SwimmPair is a web application for managing swimming competitions in the Czech Republic. Application model describes administrative objects, such as cups
, clubs
, users
etc. The main goal is to automate administrative work formerly achived via Excel spreadsheets and provide decent archivation history.
Preview of SwimmPair - public page of Cup
w/ available & paired Users
Our web application consists of these main parts:
- public part - www,
- private admin - www/admin,
- app model - www/model,
- mysql database procedures used by the model,
- tests - execute phpunit on www/tests/Unit/* (automatically run in GitHub Actions workflow).
Other stuff that comes with our project in this repo:
- Doxyfile - for HTML docummentation (http://docu-swimmpair.stkl.cz),
- Doxyfile2 - for PDF docummentation (_doc/pdf/refman.pdf),
- docker-compose.yaml - for my local development,
- 2 database scripts (_db/*) - 1 w/ basic data & 1 w/ set of demonstration data,
- workflow (.github/workflows/main.yaml) w/ a job test,
- Dockerfile - for building pullable image of SwimmPair application.
Application flow is realized by accessing application page
and calling manager
functionality (folder www/model), that wrapps database calls and returns results as PHP objects.
Public and private part have PHP form-actions and Ajax endpoints for achieving functionality via. appropriate manager calls
and storing payloads sent to them via HTTP POST.
SwimmPair is shipped for production as Docker image. It can be run locally by docker-compose, starting SwimmPair - volume for www_php_1 being www folder
+ MySQL, Adminer, and Redis containers.
Bundling PHP files into Docker image with base PHP/Apache image is defined by Dockerfile
FROM thecodingmachine/php:7.4-v4-apache
COPY --chown=docker . /var/www/html
Dockerhub is default and public namespace for pulling all images - our image can be tagged as stepanklos/swimmpair and therefore be accessible publicly by this name.
Build & Push Docker image of SwimmPair, tagged as stepanklos/swimmpair.
docker build -t stepanklos/swimmpair .
docker push stepanklos/swimmpair
Bundled application image doesn't come with database and adminer/phpmyadmin or Redis. We advise production on cloud provider with database/redis services or use self-hosted database/redis solution storing in Persistent Storage
accessed via Persistent Volume Claim
Installing MySQL Database like mysql-deployment or Redis like redis-deployment into Kubernetes cluster shouldn't be a problem.
- Visit swimmpair.stkl.cz - development version of the application with dummy data.
- Schema w/ very slim data - _db/1_create_proc_schema_init_data.sql
- Schema full of data - _db/1b_create_proc_schema_all_data.sql
Docker image for http://docu.swimmpair.cz and PDF file.
> www: doxygen Doxyfile
> www: cd _doc/html
> www/_doc/html: docker build -t stepanklos/docu-swimmpair .
> www/_doc_html: docker push stepanklos/docu-swimmpair
> www: doxygen Doxyfile2
> www: cd _doc/latex
> www/_doc/latex: make
> www/_doc/latex: cd ..
> www/_doc: mkdir -p pdf
> www/_doc: cp latex/refman.pdf pdf/
It is necessary to have installed Doxygen whereabouts and LaTeX w/ pdflatex
git clone https://github.com/KlosStepan/SwimmPair-Www
docker-compose up --detach
mysql -h ${DATABASE_HOST} -u ${DATABASE_USER} --password=${DATABASE_PASS} < ./_db/1_create_proc_schema_init_data.sql
Several production options in container cloud service providers are possible, be it ECS or EKS in Amazon AWS, some AKS alternative in Microsoft Azure, or self-hosted Kubernetes/Rancher/OpenShift/VMware Tanzu.
We use DigitalOcean Kubernetes because it suits us the best (despite being a little bit pricy ~$40/m).
It is advised to run SwimmPair based on these K8s notes as follows:
- Application: Service + Deployment utilizing stepanklos/swimmpair.
- either Public Service - Service + Deployment + PVC -> PV,
- or https://www.digitalocean.com/pricing/managed-databases.
- Database Client: command line / Adminer Deployment / administration dashboard of chosen cloud provider.
Consider 2 Node Cluster
and running one replica on each node
. Reference swimmpair-service Service
from Ingress
for cluster routing to access swimmpair Deployment with spawned 2 Pods
of up-to-date Replica Set
Configuration file app-swimmpair.yaml:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: swimmpair-service
type: ClusterIP
- port: 80
targetPort: 80
app: swimmpair
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: swimmpair
replicas: 2
app: swimmpair
app: swimmpair
- name: swimmpair
image: stepanklos/swimmpair:latest
allowPrivilegeEscalation: true
- containerPort: 80
- name: MESSAGE
value: Hello from swimmpair Deployment!
value: 'mysql-service'
value: 'user'
value: 'password'
value: 'db'
Ingress, add SwimmPair to config section rules:
in the kubernetes-ingress.yaml as following snippet:
- host: "swimmpair.stkl.cz"
- pathType: Prefix
path: "/"
name: swimmpair-service
number: 80
Finally, apply SwimmPair app config
and reapply Ingress config
as noted
kubectl apply -f app-swimmpair.yaml
kubectl apply -f kubernetes-ingress-config.yaml
to achieve desired state of running our application in the Kubernetes Cluster.