Calculates the sum of pairs of pixels x and y of two images X and Y.
f(x, y) = x + y
summand1 : Image The first input image to added. summand2 : Image The second image to be added. destination : Image The output image where results are written into.
Category: Math
- thresholdHuang (2)
Ext.CLIJ2_addImages(Image summand1, Image summand2, Image destination);
// init CLIJ and GPU import net.haesleinhuepf.clij2.CLIJ2; import net.haesleinhuepf.clij.clearcl.ClearCLBuffer; CLIJ2 clij2 = CLIJ2.getInstance();// get input parameters ClearCLBuffer summand1 = clij2.push(summand1ImagePlus); ClearCLBuffer summand2 = clij2.push(summand2ImagePlus); destination = clij2.create(summand1);
// Execute operation on GPU clij2.addImages(summand1, summand2, destination);
// show result destinationImagePlus = clij2.pull(destination);; // cleanup memory on GPU clij2.release(summand1); clij2.release(summand2); clij2.release(destination);
% init CLIJ and GPU clij2 = init_clatlab();% get input parameters summand1 = clij2.pushMat(summand1_matrix); summand2 = clij2.pushMat(summand2_matrix); destination = clij2.create(summand1);
% Execute operation on GPU clij2.addImages(summand1, summand2, destination);
% show result destination = clij2.pullMat(destination) % cleanup memory on GPU clij2.release(summand1); clij2.release(summand2); clij2.release(destination);
Icy JavaScript
// init CLIJ and GPU importClass(net.haesleinhuepf.clicy.CLICY); importClass(Packages.icy.main.Icy);clij2 = CLICY.getInstance();
// get input parameters summand1_sequence = getSequence(); summand1 = clij2.pushSequence(summand1_sequence); summand2_sequence = getSequence(); summand2 = clij2.pushSequence(summand2_sequence); destination = clij2.create(summand1);
// Execute operation on GPU clij2.addImages(summand1, summand2, destination);
// show result destination_sequence = clij2.pullSequence(destination) Icy.addSequence(destination_sequence); // cleanup memory on GPU clij2.release(summand1); clij2.release(summand2); clij2.release(destination);