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CyPerf Agents in Containers environments


This document describes how you can deploy the Keysight CyPerf agents inside Docker Container. The following sections contain information about the prerequisites, manual deployment steps and sample bash scripts for automated deployment.

General Prerequisites

To deploy a Keysight CyPerf agent container at Docker, you need the following:

  1. Install Docker Engine in your desired host platform if not already. Refer Install Docker Engine Server for more details.

  2. Understand docker compose. Refer Docker Compose

  3. Pull CyPerf Agent Docker image from public ECR . Refer Pull an image for more details.

    sudo docker pull
    • NOTE: In case this public repository cannot be used to pull the CyPerf Agent Docker image, download it (.tar) from here and load it using the following command

      sudo docker load -i <downloaded tar file>

      The loaded image needs to be tagged properly and samples need to be updated accordingly.

  4. A CyPerf Controller that is already deployed and accessible from the Agent docker containers.

    • NOTE: For information on how to deploy CyPerf Controller, see Chapter 2 of the Cyperf User Guide.
  5. A CyPerf Controller Proxy is required in hybrid deployment scenarios, where each of the distributed Agents cannot directly access the CyPerf Controller. For example, if the CyPerf Controller is deployed on premise and some CyPerf Agents are in the cloud, they can still communicate through a CyPerf Controller Proxy. In this case, the public IP address of the Controller Proxy is configured in the CyPerf Controller and Agents become available to the Controller by registering to the Controller Proxy.

  6. Make sure that the ingress security rules for CyPerf Controller (or Contoller Proxy) allow port numbers 443 for the control subnet in which Agent and CyPerf Controller (or Controller Proxy) can communicate.


To test a device which is running inside a Docker, do the following:

  • Select and start with a Docker setup that is already deployed. The containerized device under test (DUT) is also expected to be deployed in the same Docker host or, deployed outside the Docker host and accessible from Agent docker containers.
  • There must be a CyPerf Controller already deployed as well. Once the CyPerf Agents are deployed in the Docker following the steps described below, they will automatically get registered to CyPerf Controller and become ready to use.
  • A CyPerf Controller Proxy is required in hybrid deployment scenarios, where each of the distributed Agents cannot directly access the CyPerf Controller. For example, when the CyPerf Controller is deployed on-premise and some CyPerf agents are in the cloud, they can still communicate through a CyPerf Controller Proxy. In this case, Agents register to the Controller Proxy and the public IP address of the Controller Proxy that is configured in the CyPerf Controller.
  • Introduce the CyPerf Agent as a client or a server or as both that are running inside the same Docker host or separate docker host. This can be achieved by applying the manual deployment.
    • NOTE: Agents will be visible (by their tags and IP addresses) in the Agent Assignment dialog.
  • Create a test using CyPerf Controller UI. Select Agents for respective Network Segments and configure appropriate properties in the DUT Network->Configure DUT page in the UI before running the test.

Manual Deployment

  • Deploy both server and client agent containers on the same host
# Create a local network

sudo docker network create --subnet= test-network

# Deploy Client agent

sudo docker run -td --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --cap-add=IPC_LOCK --name ClientAgent --network=test-network -e AGENT_CONTROLLER=<REPLACE WITH CONTROLLER IP> -e AGENT_TAGS="AgentType=DockerClient"

# Deploy Server agent

sudo docker run -td --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --cap-add=IPC_LOCK --name ServerAgent --network=test-network -e AGENT_CONTROLLER=<REPLACE WITH CONTROLLER IP> -e AGENT_TAGS="AgentType=DockerServer"

# If client is sending traffic outside the host to a DUT and traffic is coming back to server container from DUT via host then use port forwarding like below

sudo docker run -td --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --cap-add=IPC_LOCK --name ServerAgent --network=test-server-network -e AGENT_CONTROLLER=<REPLACE WITH CONTROLLER IP> -e AGENT_TAGS="AgentType=DockerServer" -p 80:80 -p 443:443
  • Deploy both server and client agent containers on different host
# Create a local network on a client host

sudo docker network create --subnet= test-client-network

# Deploy Client agent

sudo docker run -td --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --cap-add=IPC_LOCK --name ClientAgent --network=test-client-network -e AGENT_CONTROLLER=<REPLACE WITH CONTROLLER IP> -e AGENT_TAGS="AgentType=DockerClient"

# Create a local network on a server host

sudo docker network create --subnet= test-server-network

Please note, that client and server network CIDR should be different. This step has been added to separate Client and Server IP on the Controller side as CyPerf agents are identified by IP at CyPerf Controller.

# Deploy Server agent

sudo docker run -td --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --cap-add=IPC_LOCK --name ServerAgent --network=test-server-network -e AGENT_CONTROLLER=<REPLACE WITH CONTROLLER IP> -e AGENT_TAGS="AgentType=DockerServer" -p 80:80 -p 443:443

By default, when you create or run a container using docker create or docker run, the container doesn't expose any of its ports to the outside world. Use the --publish or -p flag to make a port available to services outside of Docker. This creates a firewall rule in the host, mapping a container port to a port on the Docker host to the outside world. In the above example:

-p 80:80 Map port 80 on the Docker host to TCP port 80 in the container.

Docker Compose

  • Compose manifest: agent_examples/docker-compose.yml

  • Modifications that are required to delpoy a CyPerf Agents, are as follows:

    1. Replace the place holder container image URL with the specific version, that you want to use for the CyPerf Agent container. You can get this URL from Keysight software download portal.

    2. Replace the place holder AGENT_CONTROLLER value with your CyPerf Controller IP address. If the controller IP address is not available, then this variable must be ommitted from the yaml. You can set this IP address after the controller deployment, by using the Cyperf Agent CLI.

    3. By default, agents will use the interface through which it can connect to the controller (or controller proxy) and select it as a management interface. The same interface will be used for test traffic also. If you need to select a management or test interface explicitly, use the following env variables. You can find these variables in the example yaml scripts as comments.

          #   value: "eth0"
          #   name: AGENT_TEST_INTERFACE
          #   value: "eth1"
    4. Update the docker network driver and parent as per your requirment. This is required when Client and Server containers use two differnt test network which are uplink with two different network interfaces. The networks should be connected alphabetically if the interfaces need to be in a specific order when mounted to the docker container.

            #  cyperf-test-client-net:
            #    name: cyperf-test-client-net
            #    driver: macvlan
            #    driver_opts:
            #      parent: ens192
            #    ipam:
            #      config:
            #        - subnet: ""
            #  cyperf-test-server-net:
            #    name: cyperf-test-server-net
            #    driver: macvlan
            #    driver_opts:
            #      parent: ens224
            #    ipam:
            #      config:
            #        - subnet: ""
    1. Replace the place holder AGENT_TAGS with your preferred tags for identifying the agents as visible in the CyPerf Controller Agent Assignement dialog.
    2. When Client and Server containers are running in two different hosts, them Server container must do port mirroring with host for port 80 and 443.
            #     ports:
            #       - "80:80"
            #       - "443:443"
    1. Reserve and limit the memory and cpu resources for CyPerf Agent containers, depending on your requirement.

      NOTE: For more information, see Managing Resources for the CyPerf Agents.

  • Apply the conpose file. Download the docker compose file and place in the docker host. Change to the directory where docker compose file present.

    # For creating containers
    sudo docker compose up -d
    # For removing containers
    sudo docker compose down

Managing Resources for the CyPerf Agents

  • It is recommended to run the CyPerf Agent clients and servers in different docker host. The example manifests can achieve this by using the client section in one host and server section in other host.

  • If you need to share the resources among multiple CyPerf Agents, (for example: when multiple Agent containers are runing in the same node) then use the following:

#    client:
#        mem_limit: "4g"
#        mem_reservation: "2g"
#        cpus: "2"
#        cpuset: "0-1"

#     server:
#        mem_limit: "4g"
#        mem_reservation: "2g"
#        cpus: "2"
#        cpuset: "2-3"
  • If any specific command you need to execute during docker deployment, use below section
#     command:
#         - /bin/bash
#         - -c
#         - |
#           cyperfagent feature allow_mgmt_iface_for_test disable

Automated Deployment

To deploy a Keysight CyPerf agent container at Docker, you need to install Docker engine on the docker host if not done already. Below is a sample bash script to install the docker engine on the Ubuntu host.

Execute this script from your ubuntu host. This will install Docker Engine in your host.

$bash containers/agent_examples/

Execute this script from your ubuntu host. This will uninstall Docker Engine from your host.

$bash containers/agent_examples/

Test Configuration Checklist

Ensure that the following configurations are appropriate, when configuring the CyPerf Controller for a test where CyPerf Agents container are running in the docker host.

  1. NetWork Segment that is using a Cyperf Agent(s) inside a docker, should use the Automatic IP, Automatic IP prefix length, and Automatic gateway for the IP Range configuration.
  2. NetWork Segment that is using a Cyperf Agent(s) which is simulating clients inside a docker, should use the correct IP address for Name server in DNS Resolver configuration to resolve FQDN of the DUT. This is not applicable if the DUT Network is configured for the Host with an IP address of the DUT.
  3. CyPerf Agents that are simulating clients will send traffic to Destination port as configured in Connection Properties for Application->Connections. By default (indicated as 0 in UI), HTTP port 80 and TLS port 443 are used. If the DUT uses any non-default destination port for the incoming connections, you need to set this configuration appropriately.
  4. CyPerf Agents that are simulating servers will listen to the Server port as configured in Connection Properties for Application->Connections. By default (indicated as 0 in UI), HTTP port 80 and TLS port 443 are used. If the DUT uses any non-default destination port for outgoing connections, you need to set this configuration appropriately.
  5. Make sure that the DUT is forwarding the traffic to a port which is used in port mapping while deploying the server agent container. Refer to section "# Deploy server agent" Manual Deployment.
  6. If the DUT is also configured for the HTTP health check, use the same configuration as described above.


  1. Collecting CyPerf Agent Logs
  • At present, CyPerf Agent that is running as a container does not publish logs when collecting diagnostics from CyPerf Controller UI. However, individual container logs can be collected manually. First identify the container and then use the ID for redirecting the logs to a file. You need to transfer them manually.
    sudo docker logs [cyperf-agent-container-id]
    sudo docker logs [cyperf-agent-container-id]  > [cyperf-agent-container-id].log 
  1. Agents not visible in CyPerf Controller
  • Make sure that the ingress security rules for CyPerf Controller (or Contoller Proxy) allow port numbers 443 for the control subnet in which Agent and CyPerf Controller (or Controller Proxy) can communicate.
  • Also check that the Agent containers are in ready state after deployment.
    sudo docker container ls
    If containers are stuck in pending state, check the available resource in the docker host.

Known Limitations

  1. CyPerf does not support IPv6 address for management interface yet.
  2. If host doesn’t have ip6tables module enabled container deployment might fail. Try following the steps in host machine to fix the problem.
find /lib/modules/$(uname -r) -type f -name ip6*
sudo modprobe ip6_tables
sudo modprobe ip6table_filter
  1. Controller time and docker hosts time might be out of sync. This may result in an empty stat view in UI. To resolve setup NTP in docker host. A Controller can also be used as an NTP server. Refer to the host OS specific configuration to setup NTP. Example: Setting NTP in Ubunutu 22.04

  2. CyPerf Container deployment workflow does not recommend using cyperagent CLI commands within the containers. container spawning command should supply all the environment variables for initializing the agent.


  • CyPerf 6.0 - [December, 2024]

    • Image URI:
  • CyPerf 5.0 - [October, 2024]

    • Image URI:
  • CyPerf 4.0 - [July, 2024]

    • Image URI:
  • CyPerf 3.0 - [February, 2024]

    • Image URI:
  • CyPerf 2.6 - [Oct, 2023]

    • Image URI:

    • Change history:

  • CyPerf 2.5 - [July, 2023]

    • Image URI:

    • Change history:

  • CyPerf 2.1 - [March, 2023]

    • Image URI:

    • Change history:

  • CyPerf 2.0 - [September, 2022]

    • Image URI:

    • Change history:

  • CyPerf 1.7 - [August, 2022]

    • Image URI:

    • Change history:

  • CyPerf 1.6 - [June, 2022]

    • Image URI:

    • Change history:

  • CyPerf 1.5 - [April, 2022]

    • Image URI:

    • Change history:

  • CyPerf 1.1-Update1 - [December, 2021]

    • Image URI:

    • Change history:

  • CyPerf 1.1 - [October, 2021]

    • Image URI:

    • Change history:

  • CyPerf 1.0-Update1 - [July, 2021]

    • Image URI:

    • Change history:

      • AWS VPC CNI is now supported.
  • CyPerf 1.0 - [May, 2021]

    • Image URI:
