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File metadata and controls

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Miscellaneous Stuff

  • Files & Backup
  • Directory Structure
  • CPUs, Cores, and Threads
  • Unix Quick Reference
  • Servers
  • Good Practices
  • Programs vs. Pipelines vs. Notebooks

Files & Backup

A combination of "kids these days" and abstract storage models mean that many people today have no idea where or how their files are managed.

  • Local
  • Portable
  • Online
  • Auto-sync
  • Manual-sync
  • Backed up
  • Photos


Files that you download on a desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone are physically located on your device. They might be in your Downloads directory, but maybe not.

Files you create and save locally are at risk if your computer breaks down or is stolen. Never create important files locally unless they are also being sycnrhonized to the cloud.


USB sticks and external drives are for convenience, backup, or temporary builds. Everything on removable storage should pre-exist elsewhere. If your only copy of something is on portable media, you might as well throw it away now and avoid the pain of when you lose it later.


Some files are only available online: you can't get to them unless your computer is connected to a network. By default, Google Docs files are only available when you're connected to the Internet. Files such as these are generally automatically backed up and archived. Even if you accidentally delete the files, you can usually get them back.

Online files are great for you personal documents, but not for code or data. Meaning, you should write papers in Google Docs, but it's not the place to store the human genome.


Some files exist both locally and in the cloud. If you use Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, Mega, and other similar services, your files are periodically synchronized with the cloud. You can work on your files offline, and when you return to the network, they will sync. When there are multiple computers working offline, the synchronization may result in lost data.


We use GitHub for all of our source code. This is synchronized manually when you git pull and git push. When there are conflicts among various repos, you have to resolve them manually. This is much better than lost or overwritten data.

Backed Up

Back up data, not code or documents. Documents should by synchronized with the cloud. That's your backup. Data is often too large for cloud services. Back up large data with university services.


Photos can take up an enormous amount of space. If you take a lot of pictures, get some kind of photo storage service, possibly independent of your code and documents.

Directory Structure

Your PI organizes his files as shown below. You should probably do the same.

		program@ -> ../something/program
	lib/ -> ../something/
		favorite.fa@ -> ../../Data/favorite.fa
		favorite.gff@ -> ../../Data/favorite.gff
  • All repos are in the Code directory
    • Personal programs are soft-linked to Code/bin
    • Personal libraries are soft-linked to Code/lib
    • $PATH and $PYTHONPATH are set appropriately
  • Data is stored "elsewhere"
    • Data files are backed up
    • Data files are not writable
    • Data files are frequently soft-linked to code directories
    • Data directories have OS-indexing turned off
  • Desktop
    • Do whatever you like here, but my advice would be not to be messy
    • Don't store code or data on your Desktop
  • Downloads
    • This is for temporary files
    • If what you downloaded was important, move it from here!
  • miniconda3
    • This is where conda packages are stored
    • Don't mess with this directory

CPUs, Cores, and Threads

A CPU is a physical unit that does work on your computer. It's sort of like an engine in a plane. In the old days, planes had a single engine. Later, more engines were added to improve performance. Similarly, a computer with multiple CPUs can perform more work than one with a single CPU.

Most CPUs have multiple cores. Cores are like the cylinders in internal combustion engines. Most car engines have 4 cylinders, but there might be as few as 1 or as many as 16. Similarly, CPUs have varying numbers of cores. Older CPUs typically have 1 core, but modern CPUs may have 128.

The overall performance of a computer depends on the total number of cores and how fast each core is. A computer with 4 CPUs, each with a single core may be very similar to a computer with a single CPU and 4 cores. Also, they could be very different. To determine the overall performance of a computer, you must benchmark it using various standardized tasks.

Multi-processing and Multi-threading

There are three very different kinds of computer tasks:

  1. single-process - solo worker
  2. multi-process - team of workers
  3. multi-threaded - workers in a hive mind

A single-process task only uses one core at a time. Most of the programs you write in Python are single-process tasks. It doesn't matter if you have 2 cores or 256, your program runs only as fast as a single core. If your computer is doing other things at the same time as running your program, like checking email, downloading data, etc. your program could slow down. Having extra cores allows your program to monopolize a single core and run at full speed.

A multi-process task teams up multiple cores to solve a single problem. For example, if we went grocery shopping together, we could get it done faster if we agreed that you get the milk and cheese, and I get the bread. Note that while we are in separate parts of the store, we might pass a few text messages to each other to add new items to the list or update each other on our progress. Some multi-process jobs pass messages, while others just make an initial agreement.

A multi-threaded task is like a multi-process task except that the people doing the grocery shopping share a hive mind. Communication is nearly instanteous and thew people have access to each others' shared memories and experiences.

Processes vs. Threads

It's a little confusing that the word processor and process mean very different things. Processor used to mean CPU, but it now usually means core. A process is a program that is currently running (taking up memory and using CPU cycles to do work).

Every process on your computer has a unique process id (PID). You can see this in the first column when you run top. Every process starts out as a single thread, meaning it interacts with a single core. A process can use multiple cores by creating additional worker threads. Each worker is part of a hive mind with a connection back to the original thread.

A process can also create child processes, which is known as forking. The parent and children each have their own memory, and must communicate with each other by passing messages. Many bioinformatics tasks involve a single parent that spawns multiple children who never communicate to each other. The technical term for this is "embarrassingly parallel".

There are times when workers end up arguing over the same resource. For example, two children might fight over access to a single network connection. Two workers in a hive mind have the exact same problem. When this happens, they must somehow agree to who goes first and how long you can monopolize the resource. A worker that is waiting for access to a resource is blocked. A computer with 256 cores may be doing nothing if all of the cores are waiting for the network to unblock.

Python Notes

Python isn't truly a multi-threaded language. While it does have the concept of threads (shared memory among workers), the threads don't act independently of each other. If you want Python to go faster, you must use multi-processing, not multi-threading. That said, if Python is too slow, you might be better off using a faster language.

Benchmarking Notes

The overall performance of a computer depends on its single-cpu perfomance and multi-core performance. Some programs run on a single thread (most of your Python code), while other programs run on multiple threads (e.g. BLAST). In order to compare two computers, you must measure (1) single thread performance (2) multi-thread performance and (3) count the number of CPUs. The Passmark website is a good place to go to examine the performance of various parts of your computer.

As you can see below, the highest single thread performance (STR) in the lab is lightning (but oddly not as fast as my Apple laptop). In total performance, the new spitfire is far ahead of anything else because it has 2 128-core CPUs. While the Chromebook is embarrassingly slow, it's fine for simple programming.

Machine CPU STR CPU N Total RAM
spitfire (new) EPYC 7763 2571 86143 2 172K 1T
lightning Ryzen 7 5800X 3448 27975 1 28K 128G
spitfire (old) Opteron 6380 1091 6738 4 27K 256G
Ian's Mac Mini i5-8500B 2555 8994 1 9K 40G
Ian's MacGook Pro Apple M2 3999 15328 1 15K 16G
Ian's IdeaPad 3 Ryzen 5 3500U 1934 6987 1 7K 12G
Ian's Chromebook mt8173 597 804 1 1K 4G

Unix Quick Reference

Token Function
. your current directory (see pwd)
.. your parent directory
~ your home directory (also $HOME)
^C send interrupt signal
^D send end-of-file character
tab tab-complete names
* wildcard - matches everything
| pipe output from one command to another
> redirect output to file
Command Example Intent
cat cat > f create file f and wait for keyboard (see ^D)
cat f stream contents of file f to STDOUT
cat a b > c concatenate files a and b into c
cd cd d change to relative directory d
cd .. go up one directory
cd /d change to absolute directory d
chmod chmod 644 f change permissions for file f in octal format
chmod u+x f change permissions for f the hard way
cp cp f1 f2 make a copy of file f1 called f2
cut cut -f 2,3 cut columns out of a file
date date print the current date
df df -h . display free space on file system
du du -h ~ display the sizes of your files
git git add f start tracking file f
git commit -m "message" finished edits, ready to upload
git push put changes into repository
git pull retrieve latest documents from repository
git status check on status of repository
grep grep p f print lines with the letter p in file f
gzip gzip f compress file f
gunzip gunzip f.gz uncompress file f.gz
head head f display the first 10 lines of file f
head -2 f display the first 2 lines of file f
history history display the recent commands you typed
htop htop more extensive version of top
kill kill 1023 kill process with id 1023
less less f page through a file
ln ln -s f1 f2 make f2 an alias of f1
ls ls list current directory
ls -F show file types
ls -Fl list with file details
ls -Fla also show invisible files
ls -Flta sort by time instead of name
man man ls read the manual page on ls command
mkdir mkdir d make a directory named d
more more f page through file f (see less)
mv mv foo bar rename file foo as bar
mv foo .. move file foo to parent directory
nano nano use the nano text file editor
pwd pwd print working directory
rm rm f1 f2 remove files f1 and f2
rm -r d remove directory d and all files beneath
rm -rf / destroy your computer
rmdir rmdir d remove directory d
sort sort f sort file f alphabetically by first column
sort -n f sort file f numerically by first column
sort -k 2 f sort file f alphabetically by column 2
tail tail f display the last 10 lines of file f
tail -f f as above and keep displaying if file is open
tar tar -cf ... create a compressed tar-ball (-z to compress)
tar -xf ... decompress a tar-ball (-z if compressed)
time time ... determine how much time a process takes
top top display processes running on your system
touch touch f update file f modification time (create if needed)
wc wc f count the lines, words, and characters in file f
screen screen -S ... start a virtual terminal


Computer RAM Cores Notes
spitfire 1TB 256 shared general use
lightning 128G 16 private, AlphaFold


spitfire is the main lab server. It is connected to the LSCC0 cluster and managed by the campus HPC Facility.


In the diagram above, you will note that spitfire doesn't have any special connection to /share/korflab. All of your files are stored on a file server that you can't even log into. You could be logged into epigenerate and you would have the same access to /share/korflab as you would from spitfire.

Note that many other machines are attached to the network (m1..m#). Each of these machines may have multiple people logged in. You have no idea how many people are accessing the fileserver hosting /share/korflab. Some of those users may be doing a lot of file read/write. When this happens, /share/korflab will become incredibly slow. Again, it doesn't matter what machine you're logged into (spitfire or epigenerate), your access to the file server is limited by other people using the same shared resource.

Does this mean that a bad user could theoretically monopolize all of the machine I/O and slow down filesystem access for everyone? Yes.

How does one prevent themselves from becoming the bad user? And how does one protect themselves from bad users? Simple, don't write to the shared fileserver until you absolutely need to.

Every machine has an operating system with a filesystem root /. Operating system files are stored in places like /etc and /sbin. In addition to these places you don't have write access, every machine has a /tmp directory that you do have access to. Anything that writes to /tmp is writing to the local storage, not the networked file system. It is therefore very fast, and not impacted by the hundreds of other users connected to the cluster.

Unfortunately, /tmp is not very large. This is why some machines may have other local storage. spitfire has /scratch. Stage whatever files you need before running your jobs. Then do all of your I/O here. When you're done, copy your results back to main fileserver and then clean up after yourself if you're not going to using the staged files again.


Lightning is a workstation in the lab. It can be used for AlphaFold and other tasks.

  • NOT part of the campus HPC (don't ask them for help)
  • NOT connected to shared file systems
  • NOT backed up
  • NOT running slurm
  • NOT for novice users

Good Practices

Login Customization

You should modify your login script. See the profile for inspiration.


  • Use nice if you're using a lot of resources
  • Use top or htop to monitor resources
  • Use ^C to kill a job in the foreground
  • Use ^Z to sleep a job in the foreground
  • Use fg to start a sleeping job in the foreground
  • Use bg to start a sleeping job in the background
  • Use ps to show jobs here or ps -lu <username to show all your jobs
  • Use kill -9 <jobid> to kill a job

Git Password Persistence

To make your GitHub Personal Access Token persist (so you don't have to copy-paste it again and again).

git config --global "username"
git config --global credential.helper store


We have a repo for -omic data processing called datacore. This is a good place to go for some of your dev data. If you are developing a new dataset that will be useful to others, put the scripts and a small selection of data in datacore. Don't fill up datacore or any repo with large datafiles.


IPC means interprocess communication. In Perl, if you want to capture the output of a command and store it in a variable, you simply use backticks. This works with scalars to store the entire file or with arrays to store line-by-line.

my $thing = `ls -a`
my @stuff = `ls -a`

It's a bit more complex to do this in Python.

from subprocess import run
stuff = run('ls -a', shell=True, capture_output=True).stdout.decode().split('\n')

Summing probabilities in log-space

Since multiplying probabilities over and over can lead to underflow errors, we tend to do math in log-space. Summing log-probabilities can be probematic because you can't simply de-log the numbers, sum them, and then return the log. Here's one solution, which is to transform the log to a higher power, then do the math, then transform back to a lower power. The function below also short-circuits and returns the higher number if the numbers are too dissimilar. The formula requires that a is the larger (less negative) of the two operands, and the operands are swapped in the formula if otherwise.

def sumlogp2(a, b, mag=40):
	assert(a <= 0)
	assert(b <= 0)
	if abs(a - b) > mag: return max(a, b)
	if a < b: return math.log2(1 + 2**(a - b)) + b
	return math.log2(1 + 2**(b - a)) + a

Of course, if you're working in Python, you can use numpy.logaddexp2(a, b) to do the same calculation. But not every language has this built in. Also, the numpy version is slightly slower than the pure python.

Some useful scripts

The bin directory contains a couple of useful scripts (maybe more useful to modify than to use as is).

  • memcheck looks through the proc filesystem to examine memory
  • parallelize runs a file of command lines in parallel on multiple CPUs
  • redundancey_check looks for identical files in the filesystem

Programs vs. Pipelines vs. Notebooks

There are 3 overlapping computer activities we tend to do.

  1. Software development in Python, C, Go, etc
  2. Running pipelines in Snakemake
  3. Exploring data in R-Studio or Jupyter notebooks

Software Development

You should already know Python before moving on to other languages. Our overall philosophy is that code should be simple and beautiful. Please see the algorithms repo

Running Pipelines

When analyzing large datasets, there are generally 3 tasks: installing software, developing a pipeline, deploying a pipeline. Always install software with Conda. Don't rely on the local environment. Pipelines are developed in Snakemake on a test set in you VM, not the cluster. Once you are ready to deploy a pipeline, then you can run on the cluster.

Pipelines are developed using Conda and Snakemake. Develop your Snakemake pipelines on a small test set in a VM, and not on the cluster. These practices ensure maximum portability and reproducible data practices.

  1. Conda -
  2. Snakemake -
  3. Cluster -

Notebook Computing

We're not talking about laptops but rather R-Studio or Jupyter. These tools are great for exploring data, but are not a great way of distributing software. Use them where they are useful.