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LITMUS^RT Random Workload Generator

This repository contains tools that help with setting up and running (a large number of) synthetic, randomly generated real-time workloads under LITMUS^RT. This is useful for instance when stress testing LITMUS^RT on a new platform or when rebasing to a new base Linux version, and can also be useful to collect and analyze runtime overheads.


Purpose: Generate feasible periodic task sets for a given number of cores, number of tasks, utilization, etc.

usage: [-h] [--prefix PREFIX] [-m [NCORES [NCORES ...]]]
                  [-s [NSOCKETS [NSOCKETS ...]]] [-n [NTASKS [NTASKS ...]]]
                  [-t [NTASKS_PER_CORE [NTASKS_PER_CORE ...]]]
                  [-u [UTILS [UTILS ...]]] [--apa {partitioned,random,socket}]
                  [-c COUNT]

LITMUS^RT workload generator

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --prefix PREFIX       Prefix for the generated file[s]
  -m [NCORES [NCORES ...]], --num-cores [NCORES [NCORES ...]]
                        processor counts to consider [multiple possible]
  -s [NSOCKETS [NSOCKETS ...]], --num-sockets [NSOCKETS [NSOCKETS ...]]
                        socket counts to consider [multiple possible, default
  -n [NTASKS [NTASKS ...]], --num-tasks [NTASKS [NTASKS ...]]
                        task counts to consider, absolute values [multiple
                        task counts to consider, relative to -m [default 5]
  -u [UTILS [UTILS ...]], --per-core-utilization [UTILS [UTILS ...]]
                        average processor utilizations to consider [multiple
  --apa {partitioned,random,socket}
                        what sort of affinities to generate [default:
  -c COUNT, --count COUNT
                        how many task sets per #cores, #tasks, and util

The task sets are generated using Emberson et al.’s method as described in their paper:

Periods are chosen from a log-uniform distribution ranging from 1 millisecond to 1 second, in steps of integral milliseconds.

Purpose: generate shell scripts that set-up, execute, and tear-down experiments under LITMUS^RT.

usage: [-h] [-S] [-O] [-D] [-t DURATION] [-w WSS] [-b BG_WSS]
                   [-p PLUGIN] [--dsp SERVICE_CORE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                   [input-files [input-files ...]]

LITMUS^RT setup script generator

positional arguments:
  input-files           task set descriptions in JSON format

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -S, --trace-schedule  Record the schedule with sched_trace
  -O, --trace-overheads
                        Record runtime overheads with Feather-Trace
  -D, --trace-debug-log
                        Record TRACE() messages [debug feature]
  -t DURATION, --duration DURATION
                        how long should the experiment run?
  -w WSS, --wss WSS     default working set size of RT tasks [in KiB]
  -b BG_WSS, --bg-memory BG_WSS
                        working set size of background cache-thrashing tasks
                        [in KiB]
  -p PLUGIN, --scheduler PLUGIN
                        Which scheduler plugin to use?
  --dsp SERVICE_CORE    Which core is the dedicated service processor?
                        Relevant only for message-passing plugins.
  --prefix PREFIX       Where to store the generated script[s]?  

Quick Walkthrough

First, we create some feasible sets of periodic, CPU-bound real-time tasks.

The following command creates task sets for 4, 8, and 16 cores, with 2, 5, and 10 tasks per core, and a total utilization of 30%, 50%, and 70%, and stores the resulting JSON files in the directory /tmp/demo.

./ -m 4 8 16 -t 2 5 10 -u 0.3 0.5 0.7 --prefix /tmp/demo/


[pre-partitioned, 4 cores, 0.30 utilization, 2.00 tasks per core]
=> /tmp/demo/part-workload_m=04_n=08_u=30_seq=00.json
[pre-partitioned, 4 cores, 0.30 utilization, 5.00 tasks per core]
=> /tmp/demo/part-workload_m=04_n=20_u=30_seq=00.json
[pre-partitioned, 16 cores, 0.70 utilization, 10.00 tasks per core]
=> /tmp/demo/part-workload_m=16_n=160_u=70_seq=00.json

Each generated JSON file contains a simple task set description. The word “partitioned” in the file names refers to the fact that all generated task sets are by construction feasible under partitioned scheduling (e.g., with P-EDF).

In the second step, we generate shell scripts that set up and tear down experiments under LITMUS^RT, optionally with a variety of tracers.

The following command converts the just-generated task sets into executable shell scripts. In particular, we generate scripts for the partitioned fixed-priority (P-FP) plugin of LITMUS^RT that will execute each task set for 30 seconds while collecting kernel overheads with Feather-Trace. The resulting shell scripts are stored in the folder `/tmp/pfp-exp’.

./ --scheduler P-FP --duration 30 --trace-overheads --prefix /tmp/pfp-scripts/ /tmp/demo/*.json	


Processing /tmp/demo/part-workload_m=04_n=08_u=30_seq=00.json -> /tmp/pfp-scripts/
Processing /tmp/demo/part-workload_m=04_n=08_u=50_seq=00.json -> /tmp/pfp-scripts/
Processing /tmp/demo/part-workload_m=16_n=80_u=70_seq=00.json -> /tmp/pfp-scripts/

The resulting bash scripts can be directly executed under LITMUS^RT (root privileges required).


bbb@rts5:/tmp/pfp-scripts$ sudo -s
[sudo] password for bbb: 
root@rts5:/tmp/pfp-scripts# ./part-workload_m\=04_n\=08_u\=50_seq\ 
Running part-workload_m=04_n=08_u=50_seq=00 for 30 seconds under P-FP...
Launching Feather-Trace overhead tracer... ok.
Released 8 real-time tasks.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
All tasks finished.
Sent SIGTERM to stop background tasks...
Sent SIGUSR1 to stop tracers...
Disabling 4 events.
Disabling 18 events.
Disabling 18 events.
Disabling 18 events.
Disabling 18 events.
Disabling 4 events.
Disabling 4 events.
Disabling 4 events.
/dev/litmus/ft_cpu_trace0: 2529840 bytes read.
/dev/litmus/ft_cpu_trace2: 889632 bytes read.
/dev/litmus/ft_cpu_trace1: 809328 bytes read.
/dev/litmus/ft_msg_trace0: 64 bytes read.
/dev/litmus/ft_msg_trace3: 0 bytes read.
/dev/litmus/ft_cpu_trace3: 3966624 bytes read.
/dev/litmus/ft_msg_trace1: 32 bytes read.
/dev/litmus/ft_msg_trace2: 64 bytes read.

The overhead trace files resulting from the --trace-overheads flag of can be processed and analyzed as described in the Feather-Trace documentation.

When using the --trace-schedule flag of, the experiment scripts will generate sched_trace files that can be processed and analyzed as described in the sched_trace documentation.

Installation Instructions

The scripts should work on any recent Linux and can also be used under macOS (with Homebrew).


SchedCAT in turn requires:

Any recent versions of these libraries should work.

Step-by-Step Instructions

There are two steps:

  1. Get and compile SchedCAT, a library for Python 2.7, and
  2. make sure that import schedcat works.

At the time of writing, Python 3 is not yet supported.

Clone and Compile SchedCAT

First, clone the SchedCAT repository. In the following, we use ~/my-projects as a placeholder for some work directory.

cd ~/my-projects
git clone

Next, compile the project. On Linux, with all dependencies installed, this should work out of the box.

cd schedcat

(Tested on Debian Linux 8.7.)

Note: SchedCAT is required only for and not for, nor at runtime to actually execute the generated workloads.

Making the schedcat Module Available

We need to make sure that Python can successfully import the schedcat module. This can be accomplished either by setting the PYTHONPATH environment variable or with a symbolic link. We use the latter approach since it is stable across shell sessions.

Clone the LITMUS^RT Random Workload Generator repository (i.e., this repository) into ~/my-projects/workload-generator/.

cd ~/my-projects
git clone

Assuming the schedcat repository has been cloned to ~/my-projects/schedcat, we are going to create a symbolic link from ~/my-projects/workload generator/schedcat to ~/my-projects/schedcat/schedcat (note that the target is the schedcat directory inside the checkout of SchedCAT repository).

cd workload-generator
ln -S ~/my-projects/workload generator/schedcat

At this point, both and should work.


Patches and improvements welcome. Please fork and create a pull request. If you have questions, comments, suggestions, and for general discussion, please contact the LITMUS^RT mailing list.


(c) 2017 B. Brandenburg. Released under the BSD license.