Spanning Tree: A sub-graph of Graph G, which is also a tree includes all nodes in G.
Feature of spanning tree:
- Included all vertices
- It's a connected sub-graph. There is a path between any two vertices.
- No cycle
- Less edges (when including all vertices). Number of edges = Number of vertices - 1
Minimum Spanning Tree: The spanning tree of graph G with the smallest sum of edge weights.
- Prim's Algorithm: Starting from a vertex, gradually select the shortest edges connected to the already constructed tree until all vertices are included.
- Kruskal Algorithm: Based on the edge sorting and union-find data structure, edges are gradually added, and it is ensured that the selected edges do not form a cycle until a minimum spanning tree is constructed.
Prim's algorithm maintains a set of nodes, while Kruskal's maintains a set of edges.
- 第一步,选距离生成树最近节点
- 第二步,最近节点加入生成树
- 第三步,更新非生成树节点到生成树的距离(即更新minDist数组)
v, e = map(int, input().split())
graph = [[10001]*(v+1) for _ in range(v+1)]
for _ in range(e):
m, n, weight = map(int, input().split())
graph[m][n] = weight
graph[n][m] = weight
visited = [0]*(v+1)
minDist = [10001]*(v+1)
minDist[0] = 0
# Add a start node to MST
visited[1] = 1
minDist[1] = 0
# Update the distance of other nodes
for i in range(v+1):
minDist[i] = min(minDist[i], graph[1][i], graph[i][1])
while sum(visited) < v:
minidx = 0
mindis = 10001
for i in range(1, v+1):
if minDist[i] < mindis and visited[i]==0:
mindis = minDist[i]
minidx = i
# Add the nearest node to MST
visited[minidx] = 1
# Update the distance of other nodes
for i in range(1, v+1):
if visited[i] == 0 and minDist[i] > graph[minidx][i]:
minDist[i] = graph[minidx][i]
- 边的权值排序,因为要优先选最小的边加入到生成树里
- 遍历排序后的边
- 如果边首尾的两个节点在同一个集合,说明如果连上这条边图中会出现环
- 如果边首尾的两个节点不在同一个集合,加入到最小生成树,并把两个节点加入同一个集合
Therefore, we will need the UnionFind data structure to determine whether two nodes are in a same set.
class Edge:
def __init__(self, l, r, val):
self.l = l
self.r = r
self.val = val
n = 10001
father = list(range(n))
def init():
global father
father = list(range(n))
def find(u):
if u != father[u]:
father[u] = find(father[u])
return father[u]
def join(u, v):
u = find(u)
v = find(v)
if u != v:
father[v] = u
def kruskal(v, edges):
edges.sort(key=lambda edge: edge.val)
result_val = 0
for edge in edges:
x = find(edge.l)
y = find(edge.r)
if x != y:
result_val += edge.val
join(x, y)
return result_val
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
input =
data = input().split()
v = int(data[0])
e = int(data[1])
edges = []
index = 2
for _ in range(e):
v1 = int(data[index])
v2 = int(data[index + 1])
val = int(data[index + 2])
edges.append(Edge(v1, v2, val))
index += 3
result_val = kruskal(v, edges)