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+sidebar_position: 4
+# Authorization
+It is typical to implement some form of authorization to restrict access to admin functions to users with
+administrative privileges.
+LmcAdmin does not prescribe a specific authorization framework.
+However, LmcAdmin can enable authorization via [LmcRbacMvc](https://lm-commons.github.io/LmcRbac).
+## Authorization using LmcRbacMvc
+Configuration for LmcRbacMvc module is provided to easily configure LmcAdmin.
+Authorization enables you to restrict access to `/admin` and every other page under LmcAdmin.
+To enable access restriction with LmcRbacMvc, install the module and enable it in your application.
+There is a sample LmcRbacMvc configuration in the`config/lmcadmin.global.php.dist` file.
+Copy this file over to your `config/autoload` directory.
+It provides LmcRbacMvc configuration to restrict access to users for the `/admin` route.
+Only users in the "admin" group are allowed to access LmcAdmin pages.
+Uncomment the following lines:
+return [
+ /**
+ * Suggested LmcRbacMvc configuration for RBAC
+ */
+ 'lmc_rbac' => [
+ 'guards' => [
+ 'Lmc\Rbac\Mvc\Guard\RouteGuard' => [
+ 'lmcadmin*' => ['admin'],
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+Instructions for further configuration of LmcRbacMvc are provided in the LmcRbacMvc [documentation](https://lm-commons.github.io/LmcRbacMvc).
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+sidebar_position: 1
+# Getting Started
+LmcAdmin is a low-level module that helps Laminas MVC Framework developers to create an admin interface.
+The module allows to have a uniform layout, navigation structure and routing scheme.
+You can create controllers routed as a child of LmcAdmin, so you can easily change the (root) url, access control
+and other properties.
+The navigation is also flexible, to allow you having a structure built of pages in the admin interface with menus,
+breadcrumbs and other links.
+## Requirements
+- PHP 8.1 and later
+- Laminas MVC 3.0 or later
+## Installation
+Install the module:
+$ composer require lm-commons/lmc-admin
+You will be prompted by the laminas-component-installer plugin to inject LM-Commons\LmcAdmin.
+:::note[Manual installation:]
+Enable the module by adding `Lmc\Admin` key to your `application.config.php` or `modules.config.php` file for Laminas MVC
+Customize the module by copy-pasting
+the `config/lmcadmin.global.php.dist` file to your `config/autoload` folder.
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+sidebar_position: 3
+# Navigation
+LmcAdmin provides a dedicated navigation structure for the admin interface.
+By default, LmcAdmin initiates a [Bootstrap](https://getbootstrap.com) layout on top the main admin navigation.
+These admin buttons are customizable.
+## Add a page
+The admin structure requires at least a `label` for the navigation element and a `route` or `url` parameter for the link to be created. The `route` will use the `url()` view helper to construct a link. It is recommended to use [routes](Routes) in your child pages of LmcAdmin and therefore it is straightforward to use the `route` parameter in the navigation configuration.
+In the following example, there is a navigation element called "Users" and points to `lmcadmin/users` as a route.
+This page is configured as follows:
+'navigation' => [
+ 'admin' => [
+ 'my-module' => [
+ 'label' => 'Users',
+ 'route' => 'lmcadmin/users',
+ ],
+ ],
+The navigation in LmcAdmin uses `Laminas\Navigation` and more information about the configuration of this component is
+located in the [Laminas Navigation](https://docs.laminas.dev/laminas-navigation/) reference guide.
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+sidebar_position: 2
+# Routes
+LmcAdmin defines a single route named `lmcadmin`, which is a `Laminas\Router\Http\Literal` route and mapped to the url `/admin`.
+You can create child routes under `lmcadmin` so you can enable urls like `/admin/users` or `/admin/roles/permissions`.
+## Add child route
+To register a route as child route, the following example takes the option you name the route `users`.
+The complete path should look like `/admin/users`, so `users` is a literal route with the route value `/users`.
+Say you want this route to connect to the `MyAdminModule\Controller\UsersController` controller and the `index` action,
+create this config in your `module.config.php`:
+'router' => [
+ 'routes' => [
+ 'lmcadmin' => [
+ 'child_routes' => [
+ 'users' => [
+ 'type' => Laminas\Router\Http\Literal::class,
+ 'options' => [
+ 'route' => '/users',
+ 'defaults' => [
+ 'controller' => MyAdminModule\Controller\UsersController::class,
+ 'action' => 'index',
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+## Change the `/admin` url
+If you want your admin interface at `/backend` or something else, you must override the value of the route. In the
+following config, the `/admin` route value is replaced with `/backend`. Make sure this is enabled in a config where the
+module is registered ***after*** LmcAdmin (otherwise, the config will not overwrite LmcAdmin's configuration):
+'router' => [
+ 'routes' => [
+ 'lmcadmin' => [
+ 'options' => [
+ 'route' => '/backend',
+ ],
+ ],
+## Change the controller behind `/admin`
+By default, the `/admin` url links to the `LmcAdmin\Controller\AdminController` controller.
+`LmcAdmin\Controller\AdminController` is an simple action that only returns a simple view script.
+If you want, for example, to create a dashboard on the admin index page, you probably need to point the route to
+another controller.
+In the following config, the `lmcadmin` route's controller is replaced with `MyAdminModule/Controller/AdminController`
+and the action is set to `dashboard`.
+Make sure this is enabled in a config where the module is registered ***later*** LmcAdmin (otherwise, the config will
+not overwrite LmcAdmin's configuration):
+'router' => [
+ 'routes' => [
+ 'lmcadmin' => [
+ 'options' => [
+ 'defaults' => [
+ 'controller' => MyModule\Controller\AdminController::class,
+ 'action' => 'dashboard',
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
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+sidebar_label: From v1 to v2
+# Upgrading from v1 to v2
+LmcAdmin v2 is a major version upgrade with many breaking changes that prevent
+straightforward upgrading.
+### Namespace change
+The namespace has been changed from LmcAdmin to Lmc\Admin.
+Please review your code to replace references to the `LmcAdmin` namespace
+by the `Lmc\Admin` namespace.
+### Default layout template name
+The default layout template has been changed from `layout/admin` to `layout/lmcadmin`.
+### Configuration key
+The configuration key for LmcAdmin was changed from `lmcadmin` to `lmc_admin`.
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+sidebar_position: 5
+title: Views & Layouts
+# View and layout templates
+LmcAdmin includes an admin layout template and an index view template, such that LmcAdmin works out of the box. These view templates are fully
+customizable, you can turn them off or render other templates.
+All options are listed below.
+## Use the applications's default layout template
+You can disable LmcAdmin from using its own layout via configuration and the application's default layout
+will be used.
+The routing and navigation still works, but the application's default layout template will be used.
+You can modify the configuration to disable the usage of LmcAdmin layout.
+In `config/autoload/lmcadmin.global.php`:
+return [
+ 'lmc_admin' => [
+ 'use_admin_layout' => false
+ ],
+## Override the LmcAdmin layout template
+You can provide your own admin layout template.
+First create a layout view template in your application and define the View Manager template map to list
+your custom layout template. Then modify the LmcAdmin configuration to define the layout that LmcAdmin will use:
+In `config/autoload/lmcadmin.global.php`:
+return [
+ 'lmc_admin' => [
+ 'admin_layout_template' => 'myapp/myadminlayout',
+ ],
+And in your module config:
+return [
+ 'view_manager' => [
+ 'template_map' => [
+ 'myapp/myadminlayout' => '/path/to/your/layout/template'
+ ],
+ ],
+## Override the view template for the `AdminController` index action
+You can also define the template rendered when you visit `/admin` which defaults to `AdminController::indexAction()`
+`AdminController::indexAction()` will return a View Model using the template `lmc-admin/admin/index`.
+Therefore, you can override the template via the View Manager template map.
+In your module config:
+return [
+ 'view_manager' => [
+ 'template_map' => [
+ 'lmc-admin/admin/index' => '/path/to/your/template'
+ ],
+ ],
+Make sure your module is registered in the `modules.config.php` ***after*** `LmcAdmin` to override LmcAdmin configuration.
+## Disable layout
+If you need a page within an admin controller where only the view template is rendered,
+you can disable the layout.
+Layout disabling works just like any other page outside LmcAdmin where you disable the layout.
+To accomplish this, you must set the view model to 'terminal' in your controller:
+class MyAdminController extends AbstractActionController
+ {
+ public function someAction()
+ {
+ $model = new ViewModel;
+ $model->setTerminal(true);
+ return $model;
+ }
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+ "documentationSidebar": [
+ {
+ "type": "autogenerated",
+ "dirName": "."
+ }
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+ "2.0",