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How can I contribute to the code?

Axel edited this page Oct 22, 2024 · 4 revisions

Contributions - General guidelines

This briefly aims to explain the general procedure to update the main branch of behavior_control. For this, the best is to discuss in person any changes.

In the following cases:

  • the code requires a bugfix
  • the code requires an update (e.g. from MATLAB)
  • a new feature is needed (e.g. new stimulus type) that the current code cannot support

Then you may want to write some code and add it the base code. For this:

  1. Discuss the proposed changes with other lab members / maybe create an issue
  2. Create a separate branch of behavior_control
  3. Implement the changes
  4. Test the changes thoroughly:
    • Simulate mouse behaviour and different GUI settings
    • Sinulate in different task settings to see if normal behaviour control is not disrupted in other tasks than your own
    • Check that the output files are correctly made and saved and that the required content is there
  1. Make a pull request and asks lab members to review it