- Bug fixes
- Completion symbol comment text fix
- bcd/bin function text
- Allowed symbol char '$' added
- Additional linker parameter
- Bug fixes
- Comment reference for labels
- Comment highlighting after include statement
- No space between comment (/*) and statement needed
- README 16bit compiler
- Force document parsing when changing .def file
- Line comments
- Bugfix set export path
- node module languageserver/client update
- Multiline keyword description
- Multi-Root Workspace
- Custom Keywords (symbol, semantic scope, description)
- M-Code, G-Code, macro variable(#..) and address reference search
- Bug fixes Parser
- NewLine checks
- Tests
- Language service tests
- Sequence number refactoring skip on G10/G11
- Sequence number reference search
- GOTO Label/Sequence number implementation search
- GOTO Label/Sequence validation
- Bug fixes Parser
- Error matches while statement
- Bugfix -Fl export path
- Bugfix compiler problem matcher
- Bugfix Parameter symbol definition (e.g. @PARAM F)
- Building: Relative paths for fanuc executables (compiler, linker, formater)
- Signatures for build-in functions
- Array support
- Custom macro commands
- Syntax highlighting
- Semantic highlighting
- Bug fixes Parser (% eof sign added)
- Additional compiler parameter
- Rename provider
- Block skip support
- clean up
- while control statement do/end number check (nesting)
- Text fixes
- Directory tree with more than one level
- Additional compiler selections
- Sequence number deep search
- Lint settings
- Label-Sequence number overlap check
- Duplicate value check
- Conditional logic check (max 4 statements, no mixed up operators)
- Supported display languages (English, Deutsch, 中文)
- Bug fixes (Sequence number refactoring if duplicates exists)
- Bug fixes Parser
- Parsing of declared statements (@var G04P10)
- Declared G and M codes shown as events (outline, completion)
- Allow expression in declarations e.g @var #[1+[1]]
- Axis number based command & e.g. G01 &A 1
- Code completion specified for certain nodes
- Error matching improved
- Allow Backslash in strings and includes
- Sequence number (N-Number) completion
- Sequence number refactoring
- Completions provider
- Performance update
- Node package issue
- Opening links with capital letters issue fixed
- Duplicate label statement warning
- CodeLens for variable and label declarations
- Missing arithmetic functions implemented
- Implementation provider for sub programs
- Error on global reference search fixed
- File extension search non casesensitive
- Prevent problem matcher from deleting existing problems
- Symbol detection of left conditional term
- Macro language server
- Symbol provider
- Navigation provider
- Syntax validation
- Problem matcher file search path is now "${fileDirname}"
- While Snippet
- HoverProvider for visualizing parameter definition
- Package aliases
- Initial release