diff --git a/EasyTranslator.py b/EasyTranslator.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e8e245
--- /dev/null
+++ b/EasyTranslator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+import requests
+import json
+import win32clipboard
+from tkinter import messagebox
+import ctypes
+from tkinter import *
+import os
+import clipboard
+import pyperclip
+import time
+''' --------------------------------------翻易器(EasyTranslator) ver 1.0.0------------------------'''
+'''                                                           By:Kira_Pgr                                                 ''' 
+'''                                              ref:有道翻译API, StackOverFlow                                '''
+url = 'https://aidemo.youdao.com/trans'
+def AboutBox():
+    messagebox.showinfo("关于EasyTranslator", "-------------------翻易器(EasyTranslator)v1.0.0--------------------\n作者:Kira_Pgr\nref:有道翻译API, StackOverFlow\n安装包:The_Void, auto-py-to-exe, WinZip")
+def translate(text, *args):
+    try:
+        data = {"q": text, "from": "auto", "to": args}
+        resp = requests.post(url, data)
+    except:
+        return None
+    return resp
+#将结果print进文件(暴力出奇迹, 啊不 = =) 逃)
+def printrst(resp):
+  with open('output.txt', 'w') as f:
+    if resp is not None and resp.status_code == 200:
+        respJson = json.loads(resp.text)
+        print(" </> 翻译结果:", file = f)
+        if "translation" in respJson:
+                print("       一般释义:", file = f)
+                print("\n".join(' ' * 9 + '' + str(i) for i in respJson["translation"]), file=f)
+        if "basic" in respJson and "explains" in respJson["basic"]:
+                print( "       基本释义:", file = f)
+                print("\n".join(' ' * 9 + '' + str(i) for i in respJson["basic"]["explains"]), file=f)
+        if "web" in respJson:
+                print("       网络释义:", file = f)
+                index = 1
+                for i in respJson["web"]:
+                    print("         %d. %s:" % (index, i["key"]), file = f)
+                    print("\n".join(' ' * 14 + '' + str(i) for i in i["value"]), file=f)
+                    index += 1
+    f.close()
+def connect():
+    a = ''
+    Etr_GUI.bind('<Unmap>', ClipBoard_Check)
+    ClipBoard_Check(a)
+def disconnect():
+    Etr_GUI.unbind('<Unmap>', ClipBoard_Check)
+#函数Easy_Translator_Core_Module: UI与其他操作的交互
+def Easy_Translator_Core_Module(text):
+    args = "zh-CHS"
+    resp = translate(text, args)
+    cwd = os.getcwd()
+    printrst(resp)
+    with open('output.txt', 'r') as f:
+           conteudo = f.read()
+    if os.path.exists("output.txt"):
+       os.remove("output.txt")
+       return conteudo
+def ClipBoard_Check(a):
+    recent_value = pyperclip.paste()
+    while True:
+         tmp_value = pyperclip.paste()
+         if tmp_value != recent_value:
+               recent_value = tmp_value
+               Etr_GUI.deiconify()
+               auto()
+               break;
+def auto():
+        text1.delete(0.0, END)
+        text2.delete(0.0, END)
+        text = pyperclip.paste()
+        text1.insert(0.0, text)
+        t2 = Easy_Translator_Core_Module(text)
+        text2.insert(0.0, t2)
+        mainloop()
+def manual():
+    text2.delete(0.0, END)
+    text2.insert(0.0, Easy_Translator_Core_Module(text1.get(0.0, END)))
+a = ''  #这句嘛= = 防error
+whnd = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetConsoleWindow()
+if whnd != 0:
+    ctypes.windll.user32.ShowWindow(whnd, 0)
+    ctypes.windll.kernel32.CloseHandle(whnd)
+Etr_GUI = Tk()
+Etr_GUI.title("Easy Translator")
+Label(Etr_GUI, text="----------翻易器v1.0.0--------").grid(row=0, sticky=W)
+text1 = Text(Etr_GUI, height=30, width=50)
+text1.grid(row=3, sticky=W)
+text1.insert(END, "请把原文放这里哦~")
+text2 = Text(Etr_GUI, height=30, width=50)
+text2.grid(row=3, column = 2)
+text2.insert(END, "这里是你的译文= =")
+s1 = Scrollbar(Etr_GUI, command=text1.yview)
+s1.grid(row=3, column=1, sticky=S + W + E + N)
+s2 = Scrollbar(Etr_GUI, command=text2.yview)
+s2.grid(row=3, column=10, sticky=S + W + E + N)
+Button(Etr_GUI, text="翻译", command=manual).grid(row = 2, sticky=W)
+Button(Etr_GUI, text="启动自动模式", command=connect).grid(row = 50, sticky=W)
+Button(Etr_GUI, text="关闭自动模式", command=disconnect).grid(row = 50, column = 2)
+Button(Etr_GUI, text="关于", command=AboutBox).grid(row = 50)