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232 lines (118 loc) · 4.68 KB

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232 lines (118 loc) · 4.68 KB



This is the python library to control the Home Automation Stackable Card for Raspberry Pi.


sudo pip install SMioplus


Now you can import the megaio library and use its functions. To test, read relays status from the board with stack level 0:

~$ python
Python 2.7.9 (default, Sep 17 2016, 20:26:04)
[GCC 4.9.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import libioplus
>>> libioplus.getAdcV(0, 1)



getAdcV(stack, channel)

Return voltage readings on ADC channel (converted to volts)

stack - stack level, set with jumpers [0..7]

channel - ADC channel [1..8]

getAdcRaw(stack, channel)

Return the raw readings on ADC channel (12bits, [0..4095]

stack - stack level, set with jumpers [0..7]

channel - ADC channel [1..8]

setDacV(stack, channel, value)

Set output voltage on one DAC channel

stack - stack level, set with jumpers [0..7]

channel - DAC channel [1..4]

value - DAC voltage [0..10]

setOdPwm(stack, channel, value)

Set PWM value for one Open-Drain channel

stack - stack level, set with jumpers [0..7]

channel - OD channel [1..4]

value - PWM [0..10000]

setRelayCh(stack, channel, value)

Set the output state of one relay

stack - stack level, set with jumpers [0..7]

channel - Relay nr [1..8]

value - 1 = relay on, 0 = relay off

getRelayCh(stack, channel)

Return state of one relay

stack - stack level, set with jumpers [0..7]

channel - Relay nr [1..8]

setRelays(stack, value)

Set all relays 8 bits value

stack - stack level, set with jumpers [0..7]

value [0..255], 0 - all relays OFF; 255 - all relays ON


Return state of all relays, 8 bits value

stack - stack level, set with jumpers [0..7]

getOptoCh(stack, channel)

Return one opto input channel state

stack - stack level, set with jumpers [0..7]

channel - Opto channel nr [1..8]


Return all opto input channels states as 8 bits value

stack - stack level, set with jumpers [0..7]

setGpioDir(stack, dir)

Set all 4 GPIO direction

stack - stack level, set with jumpers [0..7]

dir - 4 bits value : 0 - all output, 15 - all input


Return the GPIO state, 4 bits value

stack - stack level, set with jumpers [0..7]

setGpioPin(stack, pin, val)

Set one GPIO pin state if his direction is output

stack - stack level, set with jumpers [0..7]

pin - pin number [1..4]

val - 0 = low; 1 - high

cfgOptoEdgeCount(stack, channel, state)

Configure the edge counting on a opto coupled input channel

stack - stack level, set with jumpers [0..7]

channel - channel number [1..8]

state - 0 = disble; 1 - count rising edges; 2 - count falling edges; 3 - count both

getOptoCount(stack, channel)

Read the opto edge counter on a channel

stack - stack level, set with jumpers [0..7]

channel - channel number [1..8]

Returns the counter value

rstOptoCount(stack, channel)

Reset the edge counter.

stack - stack level, set with jumpers [0..7]

channel - channel number [1..8]

cfgOptoEncoder(stack, channel, state)

Config the encoder inputs on optocoupled channels. The encoder can be connected on opto 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8 this means 4 encoders.

stack - stack level, set with jumpers [0..7]

channel - channel number [1..4]

state - 0- disable, 1 - enable

getOptoEncoderCount(stack, channel)

Read the opto encoder counter

stack - stack level, set with jumpers [0..7]

channel - channel number [1..4]

Return 32 bits signed integer represents the counter

resetOptoEncoderCount(stack, channel)

Reset the conter

stack - stack level, set with jumpers [0..7]

channel - channel number [1..4]

owgGetTemp(stack, channel)

Read the temperature af one sensor

stack - stack level, set with jumpers [0..7]

channel - channel number [1..number of connected sensors]

Return temperature in degree Celsius readed from the selected sensor


Return the nomber of sensors connected to the one wire port

stack - stack level, set with jumpers [0..7]

owbGetSnsId(stack, channel)

Return the 8 bytes ID of the selected sensor

stack - stack level, set with jumpers [0..7]

channel - channel number [1..number of connected sensors]


Start scaning procedure

stack - stack level, set with jumpers [0..7]