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How to add new parser?

rodrigosiqueira edited this page Jul 26, 2015 · 4 revisions

As explained in the architectural section, if you want to add a new parser you just have to create one class per abstract class in the package abstract container. For make clear, we will show step by step.

Create folder on the correct place

Your first step, is go to lib/kuniri/language/ and create one folder there for the language which you want to write a parser. Example:

cd lib/kuniri/language/
mkdir lib/kuniri/language/java

Create specific files

Secondly, you have to create one file for each element that your parser have. For example, in the case of Java we have: attributes, classes, constructors, methods, etc. We have a specific way to give a name to your files, you have to follow this rule: [element]_[language_name].rb . See below the example:

cd lib/kuniri/language/java/
touch attribute_java.rb
touch class_java.rb
touch method_java.rb

Fill out the new classes

Your third step, it is fill out all the classes that you create. Basically, all classes have this simple template:

require_relative 'needed element'

module Languages

  module [Language Name]

    # Handle ruby attribute
    class [ElementLanguageName] < Languages::[Abstract Container Class]
      # Specific method signatures and implementations

As an example, suppose we create Java parser and we are working on class extraction. We will have something similar to the code below:

require_relative '../abstract_container/structured_and_oo/class.rb'
require_relative '../container_data/structured_and_oo/class_data.rb'
require_relative '../../util/html_logger'
require_relative '../../core/setting'

module Languages

  module Java

    class ClassJava < Languages::Class


        def initialize
          # Some initialization code

        def get_class(pLine)
          result = detect_class(pLine)
          return nil unless result

          # Here we can have a bunch of code

          return classCaptured


        def detect_class(pLine)
          regexExpression = /^\s*class\s+(.*)/
          # ... code ...
          return nil unless pLine =~ regexExpression
          return pLine.scan(regexExpression)[0].join("")

        def get_inheritance(pString)
          # ... code ...

      def remove_unnecessary_information(pString)
          # ... code ...

      def prepare_final_string(pString)
        # ... code ...

    # class
  # Ruby

# Languages

Add test

Yes, part of the cycle have a test! You have to implement a test for each new class, and you have to add the test files in spec/language/[Language name]. We strongly recommend you to create some samples of code for use in your tests, the correct place to add it is in spec/samples.

One shortcut (Not work yet)

We have a simple shortcut, for create all files described above. 😄 All you have to do is type:

rake createparser [languageName]

This command will create all folder, files, and test that you will need. Then you just have to focus on code.

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