diff --git a/packages/ua-utils-evm/.eslintignore b/packages/ua-utils-evm/.eslintignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..db4c6d9b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/ua-utils-evm/.eslintignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/ua-utils-evm/.mocharc.json b/packages/ua-utils-evm/.mocharc.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d4ee538e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/ua-utils-evm/.mocharc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "extensions": ["ts"],
+ "spec": ["**/*.test.*"],
+ "loader": "ts-node/esm"
diff --git a/packages/ua-utils-evm/.prettierignore b/packages/ua-utils-evm/.prettierignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..763301fc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/ua-utils-evm/.prettierignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/ua-utils-evm/README.md b/packages/ua-utils-evm/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..309a5701f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/ua-utils-evm/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+## Installation
+yarn add @layerzerolabs/ua-utils-evm
+pnpm add @layerzerolabs/ua-utils-evm
+npm install @layerzerolabs/ua-utils-evm
diff --git a/packages/ua-utils-evm/package.json b/packages/ua-utils-evm/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e70596212
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/ua-utils-evm/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ "name": "@layerzerolabs/ua-utils-evm",
+ "description": "Utilities for working with LayerZero EVM projects",
+ "version": "0.0.1",
+ "license": "MIT",
+ "private": true,
+ "main": "./dist/index.js",
+ "types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
+ "module": "./dist/index.mjs",
+ "exports": {
+ "types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
+ "require": "./dist/index.js",
+ "import": "./dist/index.mjs"
+ },
+ "files": [
+ "./dist/index.*"
+ ],
+ "scripts": {
+ "build": "npx tsup",
+ "clean": "rm -rf dist",
+ "dev": "npx tsup --watch",
+ "lint": "npx eslint '**/*.{js,ts,json}'",
+ "prebuild": "npx tsc --noEmit -p tsconfig.build.json",
+ "test": "mocha --parallel"
+ },
+ "repository": {
+ "type": "git",
+ "url": "git+https://github.com/LayerZero-Labs/lz-utils.git",
+ "directory": "packages/ua-utils-evm"
+ },
+ "devDependencies": {
+ "@ethersproject/contracts": "5.7.0",
+ "@layerzerolabs/lz-definitions": "~1.5.58",
+ "@layerzerolabs/ua-utils": "~0.1.0",
+ "@types/mocha": "^10.0.1",
+ "@types/sinon": "^17.0.2",
+ "chai": "^4.3.10",
+ "mocha": "^10.2.0",
+ "sinon": "^17.0.1",
+ "ts-node": "^10.9.1",
+ "tsup": "~7.2.0",
+ "typescript": "^5.2.2"
+ },
+ "peerDependencies": {
+ "@ethersproject/contracts": "5.7.0",
+ "@layerzerolabs/lz-definitions": "~1.5.58",
+ "@layerzerolabs/ua-utils": "~0.1.0"
+ }
diff --git a/packages/ua-utils-evm/src/index.ts b/packages/ua-utils-evm/src/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9e4b10a93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/ua-utils-evm/src/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+export * from "./oapp"
diff --git a/packages/ua-utils-evm/src/oapp.ts b/packages/ua-utils-evm/src/oapp.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c424baf6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/ua-utils-evm/src/oapp.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+import { Contract } from "@ethersproject/contracts"
+import { GetPropertyValue, createProperty } from "@layerzerolabs/ua-utils"
+import { EndpointId } from "@layerzerolabs/lz-definitions"
+type SetPeerConfigurableContext = [oapp: Contract, endpointId: EndpointId]
+type SetPeerConfigurableValue = string
+export const createSetPeerProperty = (desired: GetPropertyValue) =>
+ createProperty({
+ desired,
+ get: (oapp, endpointId) => oapp.peers(endpointId),
+ set: (oapp, endpointId, peer) => oapp.setPeer(endpointId, peer),
+ })
diff --git a/packages/ua-utils-evm/test/oapp.test.ts b/packages/ua-utils-evm/test/oapp.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8fc3e4d94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/ua-utils-evm/test/oapp.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import { Contract } from "@ethersproject/contracts"
+import { EndpointId } from "@layerzerolabs/lz-definitions"
+import { expect } from "chai"
+import { describe } from "mocha"
+import sinon from "sinon"
+import { createSetPeerProperty } from "../src/oapp"
+import { isMisconfigured } from "@layerzerolabs/ua-utils"
+describe("oapp", () => {
+ describe("createSetPeerProperty", () => {
+ it("should check peers and return Misconfigured if they don't match", async () => {
+ const peers = sinon.stub().resolves("peer-not-set")
+ const setPeer = sinon.stub().resolves("okay")
+ const oapp = { peers, setPeer } as unknown as Contract
+ const desired = (oapp: Contract, endpointId: EndpointId) => `peer-on-${endpointId}`
+ const configurable = createSetPeerProperty(desired)
+ const state = await configurable(oapp, EndpointId.AAVEGOTCHI_TESTNET)
+ expect(isMisconfigured(state)).to.be.true
+ expect(state.value).to.eql("peer-not-set")
+ expect(state.desiredValue).to.eql(`peer-on-${EndpointId.AAVEGOTCHI_TESTNET}`)
+ const result = await state.configure?.()
+ expect(result).to.eql("okay")
+ expect(setPeer.calledOnceWith(EndpointId.AAVEGOTCHI_TESTNET, `peer-on-${EndpointId.AAVEGOTCHI_TESTNET}`)).to.be.true
+ })
+ })
diff --git a/packages/ua-utils-evm/tsconfig.build.json b/packages/ua-utils-evm/tsconfig.build.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1e8f7493d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/ua-utils-evm/tsconfig.build.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "extends": "./tsconfig.json",
+ "exclude": ["node_modules", "dist", "test"]
diff --git a/packages/ua-utils-evm/tsconfig.json b/packages/ua-utils-evm/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..084db5958
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/ua-utils-evm/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "extends": "../../tsconfig.json",
+ "exclude": ["dist", "node_modules"],
+ "include": ["src", "test", "*.config.ts"],
+ "compilerOptions": {
+ "module": "commonjs",
+ "types": ["node", "mocha"]
+ }
diff --git a/packages/ua-utils-evm/tsup.config.ts b/packages/ua-utils-evm/tsup.config.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..16d909226
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/ua-utils-evm/tsup.config.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import { defineConfig } from "tsup"
+export default defineConfig({
+ entry: ["src/index.ts"],
+ outDir: "./dist",
+ clean: true,
+ dts: true,
+ sourcemap: true,
+ splitting: false,
+ treeshake: true,
+ format: ["esm", "cjs"],
diff --git a/packages/ua-utils/.eslintignore b/packages/ua-utils/.eslintignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..db4c6d9b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/ua-utils/.eslintignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/ua-utils/.mocharc.json b/packages/ua-utils/.mocharc.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d4ee538e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/ua-utils/.mocharc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "extensions": ["ts"],
+ "spec": ["**/*.test.*"],
+ "loader": "ts-node/esm"
diff --git a/packages/ua-utils/.prettierignore b/packages/ua-utils/.prettierignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..763301fc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/ua-utils/.prettierignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/ua-utils/README.md b/packages/ua-utils/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..51f38cdfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/ua-utils/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+## Installation
+yarn add @layerzerolabs/ua-utils
+pnpm add @layerzerolabs/ua-utils
+npm install @layerzerolabs/ua-utils
+## Usage
+### `createProperty`
+Creates a `Property` object - an abstract wrapper around a getter and setter of a (typically contract) property.
+`Property` objects can be evaluated - this evaluation results in a `PropertyState` object which comes in two varieties:
+- `Configured` object represents a property whose desired value matches the current, actual value
+- `Misconfigured` object represents a property whose desired value does not match the current value. It can be further executed using its `configure` method to set the desired property value
+import type { Contract } from "@etherspropject/contracts"
+import { createProperty, isMisconfigured } from "@layerzerolabs/ua-utils"
+// In this example we'll creating a property that is executed within a context of a contract
+// What this means is that the property requires a contract to be evaluated. This context
+// is then passed to the getter, setter and the desired value getter
+const myContractProperty = createProperty({
+ get: (contract: Contract) => contract.getFavouriteAddress(),
+ set: (contract: Contract, favouriteAddress: string) => contract.setFavouriteAddress(favouriteAddress),
+ desired: (contract: Contract) => "0x00000000219ab540356cbb839cbe05303d7705fa",
+// Let's pretend we have a contract at hand
+declare const myContract: Contract
+// We'll evaluate this property by passing myContract in. This contract will then be passed
+// to the getter, setter and desired value getter
+// The result of this evaluation is a PropertyState object
+const state = await myContractProperty(myContract)
+// This package comes with two type narrowing utilities for working with PropertyState objects:
+// - isConfigured
+// - isMisconfigured
+// Using these we can discern between the two varieties of PropertyState
+if (isMisconfigured(state)) {
+ await state.configure()
+In the example above we used a simple `Contract` object as our context. We can use arbitrary context as the following example shows:
+import { createProperty, isMisconfigured } from "@layerzerolabs/ua-utils"
+const myContractPropertyWithParams = createProperty({
+ get: (contract: Contract, when: number, where: string) => contract.getFavouriteAddress(when, where),
+ set: (contract: Contract, when: number, where: string, favouriteAddress: string) =>
+ contract.setFavouriteAddress(when, where, favouriteAddress),
+ desired: (contract: Contract, when: number, where: string) => "0x00000000219ab540356cbb839cbe05303d7705fa",
+// We'll again pretend we have a contract at hand
+declare const myContract: Contract
+const when = Date.now()
+const where = "Antractica"
+// We'll evaluate this property by passing the required context in - in this case
+// the context consists of a contract, a numeric value and a string value
+// The result of this evaluation is a PropertyState object
+const state = await myContractPropertyWithParams(myContract, when, where)
+// The execution goes just like before
+if (isMisconfigured(state)) {
+ await state.configure()
+The `createProperty` is completely abstract though and does not require us to get a single contract property or set it directly. in the following, completely made-up example we'll get multiple properties at once and instead of setting them, we'll just populate the transactions for further executions:
+import { createProperty, isMisconfigured } from "@layerzerolabs/ua-utils"
+const myContractPropertyWithParams = createProperty({
+ get: (contract: Contract) => Promise.all([contract.getA(), contract.getB()]),
+ set: (contract: Contract, [a, b, c]) => [
+ contract.pupulateTransaction.setA(a),
+ contract.pupulateTransaction.setB(b),
+ contract.pupulateTransaction.setC(c),
+ ],
+ desired: (contract: Contract) => [7, 11, 17],
+// We'll again pretend we have a contract at hand
+declare const myContract: Contract
+// We'll evaluate this property by passing the required context in - in this case
+// the context consists of a contract, a numeric value and a string value
+// The result of this evaluation is a PropertyState object
+const state = await myContractPropertyWithParams(myContract, when, where)
+// The execution goes just like before
+if (isMisconfigured(state)) {
+ const transactions = await state.configure()
+ // We now have a list of populated transactions to execute
+### `isConfigured`
+Helper type assertion utility that narrows down the `PropertyState` type to `Configured`:
+import { PropertyState, isConfigured } from "@layerzerolabs/ua-utils"
+declare const state: PropertyState
+if (isConfigured(state)) {
+ // state is now Configured, no action is needed as the property is in its desired state
+### `isMisconfigured`
+Helper type assertion utility that narrows down the `PropertyState` type to `Misconfigured`:
+import { PropertyState, isMisconfigured } from "@layerzerolabs/ua-utils"
+declare const state: PropertyState
+if (isMisconfigured(state)) {
+ // state is now Misconfigured, we can e.g. call .configure
diff --git a/packages/ua-utils/package.json b/packages/ua-utils/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..859afb4c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/ua-utils/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ "name": "@layerzerolabs/ua-utils",
+ "description": "Utilities for working with LayerZero projects",
+ "version": "0.1.0",
+ "license": "MIT",
+ "private": true,
+ "main": "./dist/index.js",
+ "types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
+ "module": "./dist/index.mjs",
+ "exports": {
+ "types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
+ "require": "./dist/index.js",
+ "import": "./dist/index.mjs"
+ },
+ "files": [
+ "./dist/index.*"
+ ],
+ "scripts": {
+ "build": "npx tsup",
+ "clean": "rm -rf dist",
+ "dev": "npx tsup --watch",
+ "lint": "npx eslint '**/*.{js,ts,json}'",
+ "prebuild": "npx tsc --noEmit -p tsconfig.build.json",
+ "test": "mocha --parallel"
+ },
+ "repository": {
+ "type": "git",
+ "url": "git+https://github.com/LayerZero-Labs/lz-utils.git",
+ "directory": "packages/ua-utils"
+ },
+ "devDependencies": {
+ "@types/mocha": "^10.0.1",
+ "@types/sinon": "^17.0.2",
+ "chai": "^4.3.10",
+ "mocha": "^10.2.0",
+ "sinon": "^17.0.1",
+ "ts-node": "^10.9.1",
+ "tsup": "~7.2.0",
+ "typescript": "^5.2.2"
+ }
diff --git a/packages/ua-utils/src/index.ts b/packages/ua-utils/src/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..611bab50c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/ua-utils/src/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+export * from "./property"
diff --git a/packages/ua-utils/src/property.ts b/packages/ua-utils/src/property.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c08c735cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/ua-utils/src/property.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+import assert from "assert"
+ * The central concept of this module - a structure that can be evaluated into a `PropertyState`
+ *
+ * `Property` has three basic functions:
+ *
+ * - Property getter that gets the current value of the property
+ * - Property setter that sets value of the property
+ * - Property desired value getter that grabs the value this property should be set to
+ */
+export type Property = (
+ ...context: TContext
+) => Promise>
+ * Type encapsulating two states of a configurable property: `Configured` and `Misconfigured`
+ *
+ * Property property is understood as anything that has a getter and setter
+ * and its value needs to match a desired value (coming from some sort of a configuration).
+ */
+export type PropertyState =
+ | Configured
+ | Misconfigured
+ * Interface for configured state of a configurable property.
+ *
+ * In configured state, the current value of the property matches its desired state
+ * and no action is necessary.
+ */
+export interface Configured {
+ context: TContext
+ value: TValue
+ desiredValue?: never
+ configure?: never
+ * Interface for misconfigured state of a configurable property.
+ *
+ * In misconfigured state, the current value of the property does not match its desired state
+ * and an action needs to be taken to synchronize these two.
+ */
+export interface Misconfigured {
+ context: TContext
+ value: TValue
+ desiredValue: TValue
+ configure: () => TResult | Promise
+export type GetPropertyValue = (...context: TContext) => TValue | Promise
+export type SetPropertyValue = (
+ ...params: [...TContext, TValue]
+) => TResult | Promise
+export interface PropertyOptions {
+ desired: GetPropertyValue
+ get: GetPropertyValue
+ set: SetPropertyValue
+ * Property factory, the central functional piece of this module.
+ *
+ * @param `PropertyOptions`
+ *
+ * @returns `Property`
+ */
+export const createProperty =
+ ({
+ get,
+ set,
+ desired,
+ }: PropertyOptions): Property =>
+ async (...context) => {
+ // First we grab the current & desired states of the property
+ const [value, desiredValue] = await Promise.all([get(...context), desired(...context)])
+ // Now we compare the current & desired states using value equality (i.e. values
+ // with the same shape will be considered equal)
+ //
+ // We'll use the native deep equality function that throws an AssertionError
+ // when things don't match so we need to try/catch and understand the catch branch
+ // as inequality
+ try {
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(value, desiredValue)
+ // The values matched, we return a Configured
+ return { context, value }
+ } catch {
+ // The values did not match, we'll return a Misconfigured
+ return { context, value, desiredValue, configure: async () => set(...context, desiredValue) }
+ }
+ }
+ * Type assertion utility for narrowing the `PropertyState` type to `Misconfigured` type
+ *
+ * @param value `PropertyState`
+ * @returns `value is Misconfigured`
+ */
+export const isMisconfigured = (
+ value: PropertyState
+): value is Misconfigured => "configure" in value && "desiredValue" in value && typeof value.configure === "function"
+ * Type assertion utility for narrowing the `PropertyState` type to `Configured` type
+ *
+ * @param value `PropertyState`
+ * @returns `value is Configured`
+ */
+export const isConfigured = (
+ value: PropertyState
+): value is Configured => !isMisconfigured(value)
diff --git a/packages/ua-utils/test/property.test.ts b/packages/ua-utils/test/property.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c709002d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/ua-utils/test/property.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+import { expect } from "chai"
+import { describe } from "mocha"
+import sinon from "sinon"
+import { createProperty, isConfigured, isMisconfigured } from "../src/property"
+describe("property", () => {
+ describe("isMisconfigured", () => {
+ it("should return true if value is Misconfigured", () => {
+ expect(isMisconfigured({ context: [], value: false, desiredValue: true, configure: () => {} })).to.be.true
+ expect(isMisconfigured({ context: [], value: null, desiredValue: null, configure: () => {} })).to.be.true
+ expect(isMisconfigured({ context: [], value: 0, desiredValue: 0, configure: () => {} })).to.be.true
+ })
+ it("should return false if value is Configured", () => {
+ expect(isMisconfigured({ context: [], value: false })).to.be.false
+ expect(isMisconfigured({ context: [], value: true })).to.be.false
+ expect(isMisconfigured({ context: [], value: 1 })).to.be.false
+ })
+ })
+ describe("isConfigured", () => {
+ it("should return false if value is Configured", () => {
+ expect(isConfigured({ context: [], value: false, desiredValue: true, configure: () => {} })).to.be.false
+ expect(isConfigured({ context: [], value: null, desiredValue: null, configure: () => {} })).to.be.false
+ expect(isConfigured({ context: [], value: 0, desiredValue: 0, configure: () => {} })).to.be.false
+ })
+ it("should return true if value is Misconfigured", () => {
+ expect(isConfigured({ context: [], value: false })).to.be.true
+ expect(isConfigured({ context: [], value: true })).to.be.true
+ expect(isConfigured({ context: [], value: 1 })).to.be.true
+ })
+ })
+ describe("createProperty", () => {
+ it("should return Configured if the current and desired values match", async () => {
+ const currentValue = [1, "two", { three: true }]
+ const desiredValue = [1, "two", { three: true }]
+ const property = createProperty({
+ desired: async () => desiredValue,
+ get: () => currentValue,
+ set: () => {},
+ })
+ const state = await property()
+ expect(isMisconfigured(state)).to.be.false
+ expect(state.context).to.eql([])
+ })
+ it("should return Misconfigured if the current and desired don't match", async () => {
+ const currentValue = [1, "two", { three: true }]
+ const desiredValue = [1, "two", { three: false }]
+ const property = createProperty({
+ desired: async () => desiredValue,
+ get: () => currentValue,
+ set: () => {},
+ })
+ const state = await property()
+ expect(isMisconfigured(state)).to.be.true
+ expect(state.context).to.eql([])
+ })
+ it("should call the setter with desired value when executed", async () => {
+ const currentValue = [1, "two", { three: true }]
+ const desiredValue = [1, "two", { three: false }]
+ const set = sinon.spy()
+ const property = createProperty({
+ desired: () => desiredValue,
+ get: () => currentValue,
+ set,
+ })
+ const state = await property()
+ await state.configure?.()
+ expect(set.calledOnceWith(desiredValue)).to.be.true
+ expect(state.context).to.eql([])
+ })
+ it("should call the setter with context when executed", async () => {
+ const currentValue = [1, "two", { three: true }]
+ const desiredValue = [1, "two", { three: false }]
+ const set = sinon.spy()
+ const property = createProperty({
+ desired: (context: string) => desiredValue,
+ get: (context: string) => currentValue,
+ set,
+ })
+ const state = await property("context")
+ await state.configure?.()
+ expect(set.calledOnceWith("context", desiredValue)).to.be.true
+ expect(state.context).to.eql(["context"])
+ })
+ })
diff --git a/packages/ua-utils/tsconfig.build.json b/packages/ua-utils/tsconfig.build.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1e8f7493d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/ua-utils/tsconfig.build.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ "extends": "./tsconfig.json",
+ "exclude": ["node_modules", "dist", "test"]
diff --git a/packages/ua-utils/tsconfig.json b/packages/ua-utils/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..084db5958
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/ua-utils/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "extends": "../../tsconfig.json",
+ "exclude": ["dist", "node_modules"],
+ "include": ["src", "test", "*.config.ts"],
+ "compilerOptions": {
+ "module": "commonjs",
+ "types": ["node", "mocha"]
+ }
diff --git a/packages/ua-utils/tsup.config.ts b/packages/ua-utils/tsup.config.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..16d909226
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/ua-utils/tsup.config.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import { defineConfig } from "tsup"
+export default defineConfig({
+ entry: ["src/index.ts"],
+ outDir: "./dist",
+ clean: true,
+ dts: true,
+ sourcemap: true,
+ splitting: false,
+ treeshake: true,
+ format: ["esm", "cjs"],
diff --git a/yarn.lock b/yarn.lock
index aadb9bfcb..c77161157 100644
--- a/yarn.lock
+++ b/yarn.lock
@@ -1622,6 +1622,18 @@
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