Abstraction layer on top of electron to provide common features in a shell ready to use.
- Static SPA content delivery (Through registered custom protocol)
- Window state managment (electron-window-state)
- UWP style titlebar for windows with dropdown menu
- Default menu items (clipboard, selection, help)
- About page (Help/About or AppName/About on macOS)
- Developer mode option (5 clicks on icon in the about page)
- Update checking and menu options
UWP style Titlebar
Classic style titlebar (Windows 10)
: Use this class to create a new app with a browser window serving content from a local directory
, (required) Root of the local directory you want to serve in the browser window.scheme
, Scheme that will be used in the server protocol (Default:shell
, Width of the main window (Default:800
, Height of the main window (Default:600
, path to a preload script (Default: none).titlebar
, Enables the titlebar (Default:true
, Enables the UWP style titlebar for windows (Default:true
, Enables developer mode (DevTool options) (Default:false
, Function that will receive the shell menu and should return a modified version of it to add custom menu and menu items.windowOptions
, Any option that will be passed down to electron'sBrowserWindow
, (optional) Change the name of the directory where user data will be stored. The location is platform-specific. Defaults to the appname
as specified inpackage.json
: Triggers an update of the menu bar.isDevMode()
: Return a boolean.true
if in developer modefalse
if not.
The following examnple can be run with npm run demo
and the sources are in the app
const { app } = require('electron');
const { Shell, Shellmenu } = require('kano-desktop-shell');
const path = require('path');
const CONTENT_SCHEME = 'my-custom-app';
// Location of the static content to serve. This will be served through a custom protocol
const CONTENT_ROOT = path.join(__dirname, './src');
// Custom menu Item added
ShellMenu.addItem('my-item', { label: 'My Menu Item', click() { console.log('My Menu Item') } });
// Create new Shell with custom options
// Includes automatic window state managment and UWP style titlebar for windows
// Custom preload as module supported
const shell = new Shell({
name: 'My App',
// Can provide custom width and height
width: 1440,
height: 900,
// Supports preload script
preload: path.join(__dirname, 'preload.js'),
titlebar: true,
// Enable UWP style titlebar
uwpTitlebar: true,
devMode: false,
menu: {
transform(menu) {
const submenu = [ShellMenu.createMenuItem('my-item')];
// Can update when dev mode changes
if (shell.isDevMode()) {
// Can add custom runtime generated menu items
submenu.push({ label: 'Dev option' });
// Inject in list of menus
menu.splice(1, 0, {
label: 'Custom Menu',
return menu;
windowOptions: {
icon: path.join(__dirname, 'res/icon_180.png'),
// Log options allows to customize logging
log: {
// Default output lod level
level: 'debug',
// File options. Log files are located in the app.getPath('userData') directory
file: {
// Options passed down to bunyan 'rotating-file'
period: '12h',
count: 14,
// options applied once devMode is enabled
devMode: {
level: 'debug',
file: {
level: 'debug',
app.on('ready', () => {
// Logger can be found here
const { log } = shell;
// The main window is accessible through properties