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Kuma token client

The client exposes a simple Command Line Utility that can be used to interact with the chaincode. First make sure the chaincode is running in devmode see chaincode. This client utlity makes use of the Hyperledger Fabric client utils for creating the services which interact with the chaincode.

With the following command you can get an overview of all the commands available:

node cli.js -h

Pinging the chaincode

This is a simple command that can be used to see if the chaincode is available.

node cli.js ping <kuma-token|multisig>

If everything is ok, the chaincode will respond with 'pong'. The ping function is part of the ChaincodeBase inside Hyperledger Fabric Node chaincode utils. We use this function to make sure the chaincode docker container is launched for all the chaincodes else it's possible certain requests will timeout because it takes a while to start the chaincode container.

Creating a user

By default there are a few users generated for this repository (user-1, ..., user-5), these users will be part of the AuthOrg and can be used to interact with the chaincode. Every command has the possibility to override the user used for invoking that command by using --user <name>.

It's also possible to create a new user by executing the following command:

node cli.js create-user <name>

For this to work you need to make sure the Hyperledger Fabric network setup is installed. Because this command uses the kuma-hf-network generate-user <name> command in the back.

Getting the balance of a user

By executing the next command you can retrieve the wallet information for a certain user or based on the wallet address.

node cli.js wallet [address]
node cli.js wallet --user <name>

Transfering tokens

With this command it's possible to transfer tokens from one wallet to another.

node cli.js transfer <amount> <to> [from]
  • amount is the amount of tokens to transfer
  • to is the wallet address where you want to send the tokens to
  • from can be used to define the wallet address where the tokens should be send from. By default the wallet of the current user is used --user <name>

Creating a multisig contract

Use this command to create a new x-y multisig contract between users.

node cli.js multisig-create-contract <users..> --signaturesNeeded x

By default the number of signatures needed equals the number of users.

Requesting a multisig transfer

With this command it's possible to request a new transfer. This will return a requestTransferId that can be used for getting the info of the request or approving it.

node cli.js multisig-request-transfer <amount> <from> <to>
  • amount is the amount of tokens to transfer
  • to is the wallet address where you want to send the tokens to
  • from is either the wallet address or the multisig contract id where the tokens should be send from

Get info of a multisig transfer request

Get information about a multisig transfer request

node cli.js multisig-get-transfer <transferId>

Approving a multisig transfer request

Approve a multisig transfer request

node cli.js multisig-get-transfer <transferId>

This will send the coins once enough signatures are collected. The number of signatures is based on the signaturesNeeded when the contract was created.

End-to-end tests

There are end-to-end tests written for both services kuma-token and multisig. These tests will always regenerate new users. You can run all the tests using:

jest services

Or run the tests for every service separately:

jest services/kuma-token.spec.js
jest services/multisig.spec.js