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115 lines (107 loc) · 25.9 KB

File metadata and controls

115 lines (107 loc) · 25.9 KB


To add material bindings, import corbind-material module:

dependencies {

List of extensions

Component Extension Description
AppBarLayout offsetChanges Called when the AppBarLayout's layout offset has been changed
slides Called when the bottom sheet is being dragged.
stateChanges Called when the bottom sheet changes its state.
Chip closeIconClicks Called when the chip’s close icon is clicked.
ChipGroup checkedChanges Called when the checked chips are changed.
bottomViewScrollStateChanges Called when the bottom view changes its scrolled state.
MaskableFrameLayout maskChanges Called when changes in a mask's RectF occur.
MaterialButton checkedChanges Called when the checked state of a MaterialButton has changed.
MaterialButtonToggleGroup buttonCheckedChangeEvents Called when a MaterialButton in this group is checked or unchecked (only not in single selection mode).
buttonCheckedChanges Called when a MaterialButton in this group is checked (only in single selection mode).
MaterialCardView checkedChanges Called when the card checked state changes.
MaterialDatePicker cancels Called when the user cancels the date picker via back button or a touch outside the view. It is not called when the user clicks the cancel button. To add a listener for use when the user clicks the cancel button, use negativeClicks extension.
dismisses Called whenever the date picker is dismissed, no matter how it is dismissed.
negativeClicks Called when the user clicks the date picker cancel button.
positiveClicks Called when the user confirms a valid selection of the date.
MaterialTimePicker cancels Called when the user cancels the time picker via back button or a touch outside the view. It is not called when the user clicks the cancel button. To add a listener for use when the user clicks the cancel button, use negativeClicks extension.
dismisses Called whenever the time picker is dismissed, no matter how it is dismissed.
negativeClicks Called when the user clicks the time picker cancel button.
positiveClicks Called when the user confirms a valid selection of the time.
NavigationBarView itemReselections Called when the currently selected navigation item is reselected.
itemSelections Called when a navigation item is selected.
NavigationView itemSelections Called when an item in the navigation menu is selected.
RangeSlider touches Called when a range slider's touch event is being started/stopped.
valuesChanges Called a range slider's value is changed. This is called for all existing values to check all the current values use.
valuesChangeEvents A more advanced version of the valuesChanges.
SearchBar navigationClicks Called whenever the user clicks the navigation button at the start of the searchbar.
SearchView transitionStateChanges Called when the given SearchView's transition state has changed.
transitionStateChangeEvents A more advanced version of the transitionStateChanges.
sideSheetSlides Called when the side sheet is being dragged.
sideSheetStateChanges Called when the side sheet changes its state.
Slider touches Called when a slider's touch event is being started/stopped.
valueChanges Called a slider's value is changed.
valueChangeEvents A more advanced version of the valueChanges.
Snackbar dismisses Called when the given Snackbar has been dismissed, either through a time-out, having been manually dismissed, or an action being clicked.
shown Called when the given Snackbar is visible.
dismisses Called when view has been dismissed via swiping.
dragStateChanges Called when the drag state has changed.
TabLayout selections Called when a tab enters the selected state.
selectionEvents A more advanced version of the selections.
TextInputLayout endIconChanges Called when the end icon changes.
endIconClicks Called when the end icon is clicked.
endIconLongClicks Called when the end icon is long clicked.
startIconClicks Called when the start icon is clicked.
startIconLongClicks Called when the start icon is long clicked.


chipGroup.checkedChanges() // Flow<Int>
    .onEach { /* handle checked ids */ }
    .launchIn(lifecycleScope) // lifecycle-runtime-ktx

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