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Releases: Kumodatsu/CharacterSheet

Version 0.5.11

01 Apr 23:51
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  • April first's fake changelog section.


  • Fixed a bug where version numbers greater than 9 were not compared correctly.

Version 0.5.10

01 Apr 20:16
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  • The attribute system has been simplified, replacing the original attributes with more balanced alternatives. This sacrifices some customization for a more streamlined experience.
  • Natural 1s are now twice as likely as before to simulate the unfair nature of life.


  • The original attributes Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom, Intelligence and Charisma have been removed.


  • Attribute: Versatility (VER). Versatility rolls can be done for attacking, healing and defense. No more confusion about which stats to prioritize.
  • Attribute: Mastery (MAS). The effect of this depends on your trait.
  • Event Finder. You can now queue up for RP events from anywhere in the world. Once an event party has been put together, you can instantly teleport to the area of interest.
  • People will now only want you in their group if you have a legendary item. You can get one by rolling a natural 50000 on a d50000 roll.

Version 0.5.9

23 Feb 18:04
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  • Release notes won't have superfluous line breaks anymore.


  • Updated for World of Warcraft 9.2.0.

Version 0.5.8

09 Nov 17:28
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  • A license file. The addon is now licensed under version 3 of the GNU General
    Public License. If you are not a software developer, you don't have to care
    about this - you are free to use and distribute the addon.
  • "Shields" are added to the readme file in the repository to display the latest
    version, its download count and the license.


  • The changelog in the repository now contains links to the version downloads.
  • Release notes are now automatically generated from the changelog.
  • The folder structure of the repository has changed. If you were using
    automated scripts to update this addon, those may have ceased to work. Addon
    managers such as Ajour, Overwolf, WoWUp etc. should still work fine with this
    addon. If you don't know what this all means, the change likely won't affect you
    at all.

Version 0.5.7

03 Nov 20:20
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Version 0.5.7 Pre-release


  • Updated for World of Warcraft 9.1.5.
  • The folder structure of the repository has changed. If you were using automated scripts to update this addon, those may have ceased to work. Addon managers such as Ajour, Overwolf, WoWUp etc. should still work fine with this addon. If you don't know what this all means, the change likely won't affect you at all.

Version 0.5.6

30 Jun 22:28
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Version 0.5.6 Pre-release


  • Updated for World of Warcraft 9.1.0.

Version 0.5.3

06 Apr 18:09
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Version 0.5.3 Pre-release


  • Pets now have the same HP as their owner.

Version 0.5.2

10 Mar 17:01
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Version 0.5.2 Pre-release


  • Updated for World of Warcraft 9.0.5.
  • Moved a bunch of hardcoded strings into the localization table.


  • The messages that display when changing the TRP stats setting no longer incorrectly state that one's TRP information will be overwritten.

Version 0.5.1

05 Jan 16:50
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Version 0.5.1 Pre-release


  • The UI frames are now initially hidden by default.
  • The UI frames no longer overlap in their initial positions.

Version 0.5.0

25 Dec 14:11
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Version 0.5.0 Pre-release


This version is not compatible with save files from older versions. If you update to this version, you will have to recreate your character sheets.


  • Command: /cs pet. This toggles your pet. This replaces the old system where you had to fiddle with pet names and lists and active pets.
  • Command: /cs trpclearstats. This removes your stats from your TRP info if they are there while leaving the rest of the contents intact.
  • You can now have custom resources, such as Sanity, added to your character sheet.
  • Commands: /cs addresource, /cs removeresource and /cs setresource. These are used to manage custom resources.
  • Keybinds for toggling your pet and incrementing and decrementing pet HP.
  • Window for changing the addon's settings in the Interface menu.
  • Button for toggling combat on and off in the stats frame. This affects heal rolls.
  • When your save file is from a newer version of the addon than the one you are currently using, the save file will be ignored until you update the addon to prevent loss of data.


  • The pet list.
  • Commands: /cs addpet, /cs pets, /cs setpet and /cs removepet. These are no longer necessary.
  • Command: /cs half. This command didn't really serve a purpose.


  • Updated for World of Warcraft 9.0.2.
  • The saving system has been updated. This means that older saves will no longer work, but saves made from this version onwards should now always be compatible with any future versions.
  • Your HP and pet HP can now go all the way down to the knock out limit (-5).
  • Unmodified (raw) rolls no longer show a (raid) message with the result, as this is redundant.
  • The commands /cs pethp, /cs petatk and /cs setpetatk no longer accept a pet name is an argument.
  • When automatically displaying stats in your TRP is enabled, the stats will now be placed before your TRP content instead of replacing it.