- JDK 1.8+
- Maven
- Spring Boot
- Spring Data JPA
- Spring Security
- JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
There are three user accounts :
Admin - admin:admin
User - user:password
Disabled - disabled:password (this user is disabled)
All endpoints for CRUD operations can be seen in:
/auth - authentication endpoint (HTTP method: POST) - place your credentials in JSON format in request body as JwtAuthenticationRequest
Use Bearer Token for any listed request:
/authors/** - endpoint for CRUD operations on authors (a valid JWT token must be present in the request header)
/books/** - endpoint for CRUD operations on books (a valid JWT token must be present in the request header)
/topics/** - endpoint for CRUD operations on topics (a valid JWT token must be present in the request header)
Configure database according to application.properties file, or update this file with yours properties.