Releases: LUMC/hutspot
Releases · LUMC/hutspot
Version 1.2.0
Changes in this release:
- Singularity container support for all rules. In fact, singularity is now the preferred method of executing the pipeline. This allows much better isolation of run environments.
- Versions of tools are the same as in the (now legacy) conda environments, bar one: fastqc. When using singularity, fastqc uses version 0.11.7, as opposed to version 0.11.5 when using conda. The differences are minor, with the largest difference being that the per-tile statistics for Novaseq runs only work on 0.11.7.
- Gather steps now use bcftools in stead of GATK's CatVariants. This is considerably faster, and less memory-intensive.
Version 1.1.1
Changed in this version:
- Set memory limits on markduplicates step, which fixes a memory error for WGS runs of >1.5B reads per sample
- Remove build numbers from conda environment files, as those get retired.
- Fixes conda environment files containing matplotlib
- Per-exon coverage metrics will have slightly lower
values, as vtools now calculates mean gq over the raw P-values.
Version 1.1.0
Changed in this version:
- Added testing through pytest-workflow and gitlab-ci
- Remove superfluous --OUTPUT_DIR configuration value.
- Remove superfluous --JAVA_EXE configuration value
- Fixed an issue where seqtk rule created dangling softlinks.
- Bump required snakemake version to at least 5.2.0