- Basics
- Getting Started
- Visualization
- Processing Single Visits
- Source Detection
- Image Coaddition
- Sky background estimation
- PSF estimation
- Object deblending
- Source/Object measurement
- Astrometric calibration
- Photometric calibration
- Difference Image Analysis
- Data Validation
In this Session we will provide a first glimpse at how to access LSST data on the LSST Science Platform (LSP), introducing the Butler and touring the basic image and catalog data structures.
- Getting started on the LSP
- Accessing LSST data with the Butler
- A Guided tour of a calexp object
- A Guided tour of an afwtable object
- The datasets available on the LSP
Stack Club Resources:
- Calexp_guided_tour.ipynb
- afw_table_guided_tour.ipynb (Under construction: PR#116)
- Exploring_A_Data_Repo.ipynb (Under construction: PR#128)
- DataInventory.ipynb (Under construction: PR#128)
Other References:
In this Session we will give some introduction to the Stack Club tutorials and GitHub workflow, provide a template for your first tutorial notebook, and show you how to find documentation about the LSST science pipelines.
- Getting started with the Stack Club
- Github Basics
- Creating your First Notebook
- Finding documentation
Stack Club Resources:
Other References:
We will explore LSST data visualization in a bit more detail. This session will start out from where we left off in the data access tutorials, but will take a deeper dive into some more powerful resources built into the LSST Stack.
- Image visualization tools: AFW display, Firefly
- RGB cutouts (Tutorial needed: #129)
- Image, mask, catalog visualization: Firefly
- Interactive catalog visualizatio: Bokeh, HoloViews, DataShader
- Survey visualization (tracts and patches, on the sky)
Stack Club Resources:
- AFW_Display_Demo.ipynb
- bokeh_holoviews_datashader.ipynb (Under construction: PR#103)
- Exploring_A_Data_Repo.ipynb (Under construction: PR#128)
Other Resources:
- SQRE team: Firefly.ipynb
- DESC: dm_butler_postage_stamps.ipynb
- Detrending, calibration, instrument signature removal
- lsst_apps package
- Overscan, flat-fielding, bias
- ISR (including mask bits)
Stack Club Resources:
- Re-RunHSC.ipynb (Under construction: PR#86)
- PipelineProcessingAPI.ipynb (Under construction: PR#93)
- BrighterFatterCorrection.ipynb
Other Resources:
- Source detection (visit images, coadd images), Footprints (and Heavy Footprints) (Tutorial needed: #131)
- Using Stack tools to go beyond the standard pipeline, eg to find low surface brightness galaxies
Stack Club Resources:
- afw_table_guided_tour.ipynb (Under construction: PR#116)
- LowSurfaceBrightness.ipynb
Other Resources:
- DM team: "Getting started tutorial part 2: calibrating single frames with"
- DM team: "Getting started tutorial part 5: measuring sources"
- Robert Lupton's demos: Greco LSB.ipynb
- Remapping
- PSF homogenization
- Masking
- Template generation for DIA
Stack Club Resources:
- DIA_How_To_Generate_a_Template_Image.ipynb (in progress)
Other Resources
- The sky background problem
- How is sky background derived?
- Validating the sky background
Stack Club Resources:
- None
Other Resources:
- Where does the PSF come from?
- How is the PSF estimated?
- Diffraction spikes
- How do we visualize the psf
Stack Club Resources:
- Image_quality_demo.ipynb
- PSF and shears?
Other Resources:
- Deblending with the SDSS deblender
- Deblending with Scarlet
Stack Club Resources:
Other Resources:
- Robert Lupton's demos: Deblender.ipynb
- Photometry
- Aperture magnitudes
- PSF magnitudes
- Model magnitudes
- Shapes
- Light curves
Stack Club Resources:
- None
Other Resources:
- Internal astrometry
- External astrometry
Stack Club Resources
- None
Other Resources:
- None
- Photometric standards
- Relative photometry
- Absolute photometry
- SLR and other validation techniques
- Galactic Extinction and other bugaboos
Stack Club Resources
- None
Other Resources:
Stack Club Resources:
- DIA Notebooks (to be developed)
Other Resources
- Twinkles and DC2 cookbooks?
- Ask Eric Bellm for leads?
- Available packages: validate_drp, pipeline_analysis
- Example analysis of various measurements, comparing to external surveys or simulation truth.
Stack Club Resources:
Other Resources:
- None