Col s (Maybe Int).


We would like to know how many people have a bank account. To do this we first write a query that returns personId from bankAccounts without duplicates. We accomplish that using aggregation: we are groupping by personId column and simply return the only aggregated column.

Queries that use aggregation can be problematic. Only aggregated columns and results of aggregate functions can appear in the result. To prevent some such runtime errors, we added separate representation for aggregate values (Aggr s a) which is only returned by groupBy and aggregate functions like count and max_. Mixing Col and Aggr is not allowed and it will result in a type error. To validate and use the query (nest it or execute it) we have to call aggregate function that changes Aggr into Col.

    s. FullQuery s { numberOfOwnersCol s Int }
qCountBankAccountOwners = 
  aggregate $ selectFrom_
    (aggregate $ selectFrom bankAccounts \{ personId } → do
      pid ← groupBy personId
      pure { pid })
    \{ pid } → pure { numberOfOwners: count pid }

Type Errors

Sometimes we do something wrong and it (hopefully) results in a type error (and not a runtime error). We would like to get useful error messages that lead us to the source of the problem, but when a library heavily uses generic programming on type classes it is not always possible...

aggregate $ selectFrom_
  (aggregate $ selectFrom bankAccounts \{ id, personId } → do
    pid ← groupBy personId
    pure { pid: personId })  -- (personId ∷ Col _ _) used instead of (pid ∷ Aggr _ _)
  \{ pid } → pure { numberOfOwners: count pid }

In the query above, when we use personId instead of pid in the result or include id in the result we get following error message:

No type class instance was found for
Selda.PG.Utils.ContainsOnlyColTypes (Cons "pid" t4 Nil)
The instance head contains unknown type variables. Consider adding a type annotation.

Without knowing the implementation details this message is not really helpful. We can mitigate the problem with these error messages by providing a type annotation for the nested query or define it as top-level value.

-- top-level definition, type annotation omitted
qBankAccountOwnerIds = 
  aggregate $ selectFrom bankAccounts \{ id, personId } → do
    pid ← groupBy personId
    pure { pid: personId }  -- (personId ∷ Col _ _) used instead of (pid ∷ Aggr _ _)

Now we encounter a custom type error that says:

field 'pid' is not aggregated. Its type should be 'Aggr _ _'

Let us consider another query that will find maximum balance for each person. We are going to do this intentionally wrong to show what happens if we try to execute it (We cover query execution in the next chapter).

    s. FullQuery s { pidCol s Int, maxBalanceAggr s (Maybe Int) }
qPersonsMaxBalance =
  selectFrom people \{ id: pid } → do
    b ← leftJoin bankAccounts \b → b.personId .== pid
    balance ← notNull b.balance
    pure { pid, maxBalance: max_ balance }

In the query above we did not use the groupBy operation on the personId column, but we used the aggregate function max_. Every value in the resulting record has to be groupped by or come from aggregate function. When we try to execute qPersonsMaxBalance, we get the following error message:

A custom type error occurred while solving type class constraints:
  balance is not Col or the scope 's' is wrong

An inquisitive reader might spot that maxBalance is nullable despite that we called notNull on balance column. The aggregate function max_ returns nullable values, because SQL's function MAX returns a null when the data set is empty and there is nothing to aggregate.


Now we will show how to execute queries and perform insert operations using purescript-selda. We perform these actions in a monad that satisfies three constraints: MonadAff m, MonadError PGError m, MonadReader PostgreSQL.Connection m. There is a provided 'shortcut' for these classes called MonadSeldaPG m.

MonadSeldaPG vs Aff:
To avoid monad stack one can use alternative functions in the PG.Aff module that work with plain monad Aff.

In the example below, we'll use an incompatible monad stack with the MonadSeldaPG constraint to show what to do in this situation. Our Reader's context is a record and for an error type we use the polymorphic variant from purescript-variant.

type Context = 
  { conn  PostgreSQL.Connection
  , other  String
type AppError = Variant
  ( pgErrorPGError
  , errorString
_pgError = ProxyProxy "pgError"
type App = ReaderT Context (ExceptT AppError Aff)

runApp   a. Context  App a  Aff (Either AppError a)
runApp ctx m = runExceptT $ runReaderT m ctx

We define a hoist function that transforms a basic MonadSeldaPG stack instance into a more general one that will be suitable for our App monad.

    e m r
  . MonadAff m
   MonadError e m
   MonadReader r m
   (PGError  e)
   (r  PostgreSQL.Connection)
   ExceptT PGError (ReaderT PostgreSQL.Connection Aff) ~> m
hoistSeldaWith fe fr m = do
  conn ← asks fr
  runReaderT (runExceptT m) conn # liftAff
    >>= either (throwError <<< fe) pure

    e r m
  . MonadReader { connPostgreSQL.Connection | r } m
   MonadError (Variant ( pgErrorPGError | e )) m
   MonadAff m
   ExceptT PGError (ReaderT PostgreSQL.Connection Aff) ~> m
hoistSelda = hoistSeldaWith (inj _pgError) (_.conn)

Query Pretty Printing

To get a generated SQL string from a query we can use the following function.

    s r
  . GetCols r
   FullQuery s { | r }
generateSQLStringFromQuery = showQuery >>> showPG >>> _.strQuery

Selda utilises prepared statements, so a query may contain parameters and placeholders for them in the generated SQL. Different backends handle it differently, that's why the generated SQL from the showQuery function is returned inside the monad ShowM.

To run the ShowM computation we need to specify the backend. In our case we can use the predefined showPG function. We get as a result a record that contains the array of foreign parameters (here it is always empty, this functionality will be explained in an upcoming guide) and the expected generated SQL under the "strQuery" label.


app  App Unit
app = do
  hoistSelda $ insert_ people
    [ { id: 1, name: "name1", age: Just 11 }
    , { id: 2, name: "name2", age: Just 22 }
    , { id: 3, name: "name3", age: Just 33 }

Let's start with some insert operations, so we have something in the database to work with. hoistSelda is needed to lift these operations into the App monad.

  hoistSelda do
    insert_ bankAccounts
      [ { personId: 1, balance: 150 }  -- we can't provide a value for `id`
      , { personId: 3, balance: 300 }
    insert_ bankAccounts
      [ { personId: 1 } ]  -- `balance` omitted, the database will use its default value

We leverage the capabilities of the Auto and Default table constraints. It is forbidden to provide id column since its value should be assigned by the database. We can either specify a value for balance column or leave it empty and let database handle it.

  hoistSelda do
    -- shortcut for the `generateSQLStringFromQuery`
    let str = generateSQLStringFromQuery

    log $ str qNamesWithBalance
    query qNamesWithBalance >>= logShow

We execute a query by calling query and as a result we get an array of records. We can also get SQL string literal from a query using the str helper function.

    log $ str qBankAccountOwnersWithBalance
    query qBankAccountOwnersWithBalance >>= logShow

    log $ str qCountBankAccountOwners
    query qCountBankAccountOwners >>= logShow

    -- query qPersonsMaxBalance >>= logShow

Now we will finally write the main that will interpret our app. We start by preparing a connection to the database (We use here predefined test Config.load helper which reads the environment (or .env file) for pg connection info and builds a pool for us).

main  Effect Unit
main = launchWithConnectionPG \conn → do

When we've got the connection we can create the database tables and then run our monad stack.

  createPeople conn
  createBankAccounts conn
  runApp { conn, other: "other" } app >>= either logShow pure

launchWithConnectionPG  (PostgreSQL.Connection  Aff Unit)  Effect Unit
launchWithConnectionPG m = do
  launchAff_ do
    pool ← Config.load
    PostgreSQL.Aff.withConnection pool case _ of
      Left pgError → logShow ("PostgreSQL connection error: " <> show pgError)
      Right conn → do

We are going to wrap everything in a transaction and do a rollback at the end because it is only for testing purposes.

        execute "BEGIN TRANSACTION" conn
        res ← Aff.try $ m conn
        execute "ROLLBACK TRANSACTION" conn
        either throwError pure res