List of relevant research materials & resources
(TODO: Add brief (relevant) descriptions to these) (TODO: Organize (or order) these better)
- Learnable Programming
- Media for Thinking the Unthinkable
- Drawing Dynamic Visualizations
- Magic Ink: Information Software and the Graphical Interface
- Stop Drawing Dead Fish
- Inventing on Principle
- The Future of Programming
- The Humane Representation of Thought
- The Ladder of Abstraction
- The Early History of SmallTalk
Alan Kay - Is It Really Complex, Or Did We Just Make It Complicated?
Linda Rising - The Road, Christopher Alexander, and Good Software Design
Jim Coplien - Why DCI is the Right Architecture for Right Now
Listerator - How to Implement a Programming Language in JavaScript
TUNES Operating System (design, never completed or working)
Toward a better programming (and other entries on this blog)