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Releases: Kdyby/Events


19 Apr 10:06
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  • #95 Fixed compatibility with nette/di v2.4; thx @enumag
  • #87 removeEventListener(): fixed emptying list of sorted events; thx @matej21

This release is for Nette ~2.3


19 Apr 11:43
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  • Moved aliases hack to aliases.php and removed eval. by @Zemistr
  • Fixed removing listeners with aliased method name by @brabijan
  • DI: Ignore accessors in autowireEvents by @matej21
  • Add namespace to events in LifeCycleEvent
  • Fixed duplicate service creation using alias in Nette 2.3 by @richard-ejem
  • Panel: fixed callback typehint by @matej21 & @klimesf
  • Drop PHP 5.3 compatibility
  • #95 Fixed compatibility with nette/di v2.4; thx @enumag
  • #87 removeEventListener(): fixed emptying list of sorted events; thx @matej21

This release is for Nette ~2.3 (You should start migrating to ~3.0 releases of Kdyby/Events)


08 Nov 14:05
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  • Added globalDispatchFirst option by @enumag
  • Moved aliases hack to aliases.php and removed eval. by @Zemistr
  • Fixed removing listeners with aliased method name by @brabijan
  • DI: Ignore accessors in autowireEvents by @matej21
  • Add namespace to events in LifeCycleEvent
  • Fixed duplicate service creation using alias in Nette 2.3 by @richard-ejem
  • Panel: fixed callback typehint by @matej21 & @klimesf
  • Drop PHP 5.3 compatibility

This release is for Nette ~2.3


08 Nov 14:00
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This release is for Nette ~2.3


08 Nov 13:59
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This release is for Nette 2.2.*


02 Feb 02:08
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  • [BC BREAK] Introduced NamespacedEventManager explanation here. But as long as you're using this extension according to the documentation, you're fine. This is only relevant to Kdyby\Doctrine, which fixes the BC Break internally

This release is for Nette ~2.2


02 Feb 02:08
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  • [BC BREAK] Introduced NamespacedEventManager explanation here. But as long as you're using this extension according to the documentation, you're fine. This is only relevant to Kdyby\Doctrine, which fixes the BC Break internally

This release is for Nette 2.1.*


23 Dec 20:49
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  • Event namespaces respect class inheritance #55 - this is a big improvement, thanks to @JanTvrdik and @norbe for making this happen!
  • If you happened to name a public persistent property onSomething and you presenter is a registered service, it would have been replaced by Event object which might result in breaking of the application. You would notice this during development, but it was a unnecesary situation. Now it's fixed, all properties that have annotation @persistent or @inject will be excluded from autowiring of Events.

This release is for Nette 2.1.*


23 Dec 20:50
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  • Event namespaces respect class inheritance #55 - this is a big improvement, thanks to @JanTvrdik and @norbe for making this happen!
  • If you happened to name a public persistent property onSomething and you presenter is a registered service, it would have been replaced by Event object which might result in breaking of the application. You would notice this during development, but it was a unnecesary situation. Now it's fixed, all properties that have annotation @persistent or @inject will be excluded from autowiring of Events.

This release is for Nette 2.2.*


27 Jul 14:30
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  • Bumped Nette dependency on 2.2
  • dropped last few usages of Nette\Callback