Foobar is a Python library for dealing with word pluralization. Make sure that this block of text is no more than a paragraph. It should provide a clearly readible description of the intention of the repo and should be understandable by a total beginner. Don't go into a ton of technical detail here, just try to provide a nice high-level description of what this project is about. Here's a good example of how this section should be written.
- 🔥 Feature one
- 😄 Be sure to use emojis for features to help them stand out
- 🚀 Another really cool feature
- ⭐ Have up to 8 features, but no more
Use the package manager pip to install foobar.
pip install foobar
import foobar
foobar.pluralize('word') # returns 'words'
foobar.pluralize('goose') # returns 'geese'
foobar.singularize('phenomena') # returns 'phenomenon'
It might be good here to produce a few really simple examples of how this library can be used if indeed the library is multi-purpose. Be sure to use the Markdown headers to establish a correct heirarchy to the document.
For support in using this library, please join the #lib_pysyft Slack channel. If you'd like to follow along with any code changes to the library, please join the #code_pysyft Slack channel. Click here to join our Slack community!
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
Please make sure to fill this section in with all former and current contributors to the project. Documentation on how to do this is located here.