This is our "fork" of Raspberry Pi's rpi-chromium-mods
debian repository.
Base Package Last Updated: Kano OS v4.3.0
Kano Customisations Last Updated: Kano OS v4.3.2
In Kano OS, we mirror Rasbian and Raspberry Pi debian sources. Therefore, when
we update the Raspberry Pi mirrors, we get a new version of the original
rpi-chromium-mods. This newer version will always be overshadowed by Kano's
As such, in order to update the package, you'll simply need to unpack the newer version of rpi-chromium-mods and add the files to this repository.
From 5 April 2019, the contributions to this project will follow these rules:
- [Our single commit which adds everything on top of a default version]
- [Base version of rpi-chromium-mods]
- [Base version of rpi-chromium-mods]
- ...
- Added .gitignore and
- Reset project, start fresh
This means that when a newer version of rpi-chromium-mods is added, the commit will be added below our customisations and you'll have to update those changes.
When commiting a newer version of rpi-chromium-mods, do so using the commit message convention exemplified in 7c715e74381082f0d5dba7b3719dfe4c2a568807.
mkdir -p /tmp/rpi-chromium-mods/
cd /tmp/rpi-chromium-mods/
ar x rpi-chromium-mods_20190103_armhf.deb
tar -zxvf *.tar.gz
tar -xvf *.tar.xz
cd usr/share/doc/rpi-chromium-mods/ && gunzip *.gz && cd ../../../..
rm *.deb *.tar.gz *.tar.xz
cd ~/Kano/rpi-chromium-mods/
git checkout -b update
git reset HEAD~1
git stash
cp /tmp/rpi-chromium-mods/usr/lib/chromium-browser/* armhf/
cp /tmp/rpi-chromium-mods/etc/chromium-browser/customizations/* armhf/
cp /tmp/rpi-chromium-mods/{config,control,postinst,postrm,templates} debian/
cp /tmp/rpi-chromium-mods/usr/share/doc/rpi-chromium-mods/* debian/
There may other files, so pay attention here.
git commit
See Commit Conventions
for what to use as the commit message.
git stash pop
git add *
git commit
Use the same commit message (or update as necessary):
Project customisations for Kano OS
This single commit is always applied on top of the latest mirror
of rpi-chromium-mods and it contains all extras specific to Kano OS.
To view previous versions of this package, see Tags. Our changes
are only in packaging and Chromium's master_preferences file.
Because the history has been rewritten, you'll need to push with force.
git push origin update --force-with-lease