It is a small go service which provides prometheus counter metrics based on custom lucene queries to an elastic search instance.
Most convenient is running it as the docker image published here: eg:
docker run maibornwolff/elcep -url <address to elastic search instance (protocol://hostname:port)>
Configure the queries one per line in the queries.cfg in the following notation: <name>=<query>
Via command line arguments the following options can be overwritten:
-elasticqueries string
The path to the queries.cfg (default "./conf/queries.cfg")
-freq int
The interval in seconds in which to query elastic search (default 30)
-url string
The elastic search endpoint (default "http://elasticsearch:9200")
-path string
The path to listen on for HTTP requests (default "/metrics")
-port int
The port to listen on for HTTP requests (default 8080)
Providing this line in queries.cfg:
all_application_exceptions=message:exception AND service_name:application_*
Will result in exposing the following metric:
# HELP logs_matched_all_application_exceptions_total Counts number of matched logs for all_application_exceptions
# TYPE logs_matched_all_application_exceptions_total counter
logs_matched_all_application_exceptions_total 0
Using that elastic search query:
GET /_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": {
"query_string": {
"query": "message:exception AND service_name:application_*"
"filter": {
"range": {
"@timestamp": {
"gte": "<formatted service startup time>",
"format": "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"