Hi I'm Kevin. I work on things here from time to time.
Some of my interests include:
- Automation. I like to make scripts or bots that automate my life. Personal things include scheduled lighting system in my home to wake me up and put me to bed, so I don't use a sound-based alarm clock
- Low-level hardware. I don't actually write Verilog or work on FPGAs but I have a TidByt that I like programming and playing with. Currently working up a private repo to make it display cute animations or low-res pictures
- Machine Learning - Currently the TA for the graduate ML program at Rice University (COMP642). I haven't any interesting work here, but I wrote COMP642: Assignment 10's Neural Network prediction of NVDA stock prices.
- Academic ventures - I'm working on learning a few other languages, mainly typescript and rust. Just some private repos here to learn some more.
- API stuff - LOVE playing with APIs. When I was a kid my dad took me to the Google headquarters in Mountainview and I saw someone draw using sticky notes on their window saying " I <3 APIs" and since then I've been pretty obsessed with playing with cool APIs.
- API Development. Would love to work on stuff like this but I have only ever done it in a non-professional setting, just locally hosted API endpoints. I'd like to learn more about how it's done in a professional setting and I love making stuff
- Simulations - Like to simulate probability games
- Dash app development. Make a couple dash apps a year, thus why I want to learn typescript/more front-end focused things. React is too slow so it leads to a terrible UX in my opinion. Big fan of McMaster-Carr's website efficiency.
- Medical - Like thinking about price transparency and how to help people. It's a nice way to use my skills for something good