getidentity() -> returns 1
Get the current script identity
// ModScript is default
// recommend GameScript for advanced scripters (Found in corescripts)
enum ScriptContextLevel {
SCL_ModScript, // Access to highest level of all documentation
SCL_GameScript, // Rewritten/converted gamescripts (For example UI scripts) low level access to all classes
SCL_Corescript, // Access to lua environment functions (Unstable so try not modify these as much as possible as these are more of the backend of the lua states
SCL_Experimental // inherits all context levels aswell as the ability to change what level an environment has access to
hookfunction(detour, original) -> returns 1
local __o__Print -- original print function
__o__Print = hookfunction(function(txt)
local __o__Print("Modified '" .. txt .. "'")
end, Print)
Allows you to detour functions aswell as get the original like a minhook library would
wait(seconds) -> returns 0
wait(1) -- wait one second then print world
Wait X amount of seconds
KeyHeld(keyid) -> returns 1
local w = KeyHeld(87) ; a = KeyHeld(65)
; s = KeyHeld(83) ; d = KeyHeld(68)
if not w and not a and not s and not d then
-- code for not moving
Returns the current stored keymap state of keyid key
Print(str) -> returns 0
Print("Hello " .. " World!")
Log string both to debug stream and log file or ease of debugging
getfenv() -> returns 1
Get the environment of a function
getgenv() -> returns 1
Get the environment that will be applied to each script ran by light api
getreg() -> returns 1
Get the lua registry
keypress(keyid) -> returns 0
keyrelease(87) -- hold w for 1 second
Simulate a keypress -
keyrelease(keyid) -> returns 0
Simulate a keyrelease -
GetHttp(str) -> returns 1
local txt = GetHttp("")
Print(txt) -- > Prints Example Text
Get URL data