Advanced Networking Terraform Provisioning of an AKS Cluster in Azure without Ingress. As there are multiple options for AKS/Kubernetes Ingress, provisioning of Ingress will be handled in one or more ancillary Terraform plans.
Review doco on deploying AKS with Advanced Networking to get a high-level understanding of the required steps: The core Azure resources provisioned by this plan include:
- Resource Group - Encapsulated all Azure resources for the target Deployment, with exception of the AKS Managed Resources
- Vnet + Subnet - Top level Vnet and AKS Cluster Subnet that the AKS Cluster will be deployed into
- Log Analytics Workspace + Solution - Enable Azure Monitoring of the AKS Cluster and individual Container Applications
- AKS Cluster + Advanced Networking - Baseline install of an AKS Cluster with Vnet Integration, RBAC enabled, with specific SSH Key
As additional configurations that can be layered onto AKS are defined/automated they will be referenced here such as AAD/Cluster Role integration, Ingress Options, Storage Class/Persistence and other Advanced or Cluster Hardening best practices.
Pre-Requisites - Review and, values used may not either work in your Azure Subscription or follow your conventions, clone this repo and make appropriate changes as needed.
- Review basic Azure Terraform setup instructions found here. Initialize your Terraform environment and back-end by executing the following script from this sub-directory:
source ../tf-init/ <location> <keyvault> <service principal client-id> <storage account>
- Execute your Terraform Plan & Apply to create the AKS Cluster with Advanced Networking the Log Analytics/Container Insights Add-On:
terraform plan -out out.plan
terraform apply out.plan
- Perform basic validation of your AKS Cluster using Output from Terraform apply:
echo "$(terraform output kube_config)" > ~/azurek8s-advanced-woi
export KUBECONFIG=~/azurek8s-advanced-woi
kubectl get nodes