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File metadata and controls

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Checklist is a small application that allows you to create lists of steps or instructions that provide certainty to complex or repetitive operations.

You can define each step or instruction in a YAML script and group them by sections. The application will be responsible for correctly displaying the list, keeping track of the steps marked as completed, and providing space to record incidents.

The application is easy to install, compile the source code, and deploy the compiled files into any web server. All the participants have an independent copy of the checklist in their browser.


You can test an example checklist using the following link: Test Checklist.

Defining the checklist script

All scripts must be stored at the path: /public/scripts/. A test script is provided as an example.

You can define the checklist script using the YAML format. Here is the list of options that assemble a checklist.


Parameter Type Required Description
data Object true Defines a list of variables to be displayed or asked in the checklist.
sections Array true Defines an array of section objects that form the checklist.


Parameter Type Required Description
label String true Display label.
format String true How to format the value. Valid options: word-4 and sha-256.


Parameter Type Required Description
title String true Section title.
tasks Array true Array of task in the section.


Parameter Type Required Description
msg String true Define the task. (Supports Markdown)
code String false Define code to run in the task. (Supports Markdown)
expected Object false Expected result of this task.
input String false Ask the user for a value of a variable defined in the data section.
output String false Displays a variable defined in the data section and provided in the JSON file.


Parameter Type Required Description
msg String true Define the expected result. (Supports Markdown)
code String false Define the expected output of the console. (Supports Markdown)

Calling the Checklist Script

Once you create the checklist script, you must create a JSON file with the information about when the script is executed, for example, in a cryptographic key generation ceremony or object signing.

An example of the JSON script is provided in the /public/data directory.

Parameter Type Required Description
script URL true Path to the Checklist script to use.
title String true Title of the Checklist script.
location String false Location or place.
date Date false Date.
roles Object false A role description list as a key-value format.
participants Object true A role-name list of the participants as a key-value format.
data Object true Values of the data variables defined in the script.


The configuration file is located in the path "src/config.js"

Parameter Description
PUBLIC_PATH Defines the web public path. This parameter should be "/, if updated you must build the application using the command: "vite build --base=/my/public/path/".
DEFAULT_DATA_ID Default checklist to display.
MARKED_CONFIG Markdown module configuration. See Marked for details.
I18N_CONFIG I18N module configuration. See Vue I18n for details.
CHECKLIST_TIME_OPTIONS Configure display time format.
LOCAL_STORAGE_DATA_ID Defines the ID under where the checklist data is the browser's local storage.
LOCAL_STORAGE_TTL_MS Defines the TimeToLive of the local storage.



You can set up a favicon, add the icon file in the /public directory, and uncomment the link tag in the index.html file.


You can also add a logo image uncomment the line in the script section of the /src/views/ChecklistView.vue file.

Project Setup

npm install

Compile and Hot-Reload for Development

npm run dev

Compile and Minify for Production

npm run build

Lint with ESLint

npm run lint


Recommended IDE Setup

VSCode + Volar (and disable Vetur) + TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar).

Customize configuration

See Vite Configuration Reference.