ERC20 Externally Minted Token with Access Control
Developed using OpenZeppelin CLI and the Truffle Suite
You'll need Yarn, the Open Zeppelin CLI and the Truffle Suite to set up the development environment. I also recommend using NVM for managing the Node Version you are currently using.
installs dependencies -
yarn oz compile
uses the openzeppelin cli (and oz sdk) to compile the solidity contracts. -
yarn truffle compile
uses truffle to compile the solidity contracts -
yarn test
runs mocha/chai/oz tests inside of a managed test environment -
yarn network:truffle
sets up the local development network via truffle -
yarn network:ganache
sets up the local development network via ganache cli -
yarn deploy
runs the openzeppelin deployment in interactive mode -
yarn deploy:truffle
deploys the compiled smart contract to the local truffle development network -
yarn deploy:ganache
deploys the compiled smart contract to the local ganache development network
Network information is defined in truffle-config.js, which is read by openzeppelin CLI automatically.
SOLC 0.6.8 used as compiler for both the oz sdk and truffle
ERC20, Ownable, Claimable, Pausable
RBAC for Supply, Asset Protection, KYC, Frozen