+ class="chat-element dark @(ViewModel.ConversationListViewModel.CurrentConversation is { IsEmpty: true } ? "centered-container" : "top-align-container")">
@if (ViewModel?.ConversationListViewModel.CurrentConversation != null)
if (ViewModel.ConversationListViewModel.CurrentConversation.IsEmpty)
Hello, human.
- It is likely that similar software programs are now assuming professional tasks that
- were
- previously your responsibility.
- Developers and other software programs are working to enhance my
- ability to assist you in the process of making sense about this, or to generate witty
- jokes
- involving robots and humans.
- Press Enter to send a new message
- Hold Shift + Enter to insert a new line
Hello, human.
+ It is likely that similar software programs are now assuming professional tasks that
+ were
+ previously your responsibility.
+ Developers and other software programs are working to enhance my
+ ability to assist you in the process of making sense about this, or to generate witty
+ jokes
+ involving robots and humans.
+ Press Enter to send a new message
+ Hold Shift + Enter to insert a new line
@foreach (var message in ViewModel.ConversationListViewModel.CurrentConversation.Messages)