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Buidling DDErl.


Table of Contents

1. Prerequisites
2. Building DDErl
2.1 Building On Operating System Level
2.2 Building Using Docker Containers

1. Prerequisites

Building DDErl is only supported for Unix and similar systems. All instructions have been tested with Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa).

The following software components are required in addition to a Unix operating system:

Component From Version Source
Erlang 23.3.1
gcc 10.2.0
git 2.31.1
GNU make 4.3
rebar3 V3.14.3
Yarn 1.22.10

2. Building DDErl

The build process can either be done directly on the operating system level or based on the DDErl development image. For the former, all the software components mentioned under section 1 must be installed, for the latter they are already pre-installed in the image. In addition, a Docker compose script is available that combines the DDErl development image with an empty Oracle database. This can be used as an easily customizable template.

2.1 Building On Operating System Level

2.1.1 Download the DDErl repository from GitHub

git clone

2.1.2 Change to the DDErl directory

cd dderl

2.1.3 Create the frontend to DDErl

cd priv/dev
yarn install-build-prod

2.1.4 Build alternatively

Either backend and frontend:

rebar3 as ui compile

or backend only:

rebar3 compile

or frontend only:

bash ./

2.2 Building Using Docker Containers

The use of DDErl development image makes the build process independent of the host operating system. The only requirement is the installation of Docker Desktop and possibly Docker Compose (Unix operating systems). The following instructions demonstrate how to use the Docker compose script.

2.2.1. Building DDErl with Docker Compose in the DDErl root directory

This command installs an executable DDErl:

docker-compose up -d

Sample output:

The following processing steps are performed:

  1. If not already there, download the Oracle database image and create the container dderl_db_ora with an Oracle database (currently 19c).
  2. If not yet available, download the Konnexion development image and create the corresponding container dderl_dev.
  3. Both containers are assigned to network dderl_default.
  4. After the database is ready, the schema scott is created with the password regit (only with a new database container).
  5. The repository is downloaded from Github (only with a new development container).
  6. The frontend to DDErl is created (only with a new development container).
  7. DDErl is compiled and started.

2.2.2. Building DDErl manually Start the Oracle database container:

If the network is not yet existing:
docker network create dderl_default
If the oracle database container is not yet existing:
docker create --shm-size 1G --name dderl_db_ora --network dderl_default -p 1521:1521/tcp -e ORACLE_PWD=oracle konnexionsgmbh/db_19_3_ee
Start the Oracle database container:
docker start dderl_db_ora

Sample output: Start and enter the DDErl development container

If the DDErl development container is not yet existing:
docker create --name dderl_dev --network dderl_default -p 8443:8443 -t konnexionsgmbh/dderl_dev:latest
Start the DDErl development container:
docker start dderl_dev
Enter the DDErl development container:
docker exec -it dderl_dev bash

Sample output:

Inside the development container dderl_dev the database container dderl_db_ora can be addressed with the dderl_db_ora as hostname:

ping dderl_db_ora Optionally the database can be set up

sqlplus sys/oracle@dderl_db_ora:1521/orclpdb1 as sysdba

create user scott identified by regit;
grant alter system to scott;
grant create session to scott;
grant unlimited tablespace to scott;
grant create table to scott;
grant create view to scott;
exit Next you need to download the DDErl repository from GitHub

git clone
cd dderl

Sample output: Then the frontend to DDErl has to be created


Sample output - start:

Sample output - end: Now you can either execute one of the commands from section 2.1 point 4 or start DDErl directly with rebar3 shell

rebar3 shell

Sample output - start:

Sample output - end:

2.2.3 Finally DDErl is ready and can be operated via a Browser

Login screen:

User: system Password: change_on_install

Database connection:

Service orclpdb1
Host / IP ddeerl_db_ora
Port 1521
User scott
Password regit

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