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Zotero - TeXmacs integration plugin and citation styles.

This branch is the active (Α) development branch of this program. It is ready to use with Juris-M 5.0 now.

I need beta testers. Please report both success and failure to this issue tracker!

In particular, I have not yet tested this with Zotero 5.0, since I work primarily with Juris-M 5.0. Testing this is on my todo list.


  • You must, as always, keep your Juris-M / Zotero updated to the newest release, and stay updated to the latest propachi-texmacs. This addon installs a modified citeproc-js that (a) defines the tmzoterolatex output format, since the default, RTF, sent via the editor integration protocol, does not carry the necessary information to make this TeXmacs plugin work right, and mainly, TeXmacs already can import a LaTeX document, but has no existing translator for RTF; (b) installs a variableWrapper function into Juris-M / Zotero that semantically enhances and linkifies citations texts. It also "monkey patches" the editor integration to ensure that the correct output format is sent to TeXmacs. Thus, the propachi-texmacs addon is necessary for Juris-M / Zotero to integrate correctly with this TeXmacs plugin.

  • You no longer need to disable the propachi-texmacs addin when you want to use Juris-M with OpenOffice or Word. That is because the setting of the outputFormat is moved into the document prefs, defaulting to RTF when the editor plugin does not specify otherwise. That means it works with both OpenOffice / Word (RTF outputFormat) as well as with the zotero-texmacs-integration (tmzoterolatex outputFormat). You can have both on the screen using Juris-M at the same time if you like.

  • We are working on having installable software bundle packages of TeXmacs for MacOS and Windows that contains the necessary support for this plugin.

  • Key bindings changed: In the zcite context, Tab now calls affirmCitation and Ctrl-Enter calls editCitation. In the zbibliography context, Tab and Ctrl-Enter both call editBibliography.

  • clipboard-copy, clipboard-cut, and clipboard-paste now operate on new zcite sub-dividing tags, zciteLayoutPrefix, zciteLayoutDelimiter, zciteLayoutSuffix, and zsubCite. So when a zcite is disactivated via Backspace or the focus toolbar button, you have access to selection of a region for clipboard-copy or clipboard-cut, and when that region consists only of complete zsubCite and any of the zciteLayout* tags, then those zsubCite's will get put onto the clipboard wrapped inside of a full zcite, ready to be pasted into the document's main text. Any clipping that is of just one zcite can be pasted into a disactivated zcite as well, as long as the cursor is between the zsubCite and zciteLayout* tags!

Documentation and YouTube Screencast Demos

RTFM: tm-zotero-tutorial.en.pdf on Github

Juris-M / Zotero and TeXmacs Integration Screencasts Playlist

NEW Juris-M / Zotero and TeXmacs Integration Screencast 2017 03 08

Juris-M / Zotero and TeXmacs Integration Screencast 2017 02 17

Juris-M / Zotero and TeXmacs Integration Screencast 03

Juris-M / Zotero and TeXmacs Integration Screencast 02

Juris-M / Zotero and TeXmacs Integration Screencast 01

Important Changes for this branch:

To install this, you have to clone this repository and checkout this branch. You do not need to clone the git submodules for a working checkout of this TeXmacs plugin.

The reason for the symlink tests is that I've changed some file names and some module names. If you had symlinks to the source in ~/TeXmacs/plugins before, they should be removed, and then only one created named tm-zotero that points to the top directory of a clone of the source from github, e.g.,

cd ~;
mkdir --parents ~/src/Juris-M || true;
cd ~/src/Juris-M;
git clone;
cd zotero-texmacs-integration;
git checkout master;
cd ~;
mkdir --parents ~/.TeXmacs/plugins || true;
cd ~/.TeXmacs/plugins;
[[ -L "legal-brief" -a -L "zotero" -a $(realpath "legal-brief") = $(realpath "zotero" ]] && rm legal-brief zotero;
[[ -L "zotero" ]] && rm zotero;
ln -s ~/src/Juris-M/zotero-texmacs-integration tm-zotero;

You do not need to clone the submodules unless you are curious or plan to help develop this program. The are only required for development or bugfix work, not for normal use of this plugin. Everything that TeXmacs needs to run this plugin is already in the toplevel git project. The citeproc-js and propachi-texmacs submodules are the source to the propachi-texmacs XPI that is required to be installed in Juris-M for this plugin to function properly.

How to get this up and running:

  • Install a recent (development snapshot of) TeXmacs. This program is untested with older versions of TeXmacs. If you can not build your own copy or use the Ubuntu deb package of TeXmacs that I have available, you'll have to use whatever version is available to you... let me know if it works alright. I think it will be compatible with the last official release version of TeXmacs, as long as it's built with Guile 1.8. I doubt it will work with older versions of Guile.

    If you have trouble with one build, try an older one. I'll try and keep them fresh and remove ones that are not working right. They are reasonably stable, but under development right now.

  • Install Juris-M from:

    • This works with Juris-M standalone. The last tested version is


  • [Should be optional] Install the OpenOffice plugin via Preferences > Cite > Word Processors.

  • Install the latest propachi-texmacs xpi from:

    Download the XPI file, then from inside of Juris-M, select Tools -> Add-ins..., and from there, use the drop-down from the gear icon on the upper-right of the add-in's dialog to select "Install add-in from file...", find the downloaded XPI, and install it.

    This monkey-patch loads a citeproc into Juris-M that has the right outputFormat defined for the TeXmacs integration. It also ensures that the integration uses that outputFormat by monkey-patching it so that it defaults to RTF as before, but when the document prefs carry an outputFormat setting for a particular document (set by the editor plugin), it uses that.

    Check there for updates or "watch" the github repository to get email when I update it. I will try to get automatic updates to function when I have time for that.

  • Now clone this repository, and then symlink to it from your TeXmacs home directory to enable it. I normally clone it into a source code directory and use a symlink from the TeXmacs directory:

    cd ~;
    mkdir --parents ~/src/Juris-M || true;
    cd ~/src/Juris-M;
    git clone;
    cd zotero-texmacs-integration;
    git checkout master;
    cd ~;
    mkdir --parents ~/.TeXmacs/plugins || true;
    cd ~/.TeXmacs/plugins;
    [[ -L "legal-brief" -a -L "zotero" -a $(realpath "legal-brief") = $(realpath "zotero" ]] && rm legal-brief zotero;
    [[ -L "zotero" ]] && rm zotero;
    ln -s ~/src/Juris-M/zotero-texmacs-integration tm-zotero;

    You could download a zip from github, but then you won't have the easy update functionality you get by using git. To update the code when I change it, you run:

    cd ~/src/Juris-M/zotero-texmacs-integration;
    git checkout master;
    git pull;

Now when you start TeXmacs, it will be able to find the style and the scheme program that makes it work. Start a new document, and add the tm-zotero style package. (Document menu, or bottom left toolbar icons.) A Zotero menu will appear on the TeXmacs menu bar. Try adding a citation. If I've done my job right, and you've followed the instructions correctly, it ought to work.

I've also included my legal-brief style for people to try. Open a new document, and set the main document style to that. Then try the hybrid LaTeX-like commands:




The jm-indigobook-catsort-bib.csl can be added using the Juris-M preferences dialog on the Cite | Styles tab.

Please use the Github issue tracker to report any problems. That will assist me in not losing any trouble-tickets:

Other potentially interesting media

Yes, after it's all working again, I'll update the documentation!

This article is very interesting. It talks about verified mathematical documents... it makes me wonder if there can be verified legal documents?