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Global configuration data format

Kevin" Seung Whan Chung edited this page Feb 12, 2024 · 25 revisions

scaleupROM exploits "attribute" feature of MFEM mesh format.

SubMesh topology handler

If the global mesh file is provided, MFEM's SubMesh supports splitting the global mesh into smaller child meshes, based on its domain attributes. As long as the mesh file specifies the attributes for all elements, no more information is needed for the global configuration.

Component topology handler

For component topology handler, only reference components are provided with MFEM meshes. Domain attributes in mesh files are not used. Global configuration and connection of the reference components are specified using the boundary attributes of the reference meshes.

Global configuration hdf5 data structure

The global configuration data is stored in HDF5 format. The hierarchy of the data structure is:

|- GROUP "components"
   |- ATTRIBUTE "number_of_components": # integer, number of components
   |- ATTRIBUTE "0": # string, the name of 0-th component