This is a command line argument parser that attempts to mimic the syntax and capabilities of PowerShell.
public abstract class ExecuteCommandBase
[Parameter(HelpMessage = "Optional parameter dictionary")]
public IDictionary<string, object> Paremters { get; set; }
[Parameter(HelpMessage = "If set, no action is taken.")]
public Switch WhatIf { get; set; }
public abstract void Execute();
[ParameterSet("Name", HelpMessage = "Executes command given a name.")]
public class ExecuteCommandUsingName : ExecuteCommandBase
[Parameter(HelpMessage = "Name"), Required]
public string Name { get; set; }
public override void Execute()
if (this.WhatIf.IsPresent)
Console.WriteLine("Would have executed using name: {0}", this.Name);
Console.WriteLine("Executing using name: {0}", this.Name);
[ParameterSet("Path", HelpMessage = "Executes command given a path.")]
public class ExecuteCommandUsingPath : ExecuteCommandBase
[Parameter(HelpMessage = "The path."), Required]
public string Path { get; set; }
public override void Execute()
if (this.WhatIf.IsPresent)
Console.WriteLine("Would have executed using path: {0}", this.Path);
Console.WriteLine("Executing using path: {0}", this.Path);
// set up argument parser
ArgumentParser<ExecuteCommandBase> argParser = new ArgumentParser<ExecuteCommandBase>(typeof(ExecuteCommandUsingName), typeof(ExecuteCommandUsingPath));
ExecuteCommandBase paramSet;
if (argParser.TryParse(args, out paramSet))
// create parameter set collection from types
ParameterSetCollection sets = ParameterSetCollection.FromTypes(typeof(ExecuteCommandUsingName), typeof(ExecuteCommandUsingPath));
// parse the command line arguments
Parser parser = new Parser();
NodeSequence nodes = parser.Parse(string.Join(" ", args));
// resolve parameter set against the parsed node set
ResolveResult result = sets.Resolve(new ParameterSetBuilder(),
new IntransigentTypeConverter(),
if (result.IsMatch)
paramSet = (ExecuteCommandBase)result.BestMatch.Object;
ErrorWriter errorWriter = new ErrorWriter();
errorWriter.Write(new ConsoleWriter(Console.Error), result.BestMatch);
HelpWriter helpWriter = new HelpWriter();
helpWriter.Write(new ConsoleWriter(Console.Out), sets, HelpLevel.Parameters);